SOAP Inicio rápido () de la API de Java™ del servicio Assembler assembler-service-java-api-quickstart-soap

SOAP El Inicio rápido (inicio rápido) de la API de Java está disponible para el servicio Assembler

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Agrupar un documento de PDF mediante la API de Java

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Desmontaje de un documento de PDF mediante la API de Java

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Combinar un documento de PDF cifrado mediante la API de Java

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Combinar un documento de PDF con la numeración Bates mediante la API de Java

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Agrupar un documento de PDF no interactivo mediante la API de Java

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Determinación de si un documento es compatible con el PDF/A mediante la API de Java

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Validación de documentos DDX mediante la API de Java

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Agrupar documentos de PDF con marcadores mediante la API de Java

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Creación dinámica de un documento DDX mediante la API de Java

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Agrupación de Portfolio de PDF mediante la API de Java

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Agrupar varios fragmentos XDP mediante la API de Java

Las operaciones de AEM Forms se pueden realizar mediante la API de AEM Forms SOAP con establecimiento inflexible de tipos y el modo de conexión debe establecerse en.

Los inicios rápidos en programación con AEM Forms se basan en el servidor de aplicaciones Forms Server que se implementa en el servidor de aplicaciones JBoss® y en el sistema operativo Microsoft® Windows. Sin embargo, si está utilizando otro sistema operativo, como UNIX®, reemplace las rutas específicas de Windows por rutas admitidas por el sistema operativo correspondiente. Del mismo modo, si está utilizando otro servidor de aplicaciones J2EE, asegúrese de especificar propiedades de conexión válidas. Ver Estableciendo propiedades de conexión

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Agrupar un documento de PDF mediante la API de Java quick-start-soap-mode-assembling-a-pdf-document-using-the-java-api

El siguiente ejemplo de código Java combina dos documentos de origen de PDF llamados map.pdf y direction.pdf en un único documento de PDF. El nombre del documento de PDF único es AssemblerResultPDF.pdf. El nombre del documento DDX es shell.xml. (Consulte Ensamblar documentos de PDF mediante programación.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-assembler-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
     * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed
     * on JBoss)
     * 6. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9.  commons-collections-3.1.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 20. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 21. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * These JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
     * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * SOAP required JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include these additional JAR files
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode, see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * The following XML represents the DDX document used in this quick start:
     * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     * <DDX xmlns="">
     * <PDF result="out.pdf">
     * <PDF source="map.pdf" />
     * <PDF source="directions.pdf" />
     * </PDF>
 import com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class InvokeAssemblerSOAP
     public static void main(String[] args) {
             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms using SOAP mode
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://'[server]:[port]'");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory instance
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create an AssemblerServiceClient object
             AssemblerServiceClient assemblerClient = new AssemblerServiceClient(myFactory);

             //Create a FileInputStream object based on an existing DDX file
             FileInputStream myDDXFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\shell.xml");

             //Create a Document object based on the DDX file
             Document myDDX = new Document(myDDXFile);

             //Create a Map object to store PDF source documents
             Map inputs = new HashMap();
             FileInputStream mySourceMap = new FileInputStream("C:\\map.pdf");
             FileInputStream mySourceOptions = new FileInputStream("C:\\directions.pdf");

             //Create a Document object based on the map.pdf source file
             Document myPDFMapSource = new Document(mySourceMap);

             //Create a Document object based on the directions.pdf source file
             Document myPDFOptionsSource = new Document(mySourceOptions);

             //Place two entries into the Map object

             //Create an AssemblerOptionsSpec object
             AssemblerOptionSpec assemblerSpec = new AssemblerOptionSpec();

             //Submit the job to Assembler service
             AssemblerResult jobResult = assemblerClient.invokeDDX(myDDX,inputs,assemblerSpec);
             java.util.Map allDocs = jobResult.getDocuments();

             //Retrieve the result PDF document from the Map object
             Document outDoc = null;

             //Iterate through the map object to retrieve the result PDF document
             for (Iterator i = allDocs.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                 // Retrieve the Map object's value
                 Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);

                 //Get the key name as specified in the
                 //DDX document
                 String keyName = (String)e.getKey();
                 if (keyName.equalsIgnoreCase("out.pdf"))
                     Object o = e.getValue();
                     outDoc = (Document)o;

                     //Save the result PDF file
                     File myOutFile = new File("C:\\AssemblerResultPDF.pdf");
         }catch (Exception e) {

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Desmontaje de un documento de PDF mediante la API de Java quick-start-soap-mode-disassembling-a-pdf-document-using-the-java-api

El siguiente ejemplo de código Java desensambla un documento de PDF denominado AssemblerResultPDF.pdf. Observe que el nombre del documento DDX es shell_disassembly.xml. Cada documento de PDF desensamblado se denomina ResultPDF[Number].pdf. Es decir, el primer documento de PDF desensamblado se denomina ResultPDF1.pdf. Para obtener información sobre el documento DDX shell_disassembly.xml utilizado en este ejemplo de código, consulte Desensamblaje programático de documentos de PDF.

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-assembler-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
     * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed
     * on JBoss)
     * 6. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9.  commons-collections-3.1.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 20. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 21. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * These JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
     * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * SOAP required JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include these additional JAR files
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode, see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * The following XML represents the DDX document used in this quick start:
     * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     *<DDX xmlns="">
     * <PDFsFromBookmarks prefix="stmt">
     * <PDF source="AssemblerResultPDF.pdf"/>
 import com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class DisassemblePDFSOAP
     public static void main(String[] args) {
             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://'[server]:[port]'");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory instance
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create an AssemblerServiceClient object
             AssemblerServiceClient assemblerClient = new AssemblerServiceClient(myFactory);

             //Create a FileInputStream object based on an existing DDX file
             FileInputStream myDDXFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\shell_disassemble.xml");

             //Create a Document object based on the DDX file
             Document myDDX = new Document(myDDXFile);

             //Create a Map object to store PDF source documents
             Map inputs = new HashMap();
             FileInputStream mySourceMap = new FileInputStream("C:\\AssemblerResultPDF.pdf");

             //Create a Document object based on the map.pdf source file
             Document myPDFSource = new Document(mySourceMap);

             //Place two entries into the Map object

             //Create an AssemblerOptionsSpec object
             AssemblerOptionSpec assemblerSpec = new AssemblerOptionSpec();

             //Submit the job to the Assembler service
             AssemblerResult jobResult = assemblerClient.invokeDDX(myDDX,inputs,assemblerSpec);
             java.util.Map allDocs = jobResult.getDocuments();

             //Retrieve the result PDF documents from the Map object
             Document outDoc = null;
             int index = 0;

             //Iterate through the map object to retrieve the result PDF document
             for (Iterator i = allDocs.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                 // Retrieve the Map object's value
                 Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
                 Object o = e.getValue();

                 //Cast the Object to a Document
                 //and save to a file
                 outDoc = (Document)o;
                 File myOutFile = new File("C:\\ResultPDF"+index +".pdf");
             if (index > 0)
                 System.out.println("The PDF document was disassembled into "+index+" PDF documents.");
                 System.out.println("The PDF document was not disassembled.");

         }catch (Exception e) {
             System.out.println("Error OCCURRED: "+e.getMessage());

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Combinar un documento de PDF cifrado mediante la API de Java quick-start-soap-mode-assembling-an-encrypted-pdf-document-using-the-java-api

El siguiente ejemplo de código Java combina un documento de PDF cifrado con contraseña. El documento de PDF no protegido se llama Loan.pdf. Observe que el nombre del documento DDX es shell_Encrypt.xml. El documento cifrado del PDF se llama AssemblerEncryptedPDF.pdf. (Consulte Ensamblar documentos cifrados de PDF.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-assembler-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
     * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed
     * on JBoss)
     * 6. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9.  commons-collections-3.1.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 20. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 21. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * These JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
     * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * SOAP required JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include these additional JAR files
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode, see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * The following XML represents the DDX document used in this quick start:
     *<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     * <DDX xmlns="">
     * <PDF result="EncryptLoan.pdf" encryption="userProtect">
     * <PDF source="inDoc" />
     * </PDF>
     * <PasswordEncryptionProfile name="userProtect" compatibilityLevel="Acrobat7">
     * <OpenPassword>AdobeOpen</OpenPassword>
     * </PasswordEncryptionProfile>
     * </DDX>

 import com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class AssembleEncryptedDocumentSOAP
     public static void main(String[] args) {
             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms using SOAP mode
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://'[server]:[port]'");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory instance
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create an AssemblerServiceClient object
             AssemblerServiceClient assemblerClient = new AssemblerServiceClient(myFactory);

              * Create a FileInputStream object based on an existing DDX file
              * This DDX document contains instructions to encrypt the PDF document
             FileInputStream myDDXFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\shell_Encrypt.xml");

             //Create a Document object based on the DDX file
             Document myDDX = new Document(myDDXFile);

             //Reference an unsecured PDF document
             FileInputStream mySourceLoan = new FileInputStream("C:\\Loan.pdf");

             //Create a Document object based on the Loan.pdf source file
             Document myPDFLoanSource = new Document(mySourceLoan);

             //Create an AssemblerOptionsSpec object
             AssemblerOptionSpec assemblerSpec = new AssemblerOptionSpec();

             //Submit the job to Assembler service
             Document jobResult = assemblerClient.invokeOneDocument(myDDX,myPDFLoanSource,assemblerSpec);

             //Create the output file
             File myOutFile = new File("C:\\AssemblerEncryptedPDF.pdf");

         }catch (Exception e) {

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Combinar un documento de PDF con la numeración Bates mediante la API de Java quick-start-soap-mode-assembling-a-pdf-document-with-bates-numbering-using-the-java-api

El siguiente ejemplo de código Java combina un documento de PDF con identificadores de página únicos (numeración Bates). Observe que el nombre del documento DDX es shell_Bates.xml. El documento de PDF devuelto por el servicio Assembler se guarda como un archivo de PDF denominado AssemblerResultBatesPDF.pdf. (Consulte Agrupar documentos mediante la numeración Bates.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-assembler-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
     * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed
     * on JBoss)
     * 6. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9.  commons-collections-3.1.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 20. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 21. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * These JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
     * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * SOAP required JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include these additional JAR files
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode, see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * The following XML represents the DDX document used in this quick start:
     * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     * <DDX xmlns="">
     * <PDF result="out.pdf">
     * <Header>
     * <Center>
     * <StyledText>
     * <p font-size="20pt"><BatesNumber/></p>
     * </StyledText>
     * </Center>
     * </Header>
     * <PDF source="map.pdf" />
     * <PDF source="directions.pdf" />
     * </PDF>
     * </DDX>

 import com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class AssembleBatesNumberDocumentSOAP
     public static void main(String[] args) {
             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms using SOAP mode
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://'[server]:[port]'");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory instance
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create an AssemblerServiceClient object
             AssemblerServiceClient assemblerClient = new AssemblerServiceClient(myFactory);

             //Create a FileInputStream object based on an existing DDX file
             FileInputStream myDDXFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\shell_Bates.xml");

             //Create a Document object based on the DDX file
             Document myDDX = new Document(myDDXFile);

             //Create a Map object to store PDF source documents
             Map<String, Object> inputs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
             FileInputStream mySourceMap = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\map.pdf");
             FileInputStream mySourceOptions = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\directions.pdf");

             //Create a Document object based on the map.pdf source file
             Document myPDFMapSource = new Document(mySourceMap);

             //Create a Document object based on the directions.pdf source file
             Document myPDFOptionsSource = new Document(mySourceOptions);

             //Place two entries into the Map object

             //Create an AssemblerOptionsSpec object
             AssemblerOptionSpec assemblerSpec = new AssemblerOptionSpec();

             //Set the initial number to 100

             //Submit the job to Assembler service
             AssemblerResult jobResult = assemblerClient.invokeDDX(myDDX,inputs,assemblerSpec);
             java.util.Map allDocs = jobResult.getDocuments();

             //Retrieve the result PDF document from the Map object
             Document outDoc = null;

             //Iterate through the map object to retrieve the result PDF document
             for (Iterator i = allDocs.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                 // Retrieve the Map object's value
                 Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);

                 //Get the key name as specified in the
                 //DDX document
                 String keyName = (String)e.getKey();
                 if (keyName.equalsIgnoreCase("out.pdf"))
                     //Cast the Object to a Document
                     Object o = e.getValue();
                     outDoc = (Document)o;

                     //Create the output file
                     File myOutFile = new File("C:\\AssemblerResultBatesPDF.pdf");
             System.out.println("The PDF that contains Bates numbering was assembled.");
         }catch (Exception e) {

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Agrupar un documento de PDF no interactivo mediante la API de Java quick-start-soap-mode-assembling-a-non-interactive-pdf-document-using-the-java-api

El siguiente ejemplo de código Java organiza un documento de PDF no interactivo. El documento PDF interactivo que se pasa al servicio Assembler se denomina Loan.pdf. Observe que el nombre del documento DDX es shell_XFA.xml. El documento no interactivo del PDF se guardará como un archivo de PDF denominado AssembleNonInteractivePDF.pdf. (Consulte Agrupar documentos de PDF no interactivos.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-assembler-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
     * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed
     * on JBoss)
     * 6. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9.  commons-collections-3.1.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 20. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 21. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * These JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
     * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * SOAP required JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include these additional JAR files
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode, see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * The following XML represents the DDX document used in this quick start:
     * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     * <DDX xmlns="">
     * <PDF result="out.pdf">
     * <PDF source="inDoc"/>
     * <NoXFA/>
     * </PDF>
     * </DDX>
 import com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class AssembleNonInteractiveSOAP
     public static void main(String[] args) {
             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://'[server]:[port]'");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory instance
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create an AssemblerServiceClient object
             AssemblerServiceClient assemblerClient = new AssemblerServiceClient(myFactory);

              * Create a FileInputStream object based on an existing DDX file
              * This DDX document contains instructions to create
              * a non-interactive PDF document
             FileInputStream myDDXFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\shell_XFA.xml");

             //Create a Document object based on the DDX file
             Document myDDX = new Document(myDDXFile);

             //Reference an interactive PDF document
             FileInputStream mySourceLoan = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\Loan.pdf");

             //Create a Document object based on the Loan.pdf source file
             Document myPDFLoanSource = new Document(mySourceLoan);

             //Create an AssemblerOptionsSpec object
             AssemblerOptionSpec assemblerSpec = new AssemblerOptionSpec();

             //Submit the job to Assembler service and get back a
             //non-interactive PDF document
             Document outDoc = assemblerClient.invokeOneDocument(myDDX,myPDFLoanSource,assemblerSpec);

             //Save the non-interactive PDF document
             File myOutFile = new File("C:\\AssembleNonInteractivePDF.pdf");

         }catch (Exception e) {

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Determinación de si un documento es compatible con el PDF/A mediante la API de Java quick-start-soap-mode-determining-whether-a-document-is-pdf-a-compliant-using-the-java-api

El siguiente ejemplo de código Java determina si el documento del PDF de entrada es compatible con el PDF/A. El documento del PDF de entrada que se pasa al servicio Assembler se denomina Loan.pdf. El nombre del documento DDX es shell_PDFA.xml. El documento XML que devuelve el servicio Assembler y especifica si el documento del PDF de entrada es compatible con el PDF/A, se guarda como un archivo XML denominado result.xml. Para obtener información sobre el documento DDX shell_PDFA.xml utilizado en este ejemplo de código, consulte Determinación de si los documentos son compatibles con el PDF/A-.

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-assembler-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
     * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed
     * on JBoss)
     * 6. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9.  commons-collections-3.1.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 20. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 21. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * These JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
     * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * SOAP required JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include these additional JAR files
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode, see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * This quick start validates the following DDX document:
     *<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     *<DDX xmlns="">
     * <DocumentInformation source="Loan.pdf" result="Loan_result.xml">
     * <PDFAValidation compliance="PDF/A-1b" resultLevel="Detailed" ignoreUnusedResources="true" allowCertificationSignatures="true" />
     * </DocumentInformation>

 import com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class AssembleDeterminePDFASOAP
     public static void main(String[] args) {
             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms using SOAP mode
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://'[server]:[port]'");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory instance
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create an AssemblerServiceClient object
             AssemblerServiceClient assemblerClient = new AssemblerServiceClient(myFactory);

             //Create a FileInputStream object based on an existing DDX file
             FileInputStream myDDXFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\shell_PDFA.xml");

             //Create a Document object based on the DDX file
             Document myDDX = new Document(myDDXFile);

             //Create a Map object to store PDF source documents
             Map inputs = new HashMap();
             FileInputStream mySourceMap = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\Loan.pdf");

             //Create a Document object based on the map.pdf source file
             Document myPDFMapSource = new Document(mySourceMap);

             //Place two entries into the Map object

             //Create an AssemblerOptionsSpec object
             AssemblerOptionSpec assemblerSpec = new AssemblerOptionSpec();

             //Submit the job to Assembler service
             AssemblerResult jobResult = assemblerClient.invokeDDX(myDDX,inputs,assemblerSpec);
             java.util.Map allDocs = jobResult.getDocuments();

             //Retrieve the result PDF document from the Map object
             Document outDoc = null;

             //Iterate through the map object to retrieve the result XML
             //document that specifies if the input document is
             //PDF/A compliant
             for (Iterator i = allDocs.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                 // Retrieve the Map object's value
                 Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);

                 //Get the key name as specified in the
                 //DDX document
                 String keyName = (String)e.getKey();
                 if (keyName.equalsIgnoreCase("Loan_result.xml"))
                     //Get the element value
                     Object o = e.getValue();

                     //Cast the Object to a Document
                     outDoc = (Document)o;

                     //Save the XML file
                     File myMXLFile = new File("C:\\Adobe\result.xml");

             System.out.println("The results are written to result.xml.");
         }catch (Exception e) {

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Validación de documentos DDX mediante la API de Java quick-start-soap-mode-validating-ddx-documents-using-the-java-api

El siguiente ejemplo de código Java valida un documento DDX basado en un archivo denominado bookmarkDDX.xml. (Consulte Validación de documentos DDX.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-assembler-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
     * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed
     * on JBoss)
     * 6. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9.  commons-collections-3.1.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 20. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 21. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * These JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
     * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * SOAP required JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include these additional JAR files
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode, see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * This quick start validates the following DDX document:
     *&<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     * <DDX xmlns="">
     * <PDF result="out.pdf">
     * <PDF source="map.pdf" />
     * <PDF source="directions.pdf" />
     * </PDF>
     * </DDX>
 import com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class ValidateDDXSOAP
     public static void main(String[] args) {

         boolean isValid = false;
            Document outLog = null;

             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://'[server]:[port]'");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory instance
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create an AssemblerServiceClient object
             AssemblerServiceClient assemblerClient = new AssemblerServiceClient(myFactory);

             //Create a FileInputStream object based on an existing DDX file
             FileInputStream myDDXFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\bookmarkDDX.xml");

             //Create a Document object based on the DDX file
             Document myDDX = new Document(myDDXFile);

             //Create an AssemblerOptionsSpec object
             AssemblerOptionSpec assemblerSpec = new AssemblerOptionSpec();

             //Validate the DDX document
             AssemblerResult jobResult = assemblerClient.invokeDDX(myDDX,null,assemblerSpec);
             outLog = jobResult.getJobLog();
             isValid = true;

         }catch (Exception e) {
              if (e instanceof OperationException) {
                     OperationException oe = (OperationException) e;
                     outLog = oe.getJobLog();
                     File myOutFile = new File("C:\\test.xml");
          } finally {
                if (outLog != null) {
                    File myOutFile = new File("C:\\test.xml");
           if (isValid) {
                 // do something
           } else {
                // do something else

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Agrupar documentos de PDF con marcadores mediante la API de Java quick-start-soap-mode-assembling-pdf-documents-with-bookmarks-using-the-java-api

El siguiente ejemplo de código Java combina un documento de PDF que contiene marcadores. El nombre del documento DDX es bookmarkDDX.xml. El nombre del documento XML de marcador que describe los marcadores que se van a agregar al documento de PDF es bookmarks.xml. El documento de PDF de resultados se guarda como un archivo de PDF denominado AssemblerResultBookmarks.pdf. (Consulte Agrupar documentos de PDF con marcadores).

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-assembler-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
     * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed
     * on JBoss)
     * 6. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9.  commons-collections-3.1.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 20. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 21. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * These JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
     * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * SOAP required JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include these additional JAR files
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode, see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * * This quick start uses the following DDX document:
     * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     * <DDX xmlns="">
     * <PDF result="FinalDoc.pdf">
     * <PDF source="Loan.pdf">
     * <Bookmarks source="doc2" />
     * </PDF>
     * </PDF>
     * </DDX>
     * This quick start also uses the following bookmarks XML
     * to assemble a PDF document containing bookmarks:
     * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     * <Bookmarks xmlns="" version="1.0">
     * <Bookmark>
     * <Action>
     * <Launch NewWindow="true">
     * <File Name="C:\Adobe\LoanDetails.pdf" />
     * </Launch>
     * </Action>
     * <Title>Open the Loan document</Title>
     * </Bookmark>
     * <Bookmark>
     * <Action>
     * <Launch>
     * <Win Name="C:\WINDOWS\notepad.exe" />
     * </Launch>
     * </Action>
     * <Title>Launch NotePad</Title>
     * </Bookmark>
     * </Bookmarks>
     import com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class AssembleBookmarksSOAP
     public static void main(String[] args) {
             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms using SOAP mode
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://'[server]:[port]'");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory instance
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create an AssemblerServiceClient object
             AssemblerServiceClient assemblerClient = new AssemblerServiceClient(myFactory);

             //Create a FileInputStream object based on an existing DDX file
             FileInputStream myDDXFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\bookmarkDDX.xml");

             //Create a Document object based on the DDX file
             Document myDDX = new Document(myDDXFile);

             //Create a Map object to store an input PDF document and a Bookmark
             //XML document
             Map inputs = new HashMap();
             FileInputStream mySourceMap = new FileInputStream("C:\\Loan.pdf");
             FileInputStream bookmarkInfo = new FileInputStream("C:\\bookmarks.xml");

             //Create a Document object based on the Loan.pdf source file
             Document myPDFMapSource = new Document(mySourceMap);

             //Create a Document object based on the bookmarks.xml file
             Document myBookmarkXML= new Document(bookmarkInfo);

             //Place two entries into the Map object

             //Create an AssemblerOptionsSpec object
             AssemblerOptionSpec assemblerSpec = new AssemblerOptionSpec();

             //Submit the job to Assembler service
             AssemblerResult jobResult = assemblerClient.invokeDDX(myDDX,inputs,assemblerSpec);
             java.util.Map allDocs = jobResult.getDocuments();

             //Retrieve the result PDF document from the Map object
             Document outDoc = null;

             //Iterate through the map object to retrieve the result PDF document
             for (Iterator i = allDocs.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                 // Retrieve the Map object's value
                 Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);

                 //Get the key name as specified in the
                 //DDX document
                 String keyName = (String)e.getKey();
                 if (keyName.equalsIgnoreCase("FinalDoc.pdf"))
                     Object o = e.getValue();
                     outDoc = (Document)o;

                     //Save the result PDF file
                     File myOutFile = new File("C:\\Adobe\Assembler\Output\AssemblerResultBookmarks.pdf");
         }catch (Exception e) {

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Creación dinámica de un documento DDX mediante la API de Java quick-start-soap-mode-dynamically-creating-a-ddx-document-using-the-java-api

El siguiente ejemplo de código Java crea dinámicamente un documento DDX que desmonta un documento PDF. Se crea un nuevo documento de PDF para cada marcador de nivel 1 en el documento de PDF de entrada. Este ejemplo de código contiene dos métodos definidos por el usuario:

  • createDDX: crea un objeto org.w3c.dom.Document que representa el documento DDX enviado al servicio Assembler. Este método definido por el usuario devuelve el objeto org.w3c.dom.Document.

  • convertDDX: convierte un objeto org.w3c.dom.Document en un objeto com.adobe.idp.Document. Este método acepta un objeto org.w3c.dom.Document como parámetro de entrada y devuelve un objeto com.adobe.idp.Document.

    En este inicio rápido se invocan ambos métodos. (Consulte Creación dinámica de documentos DDX).

 * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
 * in the class path:
 * 1. adobe-assembler-client.jar
 * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
 * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
 * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
 * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed
 * on JBoss)
 * 6. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * 7. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * 8. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * 9. commons-collections-3.1.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * 10. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * 11. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * 12. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * 13. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * 14. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * 15. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * 16. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * 17. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * 18. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * 19. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * 20. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * 21. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
 * These JAR files are in the following path:
 * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
 * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
 * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
 * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
 * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
 * SOAP required JAR files are in the following path:
 * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
 * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
 * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
 * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
 * you have to include these additional JAR files
 * For information about the SOAP
 * mode, see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
 * with AEM Forms
 * The following XML represents the DDX document created in this quick start:
 * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 * <DDX xmlns="">
 * <PDF result="out.pdf">
 * <PDF source="inDoc"/>
 * <NoXFA/>
 * </PDF>
 * </DDX>
import com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import com.adobe.idp.Document;
import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;
public class AssemblePDFWithDynamicDDXSOAP {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   try {
    //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms using SOAP mode
    Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
    connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL, ServiceCl ientFactoryProperties.DSC_SOAP_PROTOCOL);
    //Create a ServiceClientFactory instance
    ServiceClientFactory myFactory =
    //Create an AssemblerServiceClient object
    AssemblerServiceClient assemblerClient = new AssemblerServiceClient(myFactory);
    //Dynamically create a DDX document
    org.w3c.dom.Document myDDX = createDDX();
    //Covert the DDX document to a com.adobe.idp.Document instance
    com.adobe.idp.Document ddx = convertDDX(myDDX);
    //Create a Map object to store PDF source documents
    Map inputs = new HashMap();
    FileInputStream mySourceMap = new FileInputStream("C:\\AssemblerResultPDF.pdf");
    //Create a Document object based on the map.pdf source file
    Document myPDFSource = new Document(mySourceMap);
    //Place the entry into the Map object
    inputs.put("AssemblerResultPDF.pdf", myPDFSource);
    //Create an AssemblerOptionsSpec object
    AssemblerOptionSpec assemblerSpec = new AssemblerOptionSpec();
    //Submit the job to Assembler service and use the dynamically created DDX document
    AssemblerResult jobResult = assemblerClient.invokeDDX(ddx, inputs, assemblerSpec);
    java.util.Map allDocs = jobResult.getDocuments();
    //Retrieve the result PDF document from the Map object
    Document outDoc = null;
    int index = 1;
    //Iterate through the map object to retrieve the result PDF documents
    for (Iterator i = allDocs.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
     // Retrieve the Map object's value
     Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
     Object o = e.getValue();
     //Cast the Object to a Document
     //and save to a file
     outDoc = (Document) o;
     File myOutFile = new File("C:\\ResultPDF" + index + ".pdf");
   } catch (Exception e) {
  //Creates a DDX document using an org.w3c.dom.Document object
 private static org.w3c.dom.Document createDDX() {
   org.w3c.dom.Document document = null;
   try {
    //Create DocumentBuilderFactory and DocumentBuilder objects
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    //Create a Document object
    document = builder.newDocument();
    //Create the root element and append it to the XML DOM
    Element root = (Element) document.createElement("DDX");
    root.setAttribute("xmlns", "");
    //Create the PDFsFromBookmarks element
    Element PDFsFromBookmarks =
     (Element) document.createElement("PDFsFromBookmarks");
    PDFsFromBookmarks.setAttribute("prefix", "stmt");
    //Create the PDF element
    Element PDF = (Element) document.createElement("PDF");
    PDF.setAttribute("source", "AssemblerResultPDF.pdf");
   } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("The following exception occurred: " + e.getMessage());
   return document;
  //Converts an org.w3c.dom.Document object to a
  //com.adobe.idp.Document object
 private static Document convertDDX(org.w3c.dom.Document myDOM) {
  byte[] mybytes = null;
  try {
   //Create a Java Transformer object
   TransformerFactory transFact = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
   Transformer transForm = transFact.newTransformer();
   //Create a Java ByteArrayOutputStream object
   ByteArrayOutputStream myOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
   //Create a Java Source object
   javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource myInput = new DOMSource(myDOM);
   //Create a Java Result object myOutput = new StreamResult(myOutStream);
   //Populate the Java ByteArrayOutputStream object
   transForm.transform(myInput, myOutput);
   // Get the size of the ByteArrayOutputStream buffer
   int myByteSize = myOutStream.size();
   //Allocate myByteSize to the byte array
   mybytes = new byte[myByteSize];
   //Copy the content to the byte array
   mybytes = myOutStream.toByteArray();
  } catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("The following exception occurred: " + e.getMessage());
  //Create a com.adobe.idp.Document object and copy the
  //contents of the byte array
  Document myDocument = new Document(mybytes);
  return myDocument;

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Agrupación de Portfolio de PDF mediante la API de Java quick-start-soap-mode-assembling-pdf-portfolios-using-the-java-api

El siguiente ejemplo de código Java crea un portafolio de PDF. El portafolio de PDF se guardará como un archivo de PDF denominado AssemblerResultPortfolio.pdf. (Consulte Ensamblar Portfolio de PDF.)

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-assembler-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
     * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed
     * on JBoss)
     * These JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
     * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * SOAP required JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include these additional JAR files
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode, see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * This is the DDX file used to create a PDF portfolio:
     * <DDX xmlns="">
     * <PDF result="portfolio1.pdf">
     * <Portfolio>
     * <Navigator source="myNavigator">
     * <Resource name="navigator/" source="myImage.png"/>
     * </Navigator>
     * </Portfolio>
     * <PackageFiles source="dog1"  >
     * <FieldData name="X">72</FieldData>
     * <FieldData name="Y">72</FieldData>
     * <File filename="saint_bernard.jpg" mimetype="image/jpeg"/>
     * </PackageFiles>
     * <PackageFiles source="dog2"  >
     * <FieldData name="X">120</FieldData>
     * <FieldData name="Y">216</FieldData>
     * <File filename="greyhound.pdf"/>
     * </PackageFiles>
     * </PDF>
     * </DDX>
 import com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.*;

 import java.util.*;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class CreatePDFPortfolioSOAP {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://'[server]:[port]'");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory instance
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create an AssemblerServiceClient object
             AssemblerServiceClient assemblerClient = new AssemblerServiceClient(myFactory);

             //Create a FileInputStream object based on an existing DDX file
             FileInputStream myDDXFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\portfolioAssembly.xml");
             FileInputStream myNavFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\AdobeOnImage.nav");

             //Create a Document object based on the DDX file
             Document myDDX = new Document(myDDXFile);
             Document myNav = new Document(myNavFile);

             //Create a Map object to store PDF source documents
             Map<String,Object> input = new HashMap<String, Object>();
             FileInputStream mySourceNavImage = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\myImage.png");
             FileInputStream mySourceDog1 = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\saint_bernard.jpg");
             FileInputStream mySourceDog2 = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\greyhound.pdf");

             //Create a Document object based on the myImage.png source file
             Document myPDFNavImageSource = new Document(mySourceNavImage);

             //Create a Document object based on the MyFirstFile.pdf source file
             Document myPDFDog1Source = new Document(mySourceDog1);

             //Create a Document object based on the MySecondFile.txt source file
             Document myPDFDog2Source = new Document(mySourceDog2);

             //Place two entries into the Map object
             input.put("myNavigator", myNav);

             //Create an AssemblerOptionsSpec object
             AssemblerOptionSpec assemblerSpec = new AssemblerOptionSpec();

             //Submit the job to Assembler service
             AssemblerResult jobResult = assemblerClient.invokeDDX(myDDX,input,assemblerSpec);
             Map<String,Document> allDocs = jobResult.getDocuments();

             //Retrieve the result PDF document from the Map object
             Document outDoc = null;

             //Iterate through the map object to retrieve the result PDF document
             for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Document>> i = allDocs.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                 // Retrieve the Map object?s value
                 Map.Entry<String,Document> e = (Map.Entry<String,Document>);

                 //Get the key name as specified in the
                 //DDX document
                 String keyName = (String)e.getKey();
                 if (keyName.equalsIgnoreCase("portfolio1.pdf"))
                     Object o = e.getValue();
                     outDoc = (Document)o;

                     //Save the result PDF file
                     File myOutFile = new File("C:\\Adobe\AssemblerResultPortfolio.pdf");

         }catch (Exception e) {

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Agrupar varios fragmentos XDP mediante la API de Java quick-start-soap-mode-assembling-multiple-xdp-fragments-using-the-java-api

El siguiente ejemplo de código Java ensambla fragmentos XDP basados en los siguientes archivos XDP: tuc018_template_flowed.xdp, tuc018_contact.xdp y* tuc018_paciente.xdp*. El documento XDP ensamblado que contiene todos los fragmentos se guarda como un archivo XDP denominado AssemblerResultXDP.xdp. (Consulte Agrupar varios fragmentos XDP).

     * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
     * in the class path:
     * 1. adobe-assembler-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
     * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed
     * on JBoss)
     * 6. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 7. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 8. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 9.  commons-collections-3.1.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
     * 10. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 11. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 12. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 13. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 14. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 15. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 16. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 17. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 18. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 19. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 20. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * 21. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
     * These JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
     * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * SOAP required JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include these additional JAR files
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode, see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
     * The following XML represents the DDX document used in this quick start:
     * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     * <DDX xmlns="">
     * <XDP result="tuc018result.xdp">
     * <XDP source="tuc018_template_flowed.xdp">
     * <XDPContent insertionPoint="ddx_fragment" source="tuc018_contact.xdp" fragment="subPatientContact" required="false"/>
     * <XDPContent insertionPoint="ddx_fragment" source="tuc018_patient.xdp" fragment="subPatientPhysical" required="false"/>
     * <XDPContent insertionPoint="ddx_fragment" source="tuc018_patient.xdp" fragment="subPatientHealth" required="false"/>
     * </XDP>
     * </XDP>
     * </DDX>
 import com.adobe.livecycle.assembler.client.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

 public class AssembleFragmentsSOAP
     public static void main(String[] args) {
             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://'[server]:[port]'");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory instance
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create an AssemblerServiceClient object
             AssemblerServiceClient assemblerClient = new AssemblerServiceClient(myFactory);

             //Create a FileInputStream object based on an existing DDX file
             FileInputStream myDDXFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\fragmentDDX.xml");

             //Create a Document object based on the DDX file
             Document myDDX = new Document(myDDXFile);

             //Create a Map object to store the input XDP files
             Map inputs = new HashMap();
             FileInputStream inSource = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\tuc018_template_flowed.xdp");
             FileInputStream inFragment1 = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\tuc018_contact.xdp");
             FileInputStream inFragment2 = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\tuc018_patient.xdp");

             //Create a Document object
             Document myMapSource = new Document(inSource);

             //Create a Document object
             Document inFragment1Doc = new Document(inFragment1);

             //Create a Document object
             Document inFragment2Doc = new Document(inFragment2);

             //Place all the XDP files into the MAP

             //Create an AssemblerOptionsSpec object
             AssemblerOptionSpec assemblerSpec = new AssemblerOptionSpec();

             //Submit the job to Assembler service
             AssemblerResult jobResult = assemblerClient.invokeDDX(myDDX,inputs,assemblerSpec);
             java.util.Map allDocs = jobResult.getDocuments();

             //Retrieve the result PDF document from the Map object
             Document outDoc = null;

             //Iterate through the map object to retrieve the result XDP document
             for (Iterator i = allDocs.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                 // Retrieve the Map object's value
                 Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);

                 //Get the key name as specified in the
                 //DDX document
                 String keyName = (String)e.getKey();
                 if (keyName.equalsIgnoreCase("tuc018result.xdp"))
                     Object o = e.getValue();
                     outDoc = (Document)o;

                     //Save the result XDP file
                     File myOutFile = new File("C:\\AssemblerResultXDP.xdp");
         }catch (Exception e) {

SOAP Inicio rápido (modo de): Creación de un documento de PDF mediante la API de Java quick-start-soap-mode-redacting-a-pdf-document-using-the-java-api

En el ejemplo de código siguiente se crea un documento de PDF utilizando PDFUtility.

PDFUtility solo puede censurar los PDF marcados para censura con Acrobat.
 * This Java Quick Start uses the SOAP mode and contains the following JAR files
 * in the class path:
 * 1. adobe-pdfutility-client.jar
 * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
 * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
 * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
 * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if AEM Forms is not deployed
 * on JBoss)
 * These JAR files are in the following path:
 * <install directory>/Adobe/Adobe_Experience_Manager_forms/sdk/client-libs/common
 * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
 * <install directory>/Adobe/Adobe_Experience_Manager_forms/sdk/client-libs/jboss
 * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
 * <install directory>/Adobe/Adobe_Experience_Manager_forms/jboss/bin/client
 * If you want to invoke a remote AEM Forms instance and there is a
 * firewall between the client application and AEM Forms, then it is
 * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
 * you have to include additional JAR files in the following
 * path
 * <install directory>/Adobe/Adobe_Experience_Manager_forms/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
 * For information about the SOAP
 * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
 * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
 * with AEM Forms
 * For complete details about the location of the AEM Forms JAR files,
 * see "Including AEM Forms library files" in Programming
 * with AEM Forms

import java.util.*;
import com.adobe.livecycle.pdfutility.client.*;
import com.adobe.idp.Document;
import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;

public class RedactPDF
    public static void main(String[] args)
            //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
            Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
            connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://'[server]:[port]'");
            connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
            connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
            connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

            // Create a ServiceClientFactory object
            ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

            // Create a PDF Utility client
            PDFUtilityServiceClient pdfUt = new PDFUtilityServiceClient(myFactory);

            // Specify a PDF document to Redact
            FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\\RedactMarked.pdf");
            Document inDoc = new Document(fileInputStream);
            RedactionOptionSpec spec = new RedactionOptionSpec();

            // Convert the PDF document to redact
            RedactionResult redRes = pdfUt.redact(inDoc,spec);

            Document redactPDF = redRes.getDocument();

            //Save the returned Document object as an XDP file
            File redactedFile = new File("C:\\Adobe\\Redacted.pdf");
        catch (Exception e)