Voorbeeld van toepassingscode

Een standaard AppMeasurement.js bestand. Zorg ervoor dat de configuratievariabelen boven de doPlugins functie.

// Initialize AppMeasurement
var s = s_gi("examplersid");

/******** VISITOR ID SERVICE CONFIG - REQUIRES VisitorAPI.js ********/;

/************************** CONFIG SECTION **************************/;
/* You may add or alter any code config here. */
s.trackDownloadLinks = true;
s.trackExternalLinks = true;
s.trackInlineStats = true;
s.linkDownloadFileTypes = "exe,zip,wav,mp3,mov,mpg,avi,wmv,pdf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx";
s.linkInternalFilters = "javascript:,example.com";

s.usePlugins = true;
function s_doPlugins(s) {

// Use implementation plug-ins that are defined below in this section

s.doPlugins = s_doPlugins;

/* WARNING: Changing any of the below variables will cause drastic
changes to how your visitor data is collected.  Changes should only be
made when instructed to do so by your Adobe Account Team.*/

/************************** PLUGINS SECTION *************************/

// Copy and paste implementation plug-ins here. Plug-ins can then be used in the s_doPlugins(s) function above

/****************************** MODULES *****************************/

// Copy and paste implementation modules (Media, Integrate) here.

/* ============== DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ! ===============  */

Voorbeeld van paginacode

Typische code die op elke pagina wordt geladen.

<script src="AppMeasurement.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
s.pageName = "Example page name";
s.eVar1 = "Example eVar value";
s.events = "event1";

Zorg ervoor dat u ook een verwijzing naar AppMeasurement.js en VisitorAPI.js op elke pagina. Zie JavaScript-implementatie voor meer informatie .
