View: Planned Hours vs. Actual Hours per assignment in a task view
This task view displays the total Planned Hours of a task, the number of Planned Hours allocated to each assignee (when the task is assigned to multiple users), the total Actual Hours of the task, and the number of Actual Hours logged by each assignee.
Access requirements
You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:
table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header | |
Adobe Workfront plan | Any |
Adobe Workfront license |
Access level configurations* |
Edit access to Reports, Dashboards, Calendars to modify a report Edit access to Filters, Views, Groupings to modify a view |
Object permissions | Manage permissions to a report |
For more detail about the information in this table, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.
View Planned Hours vs. Actual Hours per assignment in a task View
Go to a list of tasks.
From the View drop-down menu, select New View.
In the Column Preview area, eliminate all columns except for one.
Click the header of the remaining column and click Switch to Text Mode > Edit Text Mode.
Remove the text you find in the Edit Text Mode box, and replace it with the following code:
code language-none column.0.descriptionkey=name column.0.isInlineEditable=false column.0.linkedname=direct column.0.listsort=string(name) column.0.namekey=name.abbr column.0.querysort=name column.0.section=0 column.0.shortview=false column.0.stretch=0 column.0.valuefield=name column.0.valueformat=HTML column.0.width=150 column.1.descriptionkey=workrequired column.1.isInlineEditable=false column.1.linkedname=direct column.1.listsort=doubleAsDouble(workRequired) column.1.namekey=workrequired.abbr column.1.querysort=workRequired column.1.section=0 column.1.shortview=false column.1.stretch=0 column.1.valuefield=workFieldLong column.1.valueformat=compound column.1.viewalias=workrequired column.1.width=100 column.2.listdelimiter= column.2.listmethod=nested(assignments).lists Assignment(s) column.2.stretch=0 column.2.type=iterate column.2.valueexpression=CONCAT(right(CONCAT('~~~',{assignmentPercent}),3),'% (', {workRequired}/60 ,' Hours) - ',{assignedTo}.{name}) column.2.valueformat=HTML column.2.width=300 column.3.descriptionkey=actualworkrequired column.3.isInlineEditable=false column.3.linkedname=direct column.3.listsort=intAsInt(actualWorkRequired) column.3.namekey=actualworkrequired.abbr column.3.querysort=actualWork column.3.section=0 column.3.shortview=false column.3.stretch=100 column.3.valuefield=actualWorkFieldLong column.3.valueformat=compound column.3.viewalias=actualworkrequired column.3.width=100 column.4.listdelimiter= column.4.listmethod=nested(hours).lists Hours column.4.stretch=0 column.4.type=iterate column.4.valueexpression=CONCAT('(', {hours} ,' Hours) - ',{owner}.{name}) column.4.valueformat=HTML column.4.width=300
Click Done > Save View.