WHAT: Create a ‘News & Announcements’ project within Workspace, which will be mainly text, and share it with the whole company. You don’t need to force this as a landing page to your users (although you can) since it will float up to the top of their list each time it is updated.
WHY: Your users probably don’t want yet another email each time something is changed within Adobe Analytics. And expecting your users to regularly check your internal Adobe Analytics site (Confluence or other - see the Create an internal Adobe Analytics site tip) is a stretch. Instead, you can leverage Workspace so that they don’t have to step out of the interface. Each time they log in, they will see the News & Announcements dashboard.
HOW: Log in to Workspace and create a new project. Ensure this project is shared with everyone in the org in the project settings. The top (description) of this project can point to your internal Adobe Analytics site and call out the best contact or DL. I then suggest 4 sections which are all text based:
New Releases & Features:
- Arrange bullet points chronologically by year (or month if you have a large number), with the latest on top
- These can include new features from Adobe, new variables/events, new sites/apps, new features being tracked, etc.
- Bullet points should have the date, affected property if applicable, and minimal detail
List of Overview Dashboards:
- It is highly recommended to have overview dashboards for all your main properties or other large categories of content. Creating these will stop a lot of ad-hoc reporting and quickly give users an overall understanding of a property without needing additional help. These should be shared with the whole company and tagged as ‘Overview Dashboards’. I also recommend creating an ‘Overview of All Sites & Apps’ dashboard so that users gain an understanding of the entire digital landscape, and where a specific property lands within that bigger picture.
- List all of these out in a simple bullet point format, directly linking each dashboard.
Cool Reports for you to Check Out:
- Get users excited by showing off your best dashboards and what Adobe Analytics can do. Keep these dashboards general and accessible to a larger audience.
- List these out with bullet points, linking users directly to the dashboard. A short description of what they are will also help.
Known Bugs, Errors & Changes:
- Keeping a log of bugs and changes in Excel is possible, but difficult to remember to update. Users won’t proactively check a spreadsheet that’s kept outside the platform either. Keeping everything within the interface will make it easier to update, and easier for users to notice.
- It’s a very simple solution, nothing fancy - which means it’s easy to maintain.