憑據服務Java API快速入門(SOAP) credential-service-java-api-quickstart-soap

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Java API快速入門(SOAP)適用於憑證服務。

快速入門(SOAP模式):使用Java API匯入憑證

快速入門(SOAP模式):使用Java API刪除憑證

AEM Forms操作可使用AEM Forms強制類型API來執行,且連線模式應設為SOAP。

使用AEM表單進行程式設計中的快速入門是以部署在JBoss和Windows作業系統上的FormsServer為基礎。 但是,如果您使用其他作業系統(如Unix),請以適用作業系統支援的路徑取代Windows專用路徑。 同樣,如果您正在使用其他J2EE應用程式伺服器,請確保指定有效的連接屬性。 請參閱 設定連接屬性.

快速入門(SOAP模式):使用Java API匯入憑證 quick-start-soap-mode-importing-credentials-using-the-java-api

以下代碼示例根據名為的檔案導入憑據 cred.p12. 用於導入憑據的別名值為 Secure. (請參閱 使用信任管理器API導入憑據.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-truststore-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
     * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the forms server is not deployed
     * on JBoss)
     * 6. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9.  commons-collections-3.1.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 20. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 21. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * These JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * The adobe-utilities.jar file is located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
     * The jboss-client.jar file is located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * SOAP required JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * If you want to invoke a remote forms server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include these additional JAR files
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode, see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;
 import com.adobe.truststore.client.CredentialServiceClient;

 public class ImportCredentialSoap {

     public static void main(String[] args) {
            try {

          //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms using SOAP mode
              Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
              connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://[server]:[port]");
              connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
              connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
              connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create a CredentialServiceClient instance
             CredentialServiceClient certClient = new CredentialServiceClient(myFactory);

             //Reference a credential based on a P12 file
             FileInputStream myCred = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\cred.p12");
             Document credential = new Document(myCred);

             //Create a string array to store usage values
             String[] usage = new String[1];
             usage[0] = "truststore.usage.type.sign";

             //Import the credential
             System.out.println("Credential was uploaded");

            }catch (Exception e) {


快速入門(SOAP模式):使用Java API刪除憑證 quick-start-soap-mode-deleting-credentials-using-the-java-api

下面的代碼示例根據別名值刪除憑據 secure. (請參閱 使用信任管理器API刪除憑證.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-truststore-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
     * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the forms server is not deployed
     * on JBoss)
     * 6. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9.  commons-collections-3.1.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 20. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 21. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * These JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * The adobe-utilities.jar file is located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
     * The jboss-client.jar file is located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * SOAP required JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * If you want to invoke a remote forms server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include these additional JAR files
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode, see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms

 import java.util.Properties;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;
 import com.adobe.truststore.client.CredentialServiceClient;

 public class DeleteCertificateSoap {

     public static void main(String[] args)
     try {

         //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms using SOAP mode
         Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://[server]:[port]");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

         //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
         ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

         //Create a CredentialServiceClient instance
         CredentialServiceClient certClient = new CredentialServiceClient(myFactory);

         //Delete the certificate
         System.out.println("Credential was deleted");

        }catch (Exception e) {

