Didacticiel de mise en route de lʼAPI Java du service Output (SOAP) output-service-java-api-quick-start-soap

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Le didacticiel de mise en route de lʼAPI Java (SOAP) est disponible pour le service Output.

Didacticiel de mise en route (mode SOAP) : créer un document PDF à l’aide de l’API Java

Didacticiel de mise en route (mode SOAP) : créer un document PDF basé sur un fichier XDP d’application à l’aide de l’API Java

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : créer un document PDF/A à l’aide de l’API Java

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : transmission de documents vers le service Output à l’aide de l’API Java

Didacticiel de mise en route (mode SOAP) : transmettre un document situé dans le référentiel AEM Forms au service Output à l’aide de l’API Java

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : créer un document PDF basé sur des fragments à l’aide de l’API Java

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : imprimer dans un fichier à l’aide de l’API Java

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : envoi d’un flux d’impression à une imprimante réseau à l’aide de l’API Java

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : création de plusieurs fichiers PDF à l’aide de l’API Java

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : création de règles de recherche à l’aide de l’API Java

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : transformation d’un document de PDF à l’aide de l’API Java

Les opérations AEM Forms peuvent être effectuées à l’aide de l’API fortement typée d’AEM Forms et le mode de connexion doit être défini sur SOAP.

Les didacticiels de mise en route situés dans Programmation avec AEM Forms sont basés sur le système d’exploitation Forms Server. Toutefois, si vous utilisez un autre système dʼexploitation, tel quʼUNIX, remplacez les emplacements spécifiques à Windows par des emplacements pris en charge par le système dʼexploitation utilisé. De même, si vous utilisez un autre serveur d’applications J2EE, veillez à spécifier des propriétés de connexion valides. Voir Réglage des propriétés de la connexion

Didacticiel de mise en route (mode SOAP) : créer un document PDF à l’aide de l’API Java quick-start-soap-mode-creating-a-pdf-document-using-the-java-api

L’exemple de code Java suivant permet de créer un document PDF nommé Loan.pdf. Ce document PDF est basé sur une conception de formulaire nommée Loan.xdp et un fichier de données XML nommé Loan.xml. Le fichier Loan.pdf est enregistré dans le dossier C:\Adobe, situé sur le serveur dʼapplications J2EE hébergeant AEM Forms, et non sur lʼordinateur client. (Consultez la section Créer des documents PDF).

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-output-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 5. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 6. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. commons-collections-3.2.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
     * your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
     * These JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * If you want to invoke a remote forms server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include additional JAR files located in the following
     * path
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
     * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * For complete details about the location of the AEM Forms JAR files,
     * see "Including AEM Forms Java library files" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
 import com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class CreatePDFDocument {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

         //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
         Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://[server]:[port]");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

         //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
         ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

         //Create an OutputClient object
         OutputClient outClient = new OutputClient(myFactory);

         //Reference form data
         FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\Loan.xml");
         Document inXMData = new Document (fileInputStream);

         //Set PDF run-time options
         PDFOutputOptionsSpec outputOptions = new PDFOutputOptionsSpec();

         //Set rendering run-time options
         RenderOptionsSpec pdfOptions = new RenderOptionsSpec();

         //Create a PDF document
         OutputResult outputDocument = outClient.generatePDFOutput(

         //Retrieve the results of the operation
         Document metaData = outputDocument.getStatusDoc();
         File myFile = new File("C:\\Adobe\Output.xml");
         catch (Exception ee)

Didacticiel de mise en route (mode SOAP) : créer un document PDF basé sur un fichier XDP d’application à l’aide de l’API Java quick-start-soap-mode-creating-a-pdf-document-based-on-an-application-xdp-file-using-the-java-api

L’exemple de code Java suivant crée un document PDF nommé Loan.pdf. Ce document PDF est basé sur une conception de formulaire nommée Loan.xdp et un fichier de données XML nommé Loan.xml. Le fichier XDP est déployé au sein d’une application AEM Forms nommée Applications/FormsApplication. Notez que le chemin dʼaccès à lʼURI est repository:///Applications/FormsApplication/1.0/FormsFolder/. Le fichier Loan.pdf est enregistré dans le dossier C:\Adobe, situé sur le serveur dʼapplications J2EE hébergeant AEM Forms, et non sur l’ordinateur client. (Consultez la section Créer des documents PDF).

Avant dʼentamer ce didacticiel de mise en route, veillez à créer une application AEM Forms nommée Applications/FormsApplication. Créez un dossier dans l’application nommé FormsFolder et placez-y le fichier XDP. Pour plus d’informations, consultez la section Générer un document PDF.
     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-output-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 5. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 6. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. commons-collections-3.2.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * These JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/Adobe/adobe_experience_manager_forms/SDK/client-libs/common
     * <install directory>/Adobe/adobe_experience_manager_forms/SDK/client-libs/jboss
     * <install directory>/Adobe/adobe_experience_manager_forms/jboss/bin/client
     * If you want to invoke a remote AEM Forms instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and AEM Forms, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include additional JAR files located in the following
     * path
     * <install directory>/Adobe/adobe_experience_manager_forms/SDK/client-libs/thirdparty
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
     * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * For complete details about the location of the AEM Forms JAR files,
     * see "Including AEM Forms library files" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
 import com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class CreatePDFDocumentFromLCApp {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

         //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
         Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://[server]:[port]");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

         //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
         ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

         //Create an OutputClient object
         OutputClient outClient = new OutputClient(myFactory);

         //Reference form data
         FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\Loan.xml");
         Document inXMData = new Document (fileInputStream);

         //Set PDF run-time options
         PDFOutputOptionsSpec outputOptions = new PDFOutputOptionsSpec();

         //Set rendering run-time options
         RenderOptionsSpec pdfOptions = new RenderOptionsSpec();

         //Create a PDF document -- reference an XDP file named Loan.xdp that is deployed as part of
         //a AEM Forms application named Applications/FormsApplication. The XDP file is located
         //in a folder named FormsFolder
         OutputResult outputDocument = outClient.generatePDFOutput(

         //Retrieve the results of the operation
         Document metaData = outputDocument.getStatusDoc();
         File myFile = new File("C:\\Adobe\Output.xml");
         catch (Exception ee)

Didacticiel de mise en route (mode SOAP) : transmettre un document situé dans le référentiel au service Output à l’aide de l’API Java quick-start-soap-mode-passing-a-document-located-in-the-repository-to-the-output-service-using-the-java-api

Le code Java suivant récupère un fichier XDP du référentiel et le transmet au service Output dans lʼinstance com.adobe.idp.Document. Le fichier XDP est déployé au sein dʼune application AEM Forms nommée Applications/FormsApplication. Notez que le chemin dʼaccès à lʼURI est repository:///Applications/FormsApplication/1.0/FormsFolder/.

L’API Repository est utilisée pour récupérer le fichier XDP à partir de cet emplacement. (Consultez la section Lire des ressources).

Remarquez également que la valeur de la racine du contenu repository:///Applications/FormsApplication/1.0/FormsFolder/ est transmise à la méthode generatePDFOutput2 de lʼobjet OutputClient (le deuxième paramètre). Cette valeur est transmise au service Output pour lʼinformer que les éléments associés au formulaire, tels que les images, sont stockés à cet emplacement.

Vous pouvez définir la valeur de la racine du contenu de la même manière en appelant la méthode generatePrintedOutput2.

Le fichier Loan.pdf est enregistré dans le dossier C:\Adobe, situé sur le serveur dʼapplications J2EE hébergeant AEM Forms. (Consultez la section Transmettre des documents situés dans le référentiel au service Output).

Avant d’entamer ce didacticiel de mise en route, veillez à créer une application AEM Forms nommée Applications/FormsApplication. Créez un dossier dans l’application FormsFolder et placez-y le fichier XDP.
     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-output-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-repository-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 4. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
     * your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
     * These JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * If you want to invoke a remote forms server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include additional JAR files located in the following
     * path
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
     * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * For complete details about the location of the AEM Forms JAR files,
     * see "Including AEM Forms Java library files" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
 import com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.*;
 import com.adobe.repository.bindings.dsc.client.ResourceRepositoryClient;

 import java.util.*;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class CreatePDFFFromRepository {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

         //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
         Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://[server]:[port]");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

         //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
         ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

         //Create an OutputClient object
         OutputClient outClient = new OutputClient(myFactory);

         //Reference form data
         FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\Loan.xml");
         Document inXMData = new Document (fileInputStream);

         //Set PDF run-time options
         PDFOutputOptionsSpec outputOptions = new PDFOutputOptionsSpec();
         outputOptions.setFileURI("C:\\Adobe\Loan.pdf"); // this PDF form is saved on the server

         //Get the form design from the AEM Forms Repository
         Document formDesign =  GetFormDesign(myFactory);

         //Set rendering run-time options
         RenderOptionsSpec pdfOptions = new RenderOptionsSpec();

         //Create a non-interactive PDF document
         OutputResult outputDocument = outClient.generatePDFOutput2(

         //Save the non-interactive PDF form as a PDF file on the client computer
         Document pdfForm = outputDocument.getGeneratedDoc();
         File myFile = new File("C:\\Adobe\Loan.pdf");
         catch (Exception ee)

     // Retrieve the form design from the following Repository path:
     // /Applications/FormsApplication/1.0/FormsFolder/Loan.xdp
     private static Document GetFormDesign(ServiceClientFactory myFactory)

         // Create a ResourceRepositoryClient object using the service client factory
         ResourceRepositoryClient repositoryClient = new ResourceRepositoryClient(myFactory);

         // Specify the path in the Repository to Loan.xdp
         String resourceUri =  "/Applications/FormsApplication/1.0/FormsFolder/Loan.xdp";

         // Retrieve the XDP file
         Document doc = repositoryClient.readResourceContent(resourceUri);

            //Return the Document instance
            return  doc;

         catch(Exception e)
         return null;

Didacticiel de mise en route (mode SOAP) : créer un document PDF à l’aide de l’API Java quick_start_soap_mode_creating_a_pdf_document_using_the_java_api-1

L’exemple de code Java suivant permet de créer un document PDF nommé Loan.pdf. Ce document PDF est basé sur une conception de formulaire nommée Loan.xdp et un fichier de données XML nommé Loan.xml. Le fichier Loan.pdf est enregistré dans le dossier C:\Adobe, situé sur le serveur dʼapplications J2EE hébergeant AEM Forms, et non sur lʼordinateur client. (Consultez la section Créer des documents PDF).

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-output-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 5. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 6. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. commons-collections-3.2.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * These JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * SOAP required JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * If you want to invoke a remote forms server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include these additional JAR files
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode, see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
 import com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class CreatePDFDocumentSOAP {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

         //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms using SOAP mode
         Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://[server]:[port]");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

         //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
         ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

         //Create an OutputClient object
         OutputClient outClient = new OutputClient(myFactory);

         //Reference form data
         FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\Loan.xml");
         Document inXMData = new Document (fileInputStream);

         //Set PDF run-time options
         PDFOutputOptionsSpec outputOptions = new PDFOutputOptionsSpec();

         //Set rendering run-time options
         RenderOptionsSpec pdfOptions = new RenderOptionsSpec();

         //Create a PDF document
         OutputResult outputDocument = outClient.generatePDFOutput(

         //Retrieve the results of the operation
         Document metaData = outputDocument.getStatusDoc();
         File myFile = new File("C:\\Adobe\Output.xml");
         catch (Exception ee)

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : créer un document PDF/A à l’aide de l’API Java quick-start-soap-mode-creating-a-pdf-a-document-using-the-java-api

L’exemple de code Java suivant crée un document PDF/A nommé LoanArchive.pdf. Ce document PDF est basé sur une conception de formulaire nommée Loan.xdp et sur un fichier de données XML nommé Loan.xml. Le LoanArchive.pdf est écrit sur le dossier C:\Adobe qui se trouve sur le serveur de l’application J2EE qui héberge AEM Forms, et non sur l’ordinateur client. (Voir Création de documents PDF/A.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-output-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 5. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 6. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. commons-collections-3.2.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
     * your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
     * These JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * If you want to invoke a remote forms server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include additional JAR files located in the following
     * path
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
     * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * For complete details about the location of the AEM Forms JAR files,
     * see "Including AEM Forms Java library files" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
 import com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class CreatePDFADocument {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

         //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
         Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://[server]:[port]");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

         //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
         ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

         //Create an OutputClient object
         OutputClient outClient = new OutputClient(myFactory);

         //Reference an XML data source to merge with the form design
         FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\Loan.xml");
         Document inXMData = new Document (fileInputStream);

         //Set PDF run-time options
         PDFOutputOptionsSpec outputOptions = new PDFOutputOptionsSpec();

         //Set rendering run-time options
         RenderOptionsSpec pdfAOptions = new RenderOptionsSpec();

         //Create a PDF/A document
         OutputResult outputDocument = outClient.generatePDFOutput(

         //Write the results of the operation to OutputLog.xml
         Document resultData = outputDocument.getStatusDoc();
         File myFile = new File("C:\\Adobe\OutputLog.xml");

         }catch (Exception ee)

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : transmission de documents vers le service Output à l’aide de l’API Java quick-start-soap-mode-passing-documents-to-the-output-service-using-the-java-api

Le démarrage rapide Java suivant récupère le fichier Loan.xdp de Content Services. Ce fichier XDP se trouve dans le space /Company Home/Form Designs. Le fichier XDP est renvoyé dans une instance com.adobe.idp.Document. L’instance com.adobe.idp.Document est transmise au service Output. Le formulaire non interactif est enregistré sous la forme d’un fichier PDF nommé Loan.pdf sur l’ordinateur client. Étant donné que l’option URI du fichier est définie, le fichier PDF Loan.pdf est également enregistré sur le serveur d’applications J2EE hébergeant AEM Forms. (Voir Transmission de documents se trouvant dans Content Services ES2 au service Output.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-output-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-contentservices-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 4. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
     * your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
     * These JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * If you want to invoke a remote forms server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include additional JAR files located in the following
     * path
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
     * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * For complete details about the location of the AEM Forms JAR files,
     * see "Including AEM Forms Java library files" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
 import com.adobe.livecycle.contentservices.client.CRCResult;
 import com.adobe.livecycle.contentservices.client.impl.DocumentManagementServiceClientImpl;
 import com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.*;

 import java.util.*;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class CreatePDFFFromContentServices {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

         //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
         Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://[server]:[port]");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

         //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
         ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

         //Create an OutputClient object
         OutputClient outClient = new OutputClient(myFactory);

         //Reference form data
         FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\Loan.xml");
         Document inXMData = new Document (fileInputStream);

         //Set PDF run-time options
         PDFOutputOptionsSpec outputOptions = new PDFOutputOptionsSpec();
         outputOptions.setFileURI("C:\\Adobe\Loan.pdf"); // this PDF form is saved on the server

         //Get the form design from Content Services
         Document formDesign =  GetFormDesign(myFactory);

         //Set rendering run-time options
         RenderOptionsSpec pdfOptions = new RenderOptionsSpec();

         //Create a non-interactive PDF document
         OutputResult outputDocument = outClient.generatePDFOutput2(

         //Save the non-interactive PDF form as a PDF file on the client computer
         Document pdfForm = outputDocument.getGeneratedDoc();
         File myFile = new File("C:\\Adobe\Loan.pdf");
         catch (Exception ee)

     //Retrieve the form design from Content Services ES2
     private static Document GetFormDesign(ServiceClientFactory myFactory)

         //Create a DocumentManagementServiceClientImpl object
         DocumentManagementServiceClientImpl    docManager = new DocumentManagementServiceClientImpl(myFactory);

         //Specify the name of the store and the content to retrieve
            String storeName = "SpacesStore";
            String nodeName  = "/Company Home/Form Designs/Loan.xdp";

            //Retrieve /Company Home/Form Designs/Loan.xdp
            CRCResult content = docManager.retrieveContent(

            //Return the Document instance
             Document doc =content.getDocument();
             return  doc;

         catch(Exception e)
         return null;

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : créer un document PDF basé sur des fragments à l’aide de l’API Java quick-start-soap-mode-creating-a-pdf-document-based-on-fragments-using-the-java-api

L’exemple de code Java suivant crée un document PDF basé sur une conception de formulaire assemblée par le service Assembler. Le service Assembler rassemble les fragments situés dans plusieurs fichiers XDP en une seule conception de formulaire. La logique d’application qui appelle le service Assembler se trouve dans une méthode définie par l’utilisateur, nommée GetFormDesign. Le formulaire non interactif est enregistré sous la forme d’un fichier PDF nommé Loan.pdf sur l’ordinateur client. (Voir Création de documents PDF à l’aide de fragments.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-output-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 5. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 6. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. commons-collections-3.2.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 20. adobe-assembler-client.jar
     * The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
     * your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
     * These JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * If you want to invoke a remote forms server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include additional JAR files located in the following
     * path
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
     * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * For complete details about the location of the AEM Forms JAR files,
     * see "Including AEM Forms Java library files" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * This is the DDX file is used to assemble multiple XDP documents:
     * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     * <DDX xmlns="https://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/">
     * <XDP result="tuc018result.xdp">
     * <XDP source="tuc018_template_flowed.xdp">
     * <XDPContent insertionPoint="ddx_fragment" source="tuc018_contact.xdp" fragment="subPatientContact" required="false"/>
     * <XDPContent insertionPoint="ddx_fragment" source="tuc018_patient.xdp" fragment="subPatientPhysical" required="false"/>
     * <XDPContent insertionPoint="ddx_fragment" source="tuc018_patient.xdp" fragment="subPatientHealth" required="false"/>
     * </XDP>
     * </XDP>
     * </DDX>
 import com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.AssemblerOptionSpec;
 import com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.AssemblerResult;
 import com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.AssemblerServiceClient;
 import com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.*;

 import java.util.*;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class CreatePDFFromFragments {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://[server]:[port]");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create an OutputClient object
             OutputClient outClient = new OutputClient(myFactory);

             //Reference form data
             FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\Loan.xml");
             Document inXMData = new Document (fileInputStream);

             //Set PDF run-time options
             PDFOutputOptionsSpec outputOptions = new PDFOutputOptionsSpec();
             outputOptions.setFileURI("C:\\Adobe\Loan.pdf"); // this PDF form is saved on the server

             //Get the form design from Assembler service
             Document formDesign =  GetFormDesign(myFactory);

             //Set rendering run-time options
             RenderOptionsSpec pdfOptions = new RenderOptionsSpec();

             //Create a non-interactive PDF document
             OutputResult outputDocument = outClient.generatePDFOutput2(

             //Save the non-interactive PDF form as a PDF file on the client computer
             Document pdfForm = outputDocument.getGeneratedDoc();
             File myFile = new File("C:\\Adobe\Loan.pdf");
             catch (Exception ee)

         //Retrieve the form design from Assembler service
         private static Document GetFormDesign(ServiceClientFactory myFactory)

                 //Create an AssemblerServiceClient object
                 AssemblerServiceClient assemblerClient = new AssemblerServiceClient(myFactory);

                 //Create a FileInputStream object based on an existing DDX file
                 FileInputStream myDDXFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\fragmentDDX.xml");

                 //Create a Document object based on the DDX file
                 Document myDDX = new Document(myDDXFile);

                 //Create a Map object to store the input XDP files
                 Map inputs = new HashMap();
                 FileInputStream inSource = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\tuc018_template_flowed.xdp");
                 FileInputStream inFragment1 = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\tuc018_contact.xdp");
                 FileInputStream inFragment2 = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\tuc018_patient.xdp");

                 //Create a Document object
                 Document myMapSource = new Document(inSource);

                 //Create a Document object
                 Document inFragment1Doc = new Document(inFragment1);

                 //Create a Document object
                 Document inFragment2Doc = new Document(inFragment2);

                 //Place all of the XDP files into the MAP

                 //Create an AssemblerOptionsSpec object
                 AssemblerOptionSpec assemblerSpec = new AssemblerOptionSpec();

                 //Submit the job to Assembler service
                 AssemblerResult jobResult = assemblerClient.invokeDDX(myDDX,inputs,assemblerSpec);
                 java.util.Map allDocs = jobResult.getDocuments();

                 //Retrieve the result PDF document from the Map object
                 Document outDoc = null;

                 //Iterate through the map object to retrieve the result XDP document
                 for (Iterator i = allDocs.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                     // Retrieve the Map object?s value
                     Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry)i.next();

                     //Get the key name as specified in the
                     //DDX document
                     String keyName = (String)e.getKey();
                     if (keyName.equalsIgnoreCase("tuc018result.xdp"))
                         Object o = e.getValue();
                         outDoc = (Document)o;


             return outDoc;
             }catch (Exception e) {
             return null;

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : imprimer dans un fichier à l’aide de l’API Java quick-start-soap-mode-printing-to-a-file-using-the-java-api

L’exemple de code Java suivant imprime un flux Output dans un fichier PostScript nommé MortgageForm.ps. (Voir Impression dans des fichiers.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-output-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 5. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 6. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. commons-collections-3.2.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
     * your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
     * These JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * If you want to invoke a remote forms server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include additional JAR files located in the following
     * path
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
     * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * For complete details about the location of the AEM Forms JAR files,
     * see "Including AEM Forms Java library files" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
 import com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class PrintToFile {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://[server]:[port]");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create an OutputClient object
             OutputClient outClient = new OutputClient(myFactory);

             //Reference XML data that represents form data
             FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\Loan.xml");
             Document inputXML = new Document(fileInputStream);

             //Set print run-time options required to print to a file
             PrintedOutputOptionsSpec printOptions = new PrintedOutputOptionsSpec();

             //Print the print stream to a PostScript file
             OutputResult outputDocument = outClient.generatePrintedOutput(

             //Write the results of the operation to OutputLog.xml
             Document resultData = outputDocument.getStatusDoc();
             File myFile = new File("C:\\Adobe\OutputLog.xml");
             System.out.println("AEM Forms printed to MortgageForm.ps");
     catch (Exception ee)

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : envoi d’un flux d’impression à une imprimante réseau à l’aide de l’API Java quick-start-soap-mode-sending-a-print-stream-to-a-network-printer-using-the-java-api

L’exemple de code Java suivant envoie un flux d’impression PostScript à une imprimante réseau nommée \Printer1\Printer. Deux copies sont envoyées à l’imprimante. (Voir Envoi de flux d’impression à des imprimantes.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-output-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 5. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 6. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. commons-collections-3.2.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
     * your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
     * These JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * If you want to invoke a remote forms server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include additional JAR files located in the following
     * path
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
     * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * For complete details about the location of the AEM Forms JAR files,
     * see "Including AEM Forms Java library files" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
 import java.util.*;
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;
 import com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.*;

 public class SendToPrinter {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://[server]:[port]");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create an OutputClient object
             OutputClient outClient = new OutputClient(myFactory);

             //Reference XML data that represents form data
             FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\Loan.xml");
             Document inputXML = new Document(fileInputStream);

             //Set print run-time options required to print to a file
             PrintedOutputOptionsSpec printOptions = new PrintedOutputOptionsSpec();

             //Set the number of copies to print

             //Turn on the Staple option

             //Create a PostScript output stream based on the form design named Loan.xdp and
             //the data located in the XML file
             OutputResult outputDocument = outClient.generatePrintedOutput(

             //Get a Document object that stores the PostScript print stream
             Document psPrintStream = outputDocument.getGeneratedDoc();

             //Specify the print server and the printer name
             String printServer = "\\\ottprint";
             String printerName = "\\\ottprint\Balsom";

             //Send the PostScript print stream to the printer
         catch (Exception ee)

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : création de plusieurs fichiers PDF à l’aide de l’API Java quick-start-soap-mode-creating-multiple-pdf-files-using-the-java-api

Le code Java suivant crée plusieurs fichiers PDF pour chaque enregistrement de données se trouvant dans un fichier de données XML nommé Loan_data_batch.xml. Les fichiers sont écrits dans le répertoire C:\Adobe. Les fichiers PDF sont écrits sur le dossier C:\Adobe qui se trouve dans le serveur d’applications J2EE hébergeant AEM Forms, et non sur l’ordinateur client. (Voir Création de plusieurs fichiers Output.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-output-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 5. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 6. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. commons-collections-3.2.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
     * your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
     * These JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * If you want to invoke a remote forms server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include additional JAR files located in the following
     * path
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
     * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * For complete details about the location of the AEM Forms JAR files,
     * see "Including AEM Forms Java library files" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
 import java.util.*;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;
 import com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.*;

 public class CreateBatchFiles {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://[server]:[port]");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create an OutputClient object
             OutputClient outClient = new OutputClient(myFactory);

             //Reference form data that contains multiple records
             FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\Loan_data_batch.xml");
             Document inXMData = new Document (fileInputStream);

             //Set run-time options to generate many PDF files
             PDFOutputOptionsSpec outputOptions = new PDFOutputOptionsSpec();

             //Set rendering run-time options
             RenderOptionsSpec pdfOptions = new RenderOptionsSpec();
             pdfOptions.setCacheEnabled(new Boolean(true));

             //Create multiple PDF files
             OutputResult outputDocument = outClient.generatePDFOutput(

             //Retrieve the results of the operation
             Document metaData = outputDocument.getStatusDoc();
             File myFile = new File("C:\\Adobe\Output.xml");
             catch (Exception ee)

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : création de règles de recherche à l’aide de l’API Java quick-start-soap-mode-creating-search-rules-using-the-java-api

L’exemple de code Java suivant crée deux modèles de texte que le service Output recherche. Le premier modèle de texte est le prêt immobilier. S’il est trouvé, le service Output utilise la conception de formulaire nommée Mortgage.xdp. Le deuxième modèle de texte est Automobile. S’il est trouvé, le service Output utilise la conception de formulaire nommée AutomobileLoan.xdp. Si aucun modèle de texte n’est localisé, le service Output utilise la conception de formulaire par défaut nommée *Loan.xdp. *(Voir Création de règles de recherche.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-output-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 5. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 6. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. commons-collections-3.2.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
     * your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
     * These JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * If you want to invoke a remote forms server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include additional JAR files located in the following
     * path
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
     * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * For complete details about the location of the AEM Forms JAR files,
     * see "Including AEM Forms Java library files" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
 import com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class CreateSearchRules {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://[server]:[port]");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create an OutputClient object
             OutputClient outClient = new OutputClient(myFactory);

             //Reference form data
             FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\Loan.xml");
             Document inXMData = new Document (fileInputStream);

             //Define two text patterns
             Rule mortageRule = new Rule();

             Rule automobileRule = new Rule();

             //Add the Rules to a List object
             List<Rule> myList = new ArrayList<Rule>();

             //Define PDF run-time options which includes Search Rules
             PDFOutputOptionsSpec outputOptions = new PDFOutputOptionsSpec();

             //Define rendering run-time options
             RenderOptionsSpec pdfOptions = new RenderOptionsSpec();
             pdfOptions.setCacheEnabled(new Boolean(true));

             //Create a PDF document based on multiple form designs
             OutputResult outputDocument = outClient.generatePDFOutput(

             //Write the results of the operation to OutputLog.xml
             Document resultData = outputDocument.getStatusDoc();
             File myFile = new File("C:\\Adobe\OutputLog.xml");
         catch (Exception ee)

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : transformation d’un document de PDF à l’aide de l’API Java quick-start-soap-mode-transforming-a-pdf-document-using-the-java-api

L’exemple de code Java suivant transforme un document PDF interactif nommé Loan.pdf en un document PDF non interactif nommé NonInteractiveLoan.pdf. (Voir Aplatissement de documents PDF.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-output-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 5. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 6. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. commons-collections-3.2.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
     * your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
     * These JAR files are located in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * If you want to invoke a remote forms server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include additional JAR files located in the following
     * path
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
     * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * For complete details about the location of the AEM Forms JAR files,
     * see "Including AEM Forms Java library files" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
 import com.adobe.livecycle.output.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class TransformPDF {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

         //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
         Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://[server]:[port]");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

         //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
         ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

         //Create an OutputClient object
         OutputClient outClient = new OutputClient(myFactory);

         //Reference an interactive PDF document to transform
         FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\Loan.pdf");
         Document inPDFDoc = new Document (fileInputStream);

         //Transform the PDF document to a non-interactive PDF document
         Document transformedDocument = outClient.transformPDF(

         //Save the non-interactive PDF document
         File myFile = new File("C:\\Adobe\NonInteractiveLoan.pdf");

     }catch (Exception ee)