Create a review or approval request for a asset

The content of this article refers to updated approval functionality that is only available for specific accounts. For information on standard approval processes, see the articles listed in Work approvals.

Create a review or approval request from the Document Summary

  1. Go to the project, task, or issue that contains the connected, then select Documents.

    note tip
    TIP connected assets have the logo next to them.
  2. Click on the connected asset you need to open the Document Summary panel.

  3. (Optional) In the Version drop-down menu, select the version of the asset you want to create an approval for. The latest version is selected by default.

  4. Scroll down to the Approvals section, then click Add.

  5. (Optional) Set a deadline for the approval. Users and teams are notified by email 72 hours, then 24 hours before the specified deadline.

  6. To add an approver, click the Approver and and begin typing in a user or team name.

  7. To add a reviewer, click the Reviewer checkbox and begin typing in a user or team name.

  8. Repeat the previous step to add additional approvers or reviewers.

Create a review or approval request from the Document Details page

  1. Hover over the document, then click Document Details.

  2. Near the document name, select the version of the document you would like to create an approval for. The latest version is selected by default.

  3. In the left panel, click Approvals.

  4. (Optional) Set a deadline for the approval. Users and teams are notified by email 72 hours, then 24 hours before the specified deadline.

  5. To add an approver, click the Approver and and begin typing in a user or team name.

  6. To add a reviewer, click the Reviewer checkbox and begin typing in a user or team name.

  7. Repeat the previous step to add additional approvers or reviewers.
