Create the attribute source and upload the data file

Perform these steps on the Create New Customer Attribute Source page in Experience Cloud.

When creating, modifying, or deleting Customer Attribute sources, there is a delay of up to one hour before IDs begin synchronizing with the new data source. You must have administrative rights in Audience Manager to create or modify Customer Attribute sources. Contact Audience Manager Customer Care or consulting to obtain administrative rights.
  1. In the Experience Cloud, select the Menu menu icon.

  2. Under Experience Platform, select People > Customer Attributes.

    The Customer Attributes page is where you can manage and edit existing attribute data sources.

    Step Result

  3. Select New.

    Step Result

  4. On the Edit Customer Attribute Source page, configure the following fields:

    • Name: A friendly name for the data attribute source. For Adobe Target, attribute names cannot include spaces. If an attribute with a space is passed, Target ignores it. Other characters not supported include: < , >, ', ".

    • Description: (Optional) A description of the data attribute source.

    • Alias ID: Represents a source of Customer Attribute data, such as a specific CRM system. Alias ID is a unique ID that is used in your Customer Attribute Source code. The ID should be unique, lowercase, with no spaces. The value that is entered in the Alias ID field for a Customer Attribute source in Experience Cloud should match the values that are being passed in from the implementation (whether via Platform Data Collection or JavaScript of the Mobile SDK.)

      Deleting a data source associated with an Alias ID does not make the Alias ID available, as the Alias ID is saved in multiple services and used to map profiles between them.

      The Alias ID corresponds to certain areas where you set additional Customer ID values. For example:

      • Tags: The Alias ID corresponds to the Integration Code value under Customer Settings, in the Experience Cloud ID Service tool.

      • Visitor API: The Alias ID corresponds to the additional Customer IDs that you can associate with each visitor.

        For example, “crm_id” in:

      • iOS: The Alias ID corresponds to “idType” in visitorSyncIdentifiers:identifiers.

        For example:

        [ADBMobile visitorSyncIdentifiers:@{@<"idType":@"idValue"}];

      • Android™: The Alias ID corresponds to “idType” in syncIdentifiers.

        For example:

        identifiers.put("idType", "idValue");

        See Leveraging multiple data sources for additional information about data processing regarding the Alias ID field and Customer IDs.

    • File Upload: You can drag-and-drop the .csv data file, or upload the data via FTP. (Using FTP also requires a .fin file.) See Upload the Data via FTP.

      Specific data file requirements exist. See Data File Requirements for more information.

      After uploading the file, table data is displayed under the File Upload heading on this page. You can validate the schema, configure subscriptions, or set up the FTP.

      File upload graphic


    • Unique Customer ID: Displays how many unique IDs you have uploaded to this attribute source.

    • Customer-Provided IDs Aliased to Experience Cloud Visitor IDs: Displays how many IDs have been aliased to Experience Cloud Visitor IDs.

    • Customer-Provided IDs with High Alias Counts: Displays the count of customer-provided IDs with 500 or more aliased Experience Cloud Visitor IDs. These customer-provided IDs most likely do not represent individuals but rather some sort of shared login. The system distributes the attributes associated with these IDs to the 500 most recent aliased Experience Cloud Visitor IDs, until the alias count reaches 10,000. Then, the system invalidates the customer-provided ID and no longer distributes associated attributes.

Validate the schema

The validation process lets you map display names and descriptions to uploaded attributes (strings, integers, numbers, and so on). You can also delete attributes by updating the schema.

See Validate the schema.

To delete attributes, see (Optional) Update the schema (deletes attributes).

(Optional) Update the schema (delete attributes)

How to delete attributes and replace attributes in the schema.

  1. On the Edit Customer Attribute Source page, remove the Target or Analytics subscription (under Configure Subscriptions).
  2. Upload a new data file with updated fields.

Configure subscriptions and activate the attribute source

Configuring a subscription sets up the data flow between Experience Cloud and applications. Activating the attribute source allows the data to flow to subscribed applications. The customer records you have uploaded are matched up with incoming ID signals from your web site or application.

See Configure subscriptions.

To activate an attribute source

On the Create New or Edit Customer Attribute Source page, locate the Activate heading, then select Active.

Step Result

Use Customer Attributes in Adobe Analytics

With the data now available in applications like Adobe Analytics, you can report on the data, analyze it, and take the appropriate action in your marketing campaigns.

The following example shows an Analytics segment based on the uploaded attributes. This segment shows Photoshop Lightroom subscribers whose most-launched product is Photoshop.

Analytics segment based on the uploaded attributes

When you publish a segment to Experience Cloud, it becomes available in Experience Cloud Audiences and Audience Manager.

Use Customer Attributes in Adobe Target

In Target, you can select a Customer Attribute from the Visitor Profile section when creating an audience. All Customer Attributes have the prefix crs. in the list. Combine these attributes as required with other data attributes to build audiences.

Use Customer Attributes in Adobe Target

See Creating a New Audience in Target help.
