Redigera en vy i textläge

Du kan redigera en vy i en lista eller rapport i textläge för att komma åt fält som inte är tillgängliga i standardgränssnittet och skapa mer komplexa vyer.


Expandera om du vill visa åtkomstkrav för funktionerna i den här artikeln.

Du måste ha följande åtkomst för att kunna utföra stegen i den här artikeln:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Adobe Workfront-plan* Alla
Adobe Workfront-licens*

Nytt: Standard

Aktuell: Planera

Konfigurationer på åtkomstnivå*

Redigera åtkomst till filter, vyer, grupperingar

Redigera åtkomst till rapporter, instrumentpaneler och kalendrar för att redigera rapportelement i en rapport


Hantera behörigheter till en rapport för att redigera vyer i en rapport

Hantera behörigheter till en vy för att redigera den

*Kontakta Workfront-administratören om du vill veta vilken plan, licenstyp eller åtkomst du har.
Mer information om åtkomstkrav finns i Åtkomstkrav i Workfront-dokumentation.


Innan du börjar använda textläge i en rapport eller lista bör du alltid kontrollera att du känner till Workfront textläge.

Mer information finns i:

Redigera textläge i en vy

Att redigera en vy i textläge är identiskt för rapporter och listor. Åtkomsten till vyn från en rapport eller från en lista skiljer sig åt.

Vi rekommenderar att du skapar så mycket som möjligt av vyn i standardläge och sedan konverterar den till textläge för att redigera den.

Mer information om hur du skapar vyer finns i Vyöversikt i Adobe Workfront.

Mer information om hur du skapar en rapport finns i Skapa en anpassad rapport.

  1. Gör något av följande:

    1. Gå till rapporten och klicka sedan på Rapportåtgärder > Redigera > Kolumner (vy) för att få åtkomst till vyn från en rapport.

    2. Om du vill få åtkomst till vyn från en lista går du till listan och från listrutan Visa håller du musen över den vy du vill ändra och klickar på ikonen Redigera .

      Vyverktyget öppnas.

  2. Markera en kolumn i vyn.


    Välj fliken Kolumner (Visa) i rapportverktyget och markera sedan en kolumn.

    note tip
    Om du vill redigera en vy i textläge måste du redigera en kolumn i taget.
  3. Klicka på Växla till textläge i det övre högra hörnet av verktyget.

    note note
    När du redigerar en kolumn i textläge lägger Workfront till kodraden textmode=true i kolumnen. Detta anger att kolumnen ändras i textläge.

    Följande tabell visar nyckelraderna i en textlägesvy:


    table 0-row-2 1-row-1 2-row-0 3-row-0 4-row-0 5-row-0 6-row-0 7-row-0 8-row-0 9-row-0 10-row-0 11-row-0 12-row-0 13-row-1 14-row-2 15-row-2 16-row-2 17-row-2 18-row-2 19-row-2 20-row-2 21-row-2 22-row-2 23-row-2 24-row-2 25-row-2 layout-auto
    Exempelrad Beskrivning

    This is the name of the object or of the field as it appears in the database. For more information about how objects and fields appear in the database, see API Explorer.

    The following scenarios exist:

    code language-none
     <li value="1"> <p> If the name of the field you display is a phrase instead of a single noun, you must use camel case syntax for the <code>valuefield</code>. For example, for the Planned Start Date of a task the code is: </p> <p class="example" data-mc-autonum="<b>Example: </b>"><span class="autonumber"><span><b>Example: </b></span></span><code>valuefield=plannedStartDate</code> </p> </li>
     <li value="2"> <p>If you want to display a custom field, the <code>valuefield</code> value is the actual name of the field, as you see it in the interface. For example, for a custom field named "More information", the code is:</p> <p class="example" data-mc-autonum="<b>Example: </b>"><span class="autonumber"><span><b>Example: </b></span></span><code>valuefield=More information</code> </p> </li>
     <li value="3"> <p>If you want to display objects that are related to other objects in a view using the <code>valuefield</code> line of code the object names and attributes are separated by colons. </p> <p>For example, a column in a task view that would display the name of the Portfolio Owner has the following value for the valuefield line:</p> <p class="example" data-mc-autonum="<b>Example: </b>"><span class="autonumber"><span><b>Example: </b></span></span><code>valuefield=project:portfolio:owner:name</code> </p> <p>This indicates that from the object of the report (task), you can access the next related object (project), from there, you can access the following related object from project (portfolio), then the portfolio owner (owner) and then their name (name). </p> </li>
    </ol> <p>For information about how objects connect to one another, see the section <a href="" class="MCXref xref">Interdependency and hierarchy of objects</a> in <a href="" class="MCXref xref">Understand objects in Adobe Workfront</a>.</p> <p>Note: If you choose a field in text mode that is not valid in the standard interface, you are not able to switch back to the standard interface within the column.</p> </td>

    This line represents the format used to display the valuefield. The valueformat identifies whether an object or field displays as text, number, percentage, or date.

    We recommend using HTML for your valueformat, especially when using valueexpression, to ensure the most accurate display of your information.

    For information about additional values for this line, see Use conditional formatting in Text Mode.


    You can add this line to replace valuefield, if you want to display a calculated field in the column.

    You must enclose the valuefield of the objects in curly brackets every time you use it in a valueexpression.

    The following scenarios exist:

    code language-none
     <li value="1"> <p>If you want to display a field in a column in upper case, you would use:</p> <p class="example" data-mc-autonum="<b>Example: </b>"><span class="autonumber"><span><b>Example: </b></span></span><code>valueexpression=UPPER({valuefield})</code> </p> <p>The <code>valuefield</code> of the object is spelled as it appears in the API Explorer. </p> </li>
     <li value="2">If you want to add multiple <code>valuefields</code> by stringing them together, you must separate them by a period.</li>
     <li value="3"> <p>For example, if you want to display the name of the Primary Assignee of a task using <code>valueexpression</code>, you would use:</p> <p class="example" data-mc-autonum="<b>Example: </b>"><span class="autonumber"><span><b>Example: </b></span></span><code>valueexpreesion={assignedTo}.{name}</code> </p> </li>
     <li value="4"> <p>If you want to use a custom field in a <code>valueexpression</code> line you must precede the name of the field by <code>DE:</code> to indicate that it is a custom field. The name of the field is spelled as it appears in the interface. </p> <p>Important: When you use a custom field that is placed in a custom form section that has restricted permissions for some users, the calculation of the valueexpression is blank when those users view this calculation in a report. For information about adjusting permissions on custom form sections, see <span help/quicksilver/administration-and-setup/customize-workfront/create-manage-custom-forms/form-designer/design-a-form/"><a href="">Design a form with the form designer</a></span>.</p> <p>For example, if you have a custom field labeled "Developer Name" and you want to display this field in upper case in a column, you can use the following <code>valueexpression</code> to indicate this:</p> <p class="example" data-mc-autonum="<b>Example: </b>"><span class="autonumber"><span><b>Example: </b></span></span><code>valueexpression=UPPER({DE:Developer Name}</code>) </p> <p>When referencing a Typeahead type custom field, use the following expression to reference the name of the object selected in a field labeled "Developer Name":</p> <p><code>valueexpression=UPPER({DE:Developer Name:name})</code> </p> </li>
    </ol> </td>
    descriptionkey= / description=

    This line defines the text of a tool tip as you mouse over the name of the column. In this case it is using a key to translate the name value in the description text. If you want to modify the description, change this line to read:

    Example: description=Your Value.

    namekey= / name=

    This line defines the column label. In this case it is using the abbreviated value based on the key.

    If you want to modify the column name you can change this value to:

    Example: name=Your Value

    Name allows you to enter any text for the column name, whilenamekey requires you enter a key that is used to translate the name of a column.

    To change the column name you can also add the displayname line, if one is not present.

    displayname =

    You can add the following line to change the name of a column, which suspends the namekey/name value:

    Example: displayname=Your Value

    querysort= This line defines how the results are sorted when the column header is clicked. If it is not present then the column cannot be sorted after the report is run.

    This line represents the number of pixels that are used for the column. If the line is omitted or set to 0 (zero) then the column does not appear in the view.

    When you modify this field manually in text mode, you must also add the usewidths=true value to your column.

    usewidths=true You must use this line in addition to the width= line when customizing the width of a column.
    makeFieldEditable= This line defines whether the value displayed in a column is inline editable or not. If this line equals true, the value in the column is inline editable. If this line equals false, the value in the column is not inline editable.

    Insert this line only when you want the value displayed in a column to link to the object associated with it. The link opens the details page of the object. This value should match the valuefield= line. When you insert this, you must also add the link.valueformat= line.

    For example, you can insert link.valuefield=priority in an issue view, and the Priority of the issue displays as a link. Clicking this link opens the Issue page.


    Insert this line only when you have inserted the link.valuefield line to add a link to the value in a column. The link opens the details page of the object. This value should match the valueformat= line and indicates the format used to display the valuefield.

    Important: When viewing the text mode in a built-in column that also includes a link, you notice a number of lines referring to the link. Some of those lines might no longer be supported or are unnecessary when you create your own custom column in text mode and add the link statements to it. The lines that are mandatory when adding a linked value are link.valuefield and link.valueformat.


    This refers to how the values of each column are summarized. There are multiple lines that start with aggregator. and they all refer to the aggregator that summarizes the results of the column.

    As a general rule, the aggregator. lines match those of the column object.

    code language-none
     <span class="autonumber"><span><b>Example: </b></span></span>
     <p>The Planned&nbsp;Hours column in a task report summarized by Sum may look like the following: </p>

    textmode=true valuefield=workRequired valueformat=compound aggregator.function=SUM aggregator.valuefield=workRequired aggregator.displayformat=minutesAsHoursString aggregator.valueformat=compound namekey=workRequired shortview=false

    aggregator. rader kan innehålla valuefield eller valueexpression.


    `Klicka på Använd om du vill spara ändringarna och fortsätta redigera vyn.

    Klicka på Spara + stäng för att spara rapporten.


    Klicka på Spara vy för att spara vyn i en lista.`

