實施推送追蹤 push-tracking
關於推播追蹤 about-push-tracking
若要確保推播通知已完全開發,您必須確保追蹤部分已正確實施,因為並非每個推播通知都啟用追蹤。 若要啟用此功能,開發人員必須識別哪些傳遞已啟用追蹤,Adobe Campaign Standard將會傳送名稱為_acsDeliveryTracking
的標幟,其值為 on 或 off。 應用程式開發人員只應針對將變數設為 on 的傳遞傳送傳送追蹤請求。
推播曝光次數 — 推播通知已成功傳送到裝置時,位於通知中心且沒有任何使用者互動。
推播點按 — 推播通知已傳送至裝置,且使用者已點按裝置。 使用者想要檢視通知(進而將移至推播開啟追蹤)或關閉通知。
推播開啟 — 當推播通知已傳遞至裝置,且使用者已按一下導致應用程式開啟的通知。 這類似於「推送點按」,但如果通知已關閉,則不會觸發「推送開啟」。
若要實作Campaign Standard追蹤,行動應用程式必須包含Adobe Experience Platform SDK。 這些SDK可在Adobe Experience Platform SDK檔案中取得。
若要傳送追蹤資訊,有三個變數需要傳送。 兩個是從Campaign Standard收到的資料的一部分,另一個是動作變數,可指定它是 曝光數、點選次數 或 開啟次數。
Android實作 implementation-android
如何實作推播曝光追蹤 push-impression-tracking-android
public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
....{Handle push messages}....
if (data.size() > 0) {
String deliveryId = data.get("_dId");
String messageId = data.get("_mId");
String acsDeliveryTracking = data.get("_acsDeliveryTracking");
This is to handle deliveries created before 21.1 release or deliveries with custom template
where acsDeliveryTracking is not available.
if( acsDeliveryTracking == null ) {
acsDeliveryTracking = "on";
HashMap<String, String> contextData = new HashMap<>();
if( deliveryId != null && messageId != null && acsDeliveryTracking.equals("on")) {
contextData.put("deliveryId", deliveryId);
contextData.put("broadlogId", messageId);
contextData.put("action", "7");
//If you are using ACPCore v1.4.0 or later, use the next line.
//Else comment out the above line and uncomment the line below
//MobileCore.trackAction("tracking", contextData) ;
如何實作點選追蹤 push-click-tracking-android
- 使用者看到通知但將其清除。
- 使用者看到通知並按一下即可將其轉換為開啟追蹤。
private void sendNotification(Map<String, String> data) {
Intent openIntent = new Intent(this, CollectPIIActivity.class);
Intent dismissIntent = new Intent(this, NotificationDismissedReceiver.class);
//put the data map into the intent to track clickthroughs
Bundle pushData = new Bundle();
Set<String> keySet = data.keySet();
for (String key : keySet) {
pushData.putString(key, data.get(key));
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, openIntent,
PendingIntent onDismissPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this.getApplicationContext(), 0, dismissIntent, 0);
//<BUILD NOTIFICATION using notification builder>
//Add both Intents to the notification
為了讓 BroadcastReceiver 運作,您需要將它註冊到 AndroidManifest.xml
<receiver android:name=".NotificationDismissedReceiver">
public class NotificationDismissedReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private static final String TAG = NotificationDismissedReceiver.class.getSimpleName();
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Bundle data = intent.getExtras();
String deliveryId = data.getString("_dId");
String messageId = data.getString("_mId");
String acsDeliveryTracking = data.get("_acsDeliveryTracking");
This is to handle deliveries created before 21.1 release or deliveries with custom template
where acsDeliveryTracking is not available.
if( acsDeliveryTracking == null ) {
acsDeliveryTracking = "on";
HashMap<String, Object> contextData = new HashMap<>();
//We only send the click tracking since the user dismissed the notification
if (deliveryId != null && messageId != null && acsDeliveryTracking.equals("on")) {
contextData.put("deliveryId", deliveryId);
contextData.put("broadlogId", messageId);
contextData.put("action", "2");
//If you are using ACPCore v1.4.0 or later, use the next line.
//Else comment out the above line and uncomment the line below
//MobileCore.trackAction("tracking", contextData);
如何實作開啟追蹤 push-open-tracking-android
您必須傳送「1」和「2」,因為使用者必須按一下「通知」才能開啟應用程式。 如果未透過推播通知啟動/開啟應用程式,則不會發生追蹤事件。
若要追蹤開啟,您需要建立目的。 意圖物件可讓Android作業系統在完成某些動作時呼叫方法。 在此情況下,請按一下通知以開啟應用程式。
此程式碼以點按曝光追蹤的實施為基礎。 設定 Intent 後,您現在需要將追蹤資訊傳送回Adobe Campaign Standard。 在此情況下,您需要將 Open Intent 設定為開啟應用程式中的特定檢視,這會呼叫onResume方法,並將通知資料放在 Intent Object 中。
protected void onResume() {
private void handleTracking() {
//Check to see if this view was opened based on a notification
Intent intent = getIntent();
Bundle data = intent.getExtras();
if (data != null) {
//This was opened based on the notification, you need to get the tracking that was passed on.
String deliveryId = data.getString("_dId");
String messageId = data.getString("_mId");
String acsDeliveryTracking = data.get("_acsDeliveryTracking");
This is to handle deliveries created before 21.1 release or deliveries with custom template
where acsDeliveryTracking is not available.
if( acsDeliveryTracking == null) {
acsDeliveryTracking = "on";
HashMap<String, String> contextData = new HashMap<>();
if (deliveryId != null && messageId != null && acsDeliveryTracking.equals("on")) {
contextData.put("deliveryId", deliveryId);
contextData.put("broadlogId", messageId);
contextData.put("action", "2");
//Send Click Tracking since the user did click on the notification
//If you are using ACPCore v1.4.0 or later, use the next line.
//Else comment out the above line and uncomment the line below
//MobileCore.trackAction("tracking", contextData);
//Send Open Tracking since the user opened the app
contextData.put("action", "1");
//If you are using ACPCore v1.4.0 or later, use the next line.
//Else comment out the above line and uncomment the line below
//MobileCore.trackAction("tracking", contextData);
iOS實作 implementation-iOS
如何實作推播曝光追蹤 push-impression-tracking-iOS
- 前景:當應用程式目前作用中且目前顯示在熒幕上(在前景)時。
- 背景:當is應用程式不在熒幕上,但程式未關閉時。 按兩下「首頁」按鈕時,通常會顯示背景中的所有應用程式。
- 關閉/關閉:已終止處理序的應用程式。
為了在應用程式於背景時仍可進行 Impression 追蹤,我們需要傳送 Content-Available 讓應用程式知道必須完成追蹤。
// In didReceiveRemoteNotification event handler in AppDelegate.m
//In order to handle push notification when only in background with content-available: 1
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any], fetchCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) {
//Check if the app is not in the foreground right now
if(UIApplication.shared.applicationState != .active) {
let deliveryId = userInfo["_dId"] as? String
let broadlogId = userInfo["_mId"] as? String
let acsDeliveryTracking = userInfo["_acsDeliveryTracking"] as? String
This is to handle deliveries created before 21.1 release or deliveries with custom template where acsDeliveryTracking is not available.
if( acsDeliveryTracking == nil ) {
acsDeliveryTracking = "on";
if (deliveryId != nil && broadlogId != nil && acsDeliveryTracking?.caseInsensitiveCompare("on") == ComparisonResult.orderedSame) {
//If you are using ACPCore v2.3.0 or later, use the next line.
ACPCore.collectMessageInfo(["deliveryId": deliveryId!, "broadlogId": broadlogId!, "action":"7"])
//Else comment out the above line and uncomment the line below
//ACPCore.trackAction("tracking", data: ["deliveryId": deliveryId!, "broadlogId": broadlogId!, "action":"7"])
// This will get called when the app is in the foreground
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
let userInfo = notification.request.content.userInfo
let deliveryId = userInfo["_dId"] as? String
let broadlogId = userInfo["_mId"] as? String
let acsDeliveryTracking = userInfo["_acsDeliveryTracking"] as? String
This is to handle deliveries created before 21.1 release or deliveries with custom template where acsDeliveryTracking is not available.
if( acsDeliveryTracking == nil ) {
acsDeliveryTracking = "on";
if (deliveryId != nil && broadlogId != nil && acsDeliveryTracking?.caseInsensitiveCompare("on") == ComparisonResult.orderedSame) {
//If you are using ACPCore v2.3.0 or later, use the next line.
ACPCore.collectMessageInfo(["deliveryId": deliveryId!, "broadlogId": broadlogId!, "action":"7"])
//Else comment out the above line and uncomment the line below
//ACPCore.trackAction("tracking", data: ["deliveryId": deliveryId!, "broadlogId": broadlogId!, "action":"7"])
如何實作點選追蹤 push-click-tracking-iOS
// AppDelegate.swift
import os.log
import UserNotifications
func registerForPushNotifications() {
let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
center.delegate = notificationDelegate
//Here we are creating a new Category that allows us to handle Dismiss Actions
let defaultCategory = UNNotificationCategory(identifier: "DEFAULT", actions: [], intentIdentifiers: [], options: .customDismissAction)
//Add it to our array of Category, in this case we only have one
center.requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge]) {
(granted, error) in
os_log("Permission granted: %{public}@", type:. debug, granted.description)
if error != nil {
if granted {
os_log("Notifications allowed", type: .debug)
else {
os_log("Notifications denied", type: .debug)
// 2. Attempt registration for remote notifications on the main thread
DispatchQueue.main.async {
現在,當您傳送推播通知時,您需要新增類別。 在此案例中,我們將其命名為「DEFAULT」。
然後,若要處理 Dismiss 並傳送追蹤資訊,您必須新增下列專案:
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
let userInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo
switch response.actionIdentifier {
case UNNotificationDismissActionIdentifier:
print("Dismiss Action")
let deliveryId = userInfo["_dId"] as? String
let broadlogId = userInfo["_mId"] as? String
let acsDeliveryTracking = userInfo["_acsDeliveryTracking"] as? String
This is to handle deliveries created before 21.1 release or deliveries with custom template where acsDeliveryTracking is not available.
if( acsDeliveryTracking == nil ) {
acsDeliveryTracking = "on";
if (deliveryId != nil && broadlogId != nil && acsDeliveryTracking?.caseInsensitiveCompare("on") == ComparisonResult.orderedSame) {
//If you are using ACPCore v2.3.0 or later, use the next line.
ACPCore.collectMessageInfo(["deliveryId": deliveryId!, "broadlogId": broadlogId!, "action":"2"])
//Else comment out the above line and uncomment the line below
//ACPCore.trackAction("tracking", data: ["deliveryId": deliveryId!, "broadlogId": broadlogId!, "action":"2"])
如何實作開啟追蹤 push-open-tracking-iOS
您必須傳送「1」和「2」,因為使用者必須按一下「通知」才能開啟應用程式。 如果未透過推播通知啟動/開啟應用程式,則不會發生追蹤事件。
import Foundation
import UserNotifications
import UserNotificationsUI
class NotificationDelegate: NSObject, UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
// Called when user clicks the push notification or also called from willPresent()
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
let userInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo
os_log("App push data %{public}@, in userNotificationCenter:didReceive()", type: .debug, userInfo)
switch response.actionIdentifier {
case UNNotificationDismissActionIdentifier:
//This is to handle the Dismiss Action
let deliveryId = userInfo["_dId"] as? String
let broadlogId = userInfo["_mId"] as? String
let acsDeliveryTracking = userInfo["_acsDeliveryTracking"] as? String
This is to handle deliveries created before 21.1 release or deliveries with custom template where acsDeliveryTracking is not available.
if( acsDeliveryTracking == nil ) {
acsDeliveryTracking = "on";
if (deliveryId != nil && broadlogId != nil && acsDeliveryTracking?.caseInsensitiveCompare("on") == ComparisonResult.orderedSame) {
//If you are using ACPCore v2.3.0 or later, use the next line.
ACPCore.collectMessageInfo(["deliveryId": deliveryId!, "broadlogId": broadlogId!, "action":"2"])
//Else comment out the above line and uncomment the line below
//ACPCore.trackAction("tracking", data: ["deliveryId": deliveryId!, "broadlogId": broadlogId!, "action":"2"])
//This is to handle the tracking when the app opens
let deliveryId = userInfo["_dId"] as? String
let broadlogId = userInfo["_mId"] as? String
let acsDeliveryTracking = userInfo["_acsDeliveryTracking"] as? String
This is to handle deliveries created before 21.1 release or deliveries with custom template where acsDeliveryTracking is not available.
if( acsDeliveryTracking == nil ) {
acsDeliveryTracking = "on";
if (deliveryId != nil && broadlogId != nil && acsDeliveryTracking?.caseInsensitiveCompare("on") == ComparisonResult.orderedSame) {
//If you are using ACPCore v2.3.0 or later, use the next line.
ACPCore.collectMessageInfo(["deliveryId": deliveryId!, "broadlogId": broadlogId!, "action":"2"])
//Else comment out the above line and uncomment the line below
//ACPCore.trackAction("tracking", data: ["deliveryId": deliveryId!, "broadlogId": broadlogId!, "action":"2"])
//If you are using ACPCore v2.3.0 or later, use the next line.
ACPCore.collectMessageInfo(["deliveryId": deliveryId!, "broadlogId": broadlogId!, "action":"1"])
//Else comment out the above line and uncomment the line below
//ACPCore.trackAction("tracking", data: ["deliveryId": deliveryId!, "broadlogId": broadlogId!, "action":"1"])