Building Product Experiences
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- Administratör
Learn how to manage product experiences.
The Story So Far
In the previous document of the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Content and Commerce journey, Manage staged product catalog experiences, you learned how to manage staged product catalog experiences.
This document helps you understand how to build product content and experiences.
Product Experience Management
Product Experience Management is the discipline to decorate product data (that is owned by a PIM or commerce solution) with marketing content in AEM. This enriched product data with content can then be used in various channels to create an immersive shopping experience.
In AEM, you can create various types of content and link them to the product catalog. Associated content can easily be discovered and used which leads to a high productivity.
On a high level, there are two types of assets related to products: product & marketing. Product assets are managed by merchants and focus on showing the product (mostly in front of a neutral background). The assets are either managed in the commerce solution or in AEM Assets (with an Assets integration to the commerce / pim solution).
Marketing assets are related to promoting and using the product which is owned by marketing. Examples are showing multiple products (“shop the look”), in a specific context (“outdoor fall collection”), or how-to pdfs. CIF provides an easy way to link any AEM asset with a product catalog object.
Open the asset properties and switch to the Commerce tab. This tab lets you manage the association with products. The table below the picker provides additional information for the linked objects (only visible with a selection). Click the details icon so you can get a full view in the product cockpit. To associate a new object, click the product picker icon (folder icon), select an object and close the picker.
Experience Fragments
Experience Fragments are a great way to create reusable or individual product content at scale. The association works similarly to an asset. Open properties and switch to the Commerce tab. This tab lets you manage the association with products and categories. The tables below the pickers provide additional information for the linked objects (only visible with a selection). Click the details icon so you can get a full view in the product cockpit. To associate a new object, click the product picker icon (folder icon), select an object and close the picker.
Content Fragments
Content Fragments are the best content type for any structured content. This can be used to augment external product data with additional marketing data or to create content in a headless way. The association of a Content Fragment with a product catalog object happens by way of the product or category reference types in the Content Fragment Model Editor. Simply drag and drop the right reference type on the model and configure the field. These types support single or multi selection.
If you create a Content Fragment based on this model, these reference types provide you with an easy way to select the right object by using the respective picker.
Product Cockpit
You were introduced to the product cockpit (or console) in one of the previous modules. The cockpit is an easy way not only to browse the product catalog, but also to see all associated AEM content in one place. Go to the product console and open the properties of a product that has associated content. Switch to the respective tab to see the associated content.
Clicking the action icon opens that piece of content in a new browser tab.
Enriching Individual Product & Category Pages
In the previous modules, you have learned how to work with multiple product catalog templates. Multiple templates are a great way to create different templates but are often not needed. Often, the same template can be used with placeholders for individual content. CIF supports placeholders for Content Fragments and Experience Fragments.
Let’s start with the Experience Fragment placeholder. Open a product template in the AEM Editor. Drag and drop the Commerce Experience Fragment component on the template, then open the config dialog.
Open the component’s dialog and enter a name for this placeholder. A placeholder name is required and lets you add as many placeholders as you need.
Open the Experience Fragment you have associated to a product in the previous step. Open properties and switch to the commerce tab. Enter the same placeholder name under the Catalog placeholder location.
Now drag and drop the Commerce Content Fragment component on the template and open the config dialog.
This dialog box reuses the Core Component Content Fragment dialog box. Find more information under additional resources. The only difference is the Link Element property which configures the identifier field (product SKU or category UID) in the Content Fragment model.
Preview now a product page that has either an associated Content Fragment and / or Experience Fragment. When AEM renders a page, it does a lookup for every placeholder based on the type (Content or Experience Fragment), identifier, and placeholder name for Experience Fragments. AEM uses a URL resolver to get the identifier (SKU for products, UID for categories). If an Experience or Content Fragment is returned, it is rendered into the placeholder location, otherwise the placeholder gets ignored.
Making Content Shoppable
It is also possible to make a regular AEM page shoppable by adding commerce components. Create a content page in AEM and open the empty page in the editor.
First, drag and drop a product detail component on the page. Then switch to the Assets sidebar, switch to products and select a product. Drag and drop that product on the product component. This shows a regular product component on a content page.
If you have created associated content for that product, switch in the Assets sidebar to Associated Commerce Content. This tab shows you all AEM content that was associated to this product. This allows you now to embellish the pages with any associated content quickly.
End of the Journey?
Congratulations! You have completed the AEM Content and Commerce Developer journey! You should now:
- understand how you can associate any AEM content to product catalog objects
- use placeholders to individually enrich product and category pages
- know how to make content shoppable and use the associated content tab
You are now ready to manage product experiences using AEM Content and Commerce. However AEM Content and Commerce have many additional options available. Check out some of the additional resources available in the Additional Resources section where you can learn more about the features you saw in this journey.