5 minute

Ensuring business users within your organization are well-trained on Adobe Analytics is crucial to help build a culture of data-driven decision-making. Users who can easily find information within Adobe Analytics can answer simple business questions on their own, allowing more time for analysts to answer challenging business questions.

Sharing your knowledge helps drive data democracy and enables business users to be more independent in making performance-based decisions.Therefore, it is crucial to spend time setting up a structure to enable continuous training of users, and especially to allow new users to be onboarded on-demand. Creating a small portfolio of training content that can be reused as needed will save you time. The best part is it doesn’t require extra effort. Don’t forget, Adobe also provides classroom and remote-based training, but only you know the nuances of any custom implementation.

Basic Training for all

First things first, create a standardized basic training session for using Adobe Analytics that will fit in most people’s calendars. This will likely be about one hour and contain everything users need to get started with Adobe Analytics in your organization.

Press record

You may find yourself repeating the most basic training over and over again, as team members join the organization, as roles change within your company or to provide new interns access. After you have successfully delivered one or two training sessions as practice rounds, be sure and record a live training session to increase your own efficiency by providing automated on-demand training.

Advanced Training for some

Of course, one standard basic training session will not cover every question and every use case for users in your organization. Once you have created the basic training, move on to other relevant training topics in additional sessions.

Train your users to train others

In every department, there is generally one user who is more advanced and knowledgeable in Adobe Analytics. Leverage their expertise and work with them to become an “Adobe Analytics Department Leader.” By creating this support level, you are helping users advance their skill set, getting your organization more invested in Adobe Analytics and preserving your time for more advanced and challenging questions.

Remember, empowering your users with your knowledge helps ease the burden of answering the same simple questions over and over, allowing you time to focus on big picture analysis and strengthening the quality of your implementation.