Requisition lists

Using a requisition list saves time when purchasing frequently ordered products because items are added to the shopping cart directly from the list. Buyers can maintain multiple lists that focus on products from different vendors, buyers, teams, campaigns, or anything else that streamlines their workflow. It is available for both logged-in users and guests.

若要啟用商店的請購單清單,請參閱啟用B2B功能。 視組態而定,每個採購員帳戶最多可維護999個請購單清單。


  • 將專案傳送至購物車後,未清除請購單清單。 可多次使用。
  • 請購單清單的使用者介面使用精簡檢視來顯示許多料號。

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Create a requisition list from the account dashboard

A logged in buyer that is associated with a company account can create a requisition list from their account dashboard.

  1. My Requisition Lists

  2. Requisition ListsCreate New Requisition List

  3. 輸入​ Requisition List Name ​和​ Description


  4. Save

Create a requisition list from a product page

A logged in buyer that is associated with a company account can create a requisition list from a product page. This method provides an easy shortcut to create the list and add the product.

  1. Add to Requisition List

  2. 按一下​ Create New Requisition List

  3. 輸入​ Requisition List Name ​和​ Description

  4. Save

Add products to a requisition list

Buyers can add products to a requisition list from:

  • 產品頁面
  • 目錄頁面
  • 購物車
  • 現有訂單
  • 現有引號


  1. From the storefront, the buyer goes to the detail page of the product that is to be added to the requisition list.

  2. Add to Requisition List

    • Chooses an existing requisition list.
    • Creates a requisition list.

    新增至請購單清單 {width="700" modal="regular"}

From a catalog page

  1. From the storefront, the buyer goes to the catalog page that contains the product that is to be added to the requisition list.

  2. Hovers over the product.

  3. Add to Requisition List

    • Chooses an existing requisition list.
    • Creates a requisition list.

    新增至請購單清單 {width="700" modal="regular"}

From an existing order

  1. My Orders

  2. Add to Requisition List

    • Chooses an existing requisition list.
    • 建立請購單清單。

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From an existing quote

Move to Requisition ListMove to Requisition List

  1. My Quotes

  2. Find and access the desired quote in the list.

  3. Items Quoted

  4. SelectActions​ Move to Requisition list

  5. Select the requisition list for the selected items.

  6. Move item to Requisition List



  1. 在專案底下,購買者按一下​ Add to Requisition List ​功能表並執行下列其中一項作業:

    • Chooses an existing requisition list.
    • Creates a requisition list.

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我的請購單清單 {width="700" modal="regular"}


  1. 在其帳戶儀表板的側邊欄中,選擇​ My Requisition Lists

  2. 在請購單清單中,按一下​ 動作 ​欄中的​ View

From any storefront page

  1. In the quick links bar at the top of the page, clicks their user name.

  2. My Requisition Lists
