如何使用AEM React Editable Components v2

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AEM提供AEM React Editable Components v2,這是Node.js式的SDK,可建立React元件,並支援使用AEM SPA編輯器編輯內容元件。

如需AEM React Editable Components v2的詳細資訊和程式碼範例,請檢閱技術檔案:


AEM React Editable Components可搭配SPA Editor或遠端SPA React應用程式運作。 填入可編輯React元件的內容必須透過延伸SPA頁面元件的AEM頁面公開。 對應到可編輯React元件的AEM元件必須實作AEM 元件匯出工具架構 — 例如AEM核心WCM元件


確認React應用程式在Node.js 14+上執行。

React應用程式使用AEM React Editable Components v2的最小相依性集合為: @adobe/aem-react-editable-components@adobe/aem-spa-component-mapping@adobe/aem-spa-page-model-manager

  • package.json
  "dependencies": {
    "@adobe/aem-react-editable-components": "^2.0.1",
    "@adobe/aem-spa-component-mapping": "^1.1.1",
    "@adobe/aem-spa-page-model-manager": "^1.4.4",
AEM React Core WCM Components BaseAEM React Core WCM Components SPA與AEM React Editable Components v2不相容。


將AEM React Editable Components與以SPA Editor為基礎的React應用程式搭配使用時,AEM ModelManager SDK會作為SDK:

  1. 從AEM擷取內容
  2. 以AEM內容填入React可食用元件

使用初始化的ModelManager包裝React應用程式,並轉譯React應用程式。 React應用程式應包含一個從@adobe/aem-react-editable-components匯出的<Page>元件執行個體。 <Page>元件具有根據AEM提供的.model.json動態建立React元件的邏輯。

  • src/index.js
import { Constants, ModelManager } from '@adobe/aem-spa-page-model-manager';
import { Page } from '@adobe/aem-react-editable-components';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  ModelManager.initialize().then(pageModel => {
    const history = createBrowserHistory();
      <Router history={history}>

透過ModelManager提供的pageModel,將<Page>傳遞為AEM頁面的JSON表示法。 <Page>元件會將resourceType與透過MapTo(..)向資源型別註冊的React元件比對,以動態方式建立pageModel中物件的React元件。


<Page>是透過ModelManager以JSON形式傳遞AEM頁面的表示法。 接著,<Page>元件會將JS物件的resourceType值與React元件比對,以動態建立JSON中每個物件的React元件,而該元件會透過元件的MapTo(..)引動過程將其本身註冊為資源型別。 例如,以下將用於例項化執行個體

  • HTTP GET /content/.../home.model.json
    ":items": {
        "example_123": {
                  "id": "example-a647cec03a",
                  "message": "Hello from an authored example component!",
                  ":type": "wknd-examples/components/example"


import React from "react";
import { EditableComponent, MapTo } from "@adobe/aem-react-editable-components";

 * The component's EditConfig is used by AEM's SPA Editor to determine if and how authoring placeholders should be displayed.
export const ExampleEditConfig = {
  emptyLabel: "Example component",

  isEmpty: function (props) => {
    return props?.message?.trim().length < 1;

 * Define a React component. The `props` passed into the component are derived form the
 * fields returned by AEM's JSON response for this component instance.
export const Example = (props) => {
  // Return null if the component is considered empty.
  // This is used to ensure an un-authored component does not break the experience outside the AEM SPA Editor
  if (ExampleEditConfig.isEmpty(props)) { return null; }

  // Render the component JSX.
  // The authored component content is available on the `props` object.
  return (<p className="example__message">{props.message}</p>);

 * Wrap the React component with <EditableComponent> to make it available for authoring in the AEM SPA Editor.
 * Provide the EditConfig the AEM SPA Editor uses to manage creation of authoring placeholders.
 * Provide the props that are automatically passed in via the parent component
const EditableExample = (props) => {
  return (
    <EditableComponent config={ExampleEditConfig} {...props}>
      {/* Pass the ...props through to the Example component, since this is what does the actual component rendering */}
      <Example {...props} />

 * Map the editable component to a resourceType and export it as default.
 * If this component is embedded in another editable component (as show below), make sure to
 * import the "non-editable" component instance for use in the embedding component.
export default MapTo("wknd-examples/components/example")(EditableExample);


可編輯的元件可重複使用並相互嵌入。 將一個可編輯元件內嵌於另一個元件時,有兩個主要考量事項:

  1. AEM內嵌元件的JSON內容必須包含滿足內嵌元件要求的內容。 方法是為AEM元件建立對話方塊,以收集必要資料。
  2. React元件的「不可編輯」執行個體必須內嵌,而非以<EditableComponent>包住的「可編輯」執行個體。 原因在於,如果內嵌元件具有<EditableComponent>包裝函式,SPA編輯器會嘗試使用編輯鉻黃(藍色暫留方塊)來裝飾內部元件,而非外部內嵌元件。
  • HTTP GET /content/.../home.model.json
    ":items": {
        "embedding_456": {
                  "id": "example-a647cec03a",
                  "message": "Hello from an authored example component!",
                  "title": "A title for an embedding component!",
                  ":type": "wknd-examples/components/embedding"


import React from "react";
import { EditableComponent, MapTo } from "@adobe/aem-react-editable-components";
// Import the "non-editable" (not wrapped with <EditableComponent>) instance of the component
import { Example } from "./Example.js";

export const EmbeddingEditConfig = {
  emptyLabel: "Embedding component",

  isEmpty: function (props) => {
    return props?.title?.trim().length < 1;

export const Embedding = (props) => {
  if (EmbeddingEditConfig.isEmpty(props)) { return null; }

  return (<div className="embedding">
            {/* Embed the other components. Pass through props they need. */}
            <Example message={props.message}/>
            <p className="embedding__title">{props.title}</p>

const EditableEmbedding = (props) => {
  return (
    <EditableComponent config={EmbeddingEditConfig} {...props}>
      {/* Pass the ...props through to the Embedding component */}
      <Embedding {...props} />

// Export as default the mapped EditableEmbedding
export default MapTo("wknd-examples/components/embedding")(EditableEmbedding);