Hämta, lagra och uppdatera regelartefakten via JSON-nyttolasten

Detta är bäst om ditt program är strukturerat på ett sätt som kräver att SDK initieras för varje fil där SDK-metoder används. Innan ditt webbprogram kan använda JSON-nyttolasten för regelartefakten under SDK-initieringen bör du se till att JSON-nyttolasten laddas ned och är tillgänglig så att ditt program kan användas.

Sammanfattning av steg

  1. Installera SDK
  2. Initiera SDK
  3. Lagra och använda JSON-nyttolasten

1. Installera SDK

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npm i @adobe/target-nodejs-sdk -P
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2. Initiera SDK

  1. Importera först SDK:n. Importera till samma fil som du kan styra serverstarten från.


    code language-javascript line-numbers
       const TargetClient = require("@adobe/target-nodejs-sdk");


    code language-javascript line-numbers
       import com.adobe.target.edge.client.ClientConfig;
    import com.adobe.target.edge.client.TargetClient;
  2. Använd metoden create för att konfigurera SDK.


    code language-javascript line-numbers
       const CONFIG = {
        client: "<your target client code>",
        organizationId: "your EC org id",
        decisioningMethod: "on-device",
        pollingInterval : 300000,
        events: {
            artifactDownloadSucceeded: onArtifactDownloadSucceeded,
            artifactDownloadFailed: onArtifactDownloadFailed
    const TargetClient = TargetClient.create(CONFIG);
    function onArtifactDownloadSucceeded(event) {
        //Adobe Target SDK has now downloaded the JSON Artifact/Payload
        console.log(event.artifactLocation) // Location from where the Artifact is downloaded.
        console.log(event.artifactPayload) // JSON Payload which we can store locally.
    function onArtifactDownloadFailed(event) {
        //Adobe Target SDK has failed to download the JSON Artifact/Payload.
        console.log(event.artifactLocation) // Location from where the Artifact is downloaded.
        console.log(event.error.message) // Error message


    code language-javascript line-numbers
       package com.adobe.target.edge.client.model.ondevice.OnDeviceDecisioningHandler;
    ClientConfig config = ClientConfig.builder()
        .client("<you target client code>")
        .organizationId("<your EC org id>")
          new OnDeviceDecisioningHandler() {
            void onDeviceDecisioningReady() {
              // On-Device Decision is ready.
            void artifactDownloadSucceeded(byte[] artifactData) {
              // Store artifactData to local disk.
              // ...
    TargetClient targetClient = TargetClient.create(config);
  3. Både klienten och organizationId kan hämtas från Adobe Target genom att navigera till Administration > Implementation, vilket visas här.

    <!— Insert image-client-code.png —>

3. Lagra och kör JSON-nyttolasten

Vilken mekanism du använder för att lagra JSON-nyttolasten beror på systemarkitekturen. Du kan använda en lokal fil, en databas eller ett cachelagringssystem för minnesobjekt, t.ex. cache-minnet. Du måste kunna läsa denna JSON från ditt program för att kunna använda den. I den här guiden använder vi en lokal fil som lagring.

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//... Code removed for brevity

function onArtifactDownloadSucceeded(event) {
    const jsonPath = 'src/config/target-rules.json'
    fs.writeFile(jsonPath, JSON.stringify(event.artifactPayload), 'utf8', (err) => {
        if (err) {
            throw err;
        console.log(`The artifact from '${event.artifactLocation}' is now saved to '${jsonPath}'`);

function onArtifactDownloadFailed(event) {
  console.log(`The local decisioning artifact failed to download from '${event.artifactLocation}' with the following error message: ${event.error.message}`);

//... Code removed for brevity
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MboxRequest mbox = new MboxRequest().name("homepage").index(0);
TargetDeliveryRequest request = TargetDeliveryRequest.builder()
    .context(new Context().channel(ChannelType.WEB))
    .execute(new ExecuteRequest().mboxes(Arrays.asList(mbox)))
TargetDeliveryResponse response = targetClient.getOffers(request);
Genom att initiera Adobe TargetSDK via JSON-nyttolasten kan servern hantera begäranden direkt med enhetsspecifika beslutsaktiviteter eftersom Adobe TargetSDK inte behöver vänta på att regelartefakten ska hämtas.

Här är ett exempel som visar JSON-funktionen för nyttolastinitiering.

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const express = require("express");
const cookieParser = require("cookie-parser");
const TargetClient = require("@adobe/target-nodejs-sdk");
const CONFIG = {
    client: "<your target client code>",
    organizationId: "your EC org id",
    decisioningMethod: "on-device",
    pollingInterval : 300000,
    events: {
        clientReady : startWebServer,
        artifactDownloadSucceeded : onArtifactDownloadSucceeded,
        artifactDownloadFailed : onArtifactDownloadFailed

function onArtifactDownloadSucceeded(event) {
    const jsonPath = 'src/config/target-rules.json'
    fs.writeFile(jsonPath, JSON.stringify(event.artifactPayload), 'utf8', (err) => {
        if (err) {
            throw err;
        console.log(`The artifact from '${event.artifactLocation}' is now saved to '${jsonPath}'`);

function onArtifactDownloadFailed(event) {
  console.log(`The on-device decisioning artifact failed to download from '${event.artifactLocation}' with the following error message: ${event.error.message}`);

const app = express();
const targetClient = TargetClient.create(CONFIG);


function saveCookie(res, cookie) {
  if (!cookie) {

  res.cookie(cookie.name, cookie.value, {maxAge: cookie.maxAge * 1000});

const getResponseHeaders = () => ({
  "Content-Type": "text/html",
  "Expires": new Date().toUTCString()

function sendSuccessResponse(res, response) {
  saveCookie(res, response.targetCookie);

function sendErrorResponse(res, error) {

function startWebServer() {
    app.get('/*', async (req, res) => {
    const targetCookie = req.cookies[TargetClient.TargetCookieName];
    const request = {
        execute: {
        mboxes: [{
            address: { url: req.headers.host + req.originalUrl },
            name: "on-device-homepage-banner" // Ensure that you have a LIVE Activity running on this location

    try {
        const response = await targetClient.getOffers({ request, targetCookie });
        sendSuccessResponse(res, response);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Target:", error);
        sendErrorResponse(res, error);

    app.listen(3000, function () {
    console.log("Listening on port 3000 and watching!");
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import com.adobe.target.edge.client.ClientConfig;
import com.adobe.target.edge.client.TargetClient;
import com.adobe.target.delivery.v1.model.ChannelType;
import com.adobe.target.delivery.v1.model.Context;
import com.adobe.target.delivery.v1.model.ExecuteRequest;
import com.adobe.target.delivery.v1.model.MboxRequest;
import com.adobe.target.edge.client.entities.TargetDeliveryRequest;
import com.adobe.target.edge.client.model.TargetDeliveryResponse;

public class TargetController {

  private TargetClient targetClient;

  TargetController() {
    // You should instantiate TargetClient in a Bean and inject the instance into this class
    // but we show the code here for demonstration purpose.
    ClientConfig config = ClientConfig.builder()
        .client("<you target client code>")
        .organizationId("<your EC org id>")
          new OnDeviceDecisioningHandler() {
            void onDeviceDecisioningReady() {
              // On-Device Decision is ready.
            void artifactDownloadSucceeded(byte[] artifactData) {
              // Store artifactData to local disk.
              // ...
    targetClient = TargetClient.create(config);

  public String homePage() {
    MboxRequest mbox = new MboxRequest().name("homepage").index(0);
    TargetDeliveryRequest request = TargetDeliveryRequest.builder()
        .context(new Context().channel(ChannelType.WEB))
        .execute(new ExecuteRequest().mboxes(Arrays.asList(mbox)))
    TargetDeliveryResponse response = targetClient.getOffers(request);
    // ...