dispose dispose

JavaScript API reference for Zoom Viewer.


Disposes this viewer instance by releasing all resources used by the viewer logic and deleting all inner objects and components created by the viewer in runtime.

The web page code should also delete the viewer instance variable as well to completely remove the viewer from the web browser memory.

If the web page code has registered event listeners directly on Viewer SDK components used by the viewer – or stored external references to such components – such listeners must be explicitly unregistered by the web page code. And, such external component references must be deleted before calling dispose().

Do not access the Viewer API anymore after dispose() is called.

Parameters section-ad069aaaf4f145f2b50ae5ac89ca1ed2


Returns section-1d3cf85bc7cc4dfe9670e038d02b9101


Example section-9e9332aa86b74a5fb321375c03fdc5b3
