Checkmark Can see, review, and approve proofs of other users that are explicitly shared with them (Read-only rights to everything in a shared folder). For more information, see Manage Proof Roles in Workfront Proof.

Checkmark Can view files that are explicitly shared with them.

Red X Cannot view contacts and groups

Red X Cannot create proofs, upload files, and create folders. For more information, see Upload Files and Web Content to Workfront Proof.

Red X Cannot view, edit, or delete proofs and files created by other users in the organization.

Red X Cannot edit proofs or replies.

Red X Cannot delete any items created in the organization.

Red X Cannot access the Billing page or Account settings. For more information, see The Workfront Proof Billing Page and Account settings in Workfront Proof.

Red X Cannot be set as the Dropzone owner. For more information, see Configure the dropzone in Workfront Proof.

Red X Cannot empty the trash. For more information, see Restore and Empty the Trash in Workfront Proof.

Red X Cannot add, edit, or delete users.

Red X Cannot create groups or add new contacts.

Red X Cannot delete contacts.

Menus and functions available to Visitors are limited.
  • Visitors do not see the Header menu or the green New menu in their Dashboard
  • Visitors do not see the following links in their Settings: Account settings, Billing

Guest guest

The Guest profile is used to give access to proofs for reviewers who do not have their own Workfront Proof account. Guests can access proofs shared with them directly via their personal email notifications.

Checkmark Can view, review, and approve proofs that are explicitly shared with them.

Checkmark Can view files that are explicitly shared with them.

Red X Cannot access the Dashboard.

Red X Cannot have folders shared with them. For more information, see Manage Folders in Workfront Proof.

Red X Cannot be added as Authors or Moderators to the proofs. For more information, see Manage Proof Roles in Workfront Proof.

Guests are not Workfront Proof users, so they cannot see all the proofs shared with them in their own Dashboard.

Edit a user’s Proof Permission Profile

Administrators and Billing Administrators can edit the permission profiles of all users in the account.

  1. To find the user to edit, do one of the following:

    • Navigate to Account Settings, then click the Users tab.

    • Go to the Contacts page.

  2. Click the user’s name whose permissions you want to edit. Select usre

  3. Click the Permissions profile drop-down menu and select a new permission profile. :

    Permissions profile

    Permission profiles are Administrator, Supervisor, Manager, and Observer.

  4. Click anywhere outside of the menu to save.

Administrators cannot assign the Billing Administrator profile. You can find a list of Profile changes in the following logs:
  • The Account activity logs
  • The User’s profile log (accessible only to that User)

For more information on activity logs, see Understanding the Workfront Proof Activity Audit Trail.
