Calculated metrics workflow

Learn about the steps to take for creating calculated metrics.

Workflow Task
Plan Calculated Metrics
Especially for metrics that are going to be officially “approved”, it makes sense to outline which calculated metrics will be widely used and how they will be defined.
Build Calculated Metrics
Build and edit calculated and advanced calculated metrics for use in Customer Journey Analytics components.
Tag Calculated Metrics
Tag calculated metrics for ease of organization and sharing. See how to plan and assign tags for simple and advanced searches and organization.
Approve Calculated Metrics
Approve calculated metrics to make them canonical.
Apply Calculated Metrics
You can apply metrics directly from a report, from the Metric Selector (to access it, click Show Metrics).
Filter Calculated Metrics
In the Metric Selector, click Advanced Selection and filter by tags, owners, and other filters (Show All, Mine, Shared With me, Favorites, and Approved.)
Mark Calculated Metrics as Favorites
Marking metrics as favorites is another way to organize them for ease of use.