Jira Software modules

In an Adobe Workfront Fusion scenario, you can automate workflows that use Jira Software, as well as connect it to multiple third-party applications and services.

These instructions apply to both Jira Cloud and Jira Server modules.

For instructions on creating a scenario, see the articles under Create scenarios: article index.

For information about modules, see the articles under Modules: article index.

Access requirements

Expand to view access requirements for the functionality in this article.

You must have the following access to use the functionality in this article:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
Adobe Workfront package Any
Adobe Workfront license

New: Standard


Current: Work or higher

Adobe Workfront Fusion license**

Current: No Workfront Fusion license requirement.


Legacy: Workfront Fusion for Work Automation and Integration



  • Select or Prime Workfront package: Your organization must purchase Adobe Workfront Fusion.
  • Ultimate Workfront package: Workfront Fusion is included.


Current: Your organization must purchase Adobe Workfront Fusion.

For more detail about the information in this table, see Access requirements in documentation.

For information on Adobe Workfront Fusion licenses, see Adobe Workfront Fusion licenses.


To use Jira modules you must have a Jira account.

Jira API information

The Jira connector uses the following:

Jira Cloud
Jira Server
API tag

Connect Jira Software to Workfront Fusion

Your connection method is based on whether you are using Jira Cloud or Jira Server.

Connect Jira Cloud to Workfront Fusion

Connect Jira Cloud to Workfront Fusion

To connect Jira Software to Workfront Fusion, you must create an API token and insert it together with your Service URL and Username to the Create a connection field in Workfront Fusion.

Create an API token in Jira

  1. Create an API token in Jira.

    For instructions, we recomments searching for “Create an API token” in the Jira documentation.

  2. After creating the token, copy the token to a secure location.

    note important
    You can’t view the token again after closing this dialog.

    1. Store the generated token in a safe place.

  3. Continue with Configure the Jira API token in Workfront Fusion.

Configure the Jira API token in Workfront Fusion

  1. In any Jira Cloud module in Workfront Fusion, click Add next to the connection field.

  2. Specify the following information:

    • Environment
    • Type
    • Service URL: This is the base URL that you use to access your Jira account. Example: yourorganization.atlassian.net
    • Username
    • API token:  This is the API token you created in the Create an API token in Jira section of this article.
  3. Click Continue to create the connection and return to the module.

Connect Jira Server to Workfront Fusion

To authorize a connection between Workfront Fusion and Jira Server, you need your Consumer Key, Private Key, And Service URL. You may need to contact your Jira administrator for this information.

Generate Public and Private keys for your Jira connection

To acquire a private key for your Workfront Fusion Jira connection, you need to generate public and private keys. This is done through your computer’s terminal. You can locate your terminal by searching for terminal in your start menu or computer search bar (not your browser search bar.)

  1. In your terminal, run the following openssl commands.

    • openssl genrsa -out jira_privatekey.pem 1024

      This command generates a 1024 bit private key.

    • openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -x509 -key jira_privatekey.pem -out jira_publickey.cer -days 365

      This command creates an X509 certificate.

    • openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in jira_privatekey.pem -out jira_privatekey.pcks8

      This command extracts the private key (PKCS8 format) to the jira_privatekey.pcks8 file.

    • openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in jira_publickey.cer > jira_publickey.pem

      This command extracts the public key from the certificate to the jira_publickey.pem file.

      note note
      If you are using Windows, you may need to save the public key to the jira_publickey.pem file manually:
      1. In your terminal, run the following command:

        openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in jira_publickey.cer

      2. Copy the terminal output, including -------BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-------- and -------END PUBLIC KEY--------.

      3. Paste the terminal output into a file named jira_publickey.pem.

  2. Continue to Configure the client app as a consumer in Jira

Configure the client app as a consumer in Jira

  1. Log in to your Jira instance.

  2. In the left navigation panel, click Jira Settings Jira settings icon > Applications> Application links.

  3. In the Enter the URL of the application you want to link field, enter

    code language-none
  4. Click Create new link. Ignore the “No response was received from the URL you entered” error message.

  5. In the Link applications window, enter values into the Consumer key and Shared secret fields.

    You can choose the values for these fields.

  6. Copy the values of the Consumer key and Shared secret fields to a secure location.

    You will require these values later in the configuration process.

  7. Fill in the URL fields as follows:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2
    Field Description
    Request Token URL <Jira base url>/plugins/servlet/oauth/request-token
    Authorization URL <Jira base url>/plugins/servlet/oauth/authorize
    Access Token URL <Jira base url>/plugins/servlet/oauth/access-token
  8. Select the Create incoming link checkbox.

  9. Click Continue.

  10. In the Link applications window, fill in the following fields:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
    Consumer Key Paste in the consumer key that you copied to a secure location.
    Consumer name Enter a name of your choice. This name is for your own reference.
    Public key Paste in the public key from your jira_publickey.pem file.
  11. Click Continue.

  12. Continue to Create a connection to Jira Server or Jira Data Center in Workfront Fusion

Create a connection to Jira Server or Jira Data Center in Workfront Fusion

Use the Jira Server app to connect to Jira Server or Jira Data Center.
  1. In any Jira Server module in Workfront Fusion, click Add next to the connection field.

  2. In the Create a connection panel, fill in the following fields:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
    Connection name Enter a name for the connection
    Environment Select whther you are using a production or non-production environment.
    Type Select whether you are using a service account or a personal account.
    Consumer Key Paste in the consumer key that you copied to a secure location in Configure the client app as a consumer in Jira
    Private Key Paste in the private key from the jira_privatekey.pcks8 file you created in Generate Public and Private keys for your Jira connection.
    Service URL Enter your Jira instance URL. Example: yourorganization.atlassian.net
  3. Click Continue to create the connection and go back to the module.

Jira Software modules and their fields

When you configure Jira Software modules, Workfront Fusion displays the fields listed below. Along with these, additional Jira Software fields might display, depending on factors such as your access level in the app or service. A bolded title in a module indicates a required field.

If you see the map button above a field or function, you can use it to set variables and functions for that field. For more information, see Map information from one module to another.

Map toggle


Watch for records

This trigger module starts a scenario when a record is added, updated, or deleted.


Select the webhook that you want to use to watch for records.

To add a new webhook:

  1. Click Add

  2. Enter a name for the webhook.

  3. Select the connection you want to use for your webhook.

    For instructions about connecting your Jira Software account to Workfront Fusion, see Connect Jira Software to Workfront Fusion in this article.

  4. Select the record type that you want the software to watch for:

    • Comment
    • Issue
    • Project
    • Sprint


Add issue to sprint

This action module adds one or more issues to a sprint.

When you are configuring this module, the following fields display.

For instructions about connecting your Jira Software account to Workfront Fusion, see Connect Jira Software to Workfront Fusion in this article.
Sprint ID
Enter or map the Sprint ID of the sprint that you want to add an issue to.
Issue ID or Keys
For each issue or key that you want to see the experience, click Add item and enter the issue ID or key. You can enter up to 50 in one module.

Create a Record

This action module creates a new record in Jira.

The module returns any standard fields associated with the record, along with any custom fields and values that the connection accesses. You can map this information in subsequent modules in the scenario.

When you are configuring this module, the following fields display.

For instructions about connecting your Jira Software account to Workfront Fusion, see Connect Jira Software to Workfront Fusion in this article.
Record Type

Select the type of record you want the module to create, then fill in the other fields specific to that record type appear in the module.

  • Attachment
  • Comment
  • Issue
  • Project
  • Sprint
  • Worklog

Custom API Call

This action module lets you make a custom authenticated call to the Jira Software API. Use this module to create a data flow automation that can’t be accomplished by the other Jira Software modules.

When you are configuring this module, the following fields display.

Select the HTTP request method you need to configure the API call. For more information, see HTTP request methods.

For instructions about connecting your Jira Software account to Workfront Fusion, see Connect Jira Software to Workfront Fusion in this article.
Enter a path relative to<Instance URL>/rest/api/2/

Add the headers of the request in the form of a standard JSON object.

For example, {"Content-type":"application/json"}

Workfront Fusion adds the authorization headers for you.

Query String

Add the query for the API call in the form of a standard JSON object.

For example: {"name":"something-urgent"}


Add the body content for the API call in the form of a standard JSON object.


When using conditional statements such as if in your JSON, put the quotation marks outside of the conditional statement.

Delete a record

This action module deletes the specified record.

You specify the ID of the record.

The module returns the ID of the record and any associated fields, along with any custom fields and values that the connection accesses. You can map this information in subsequent modules in the scenario.

When you are configuring this module, the following fields display.

For instructions about connecting your Jira Software account to Workfront Fusion, see Connect Jira Software to Workfront Fusion in this article.
Record Type

Select the type of record you want the module to delete.

  • Attachment
  • Comment
  • Issue
  • Project
  • Sprint
ID or Key
Enter or map the ID or Key of the record you want to delete.

Download an attachment

This action module downloads a particular attachment.

When you are configuring this module, the following fields display.

For instructions about connecting your Jira Software account to Workfront Fusion, see Connect Jira Software to Workfront Fusion in this article.
Enter or map the ID of the attachment you want to download.

Read a record

This action module reads data from a single record in Jira Software.

You specify the ID of the record.

The module returns any standard fields associated with the record, along with any custom fields and values that the connection accesses. You can map this information in subsequent modules in the scenario.

When you are configuring this module, the following fields display.

For instructions about connecting your Jira Software account to Workfront Fusion, see Connect Jira Software to Workfront Fusion in this article.
Record Type

Select the type of Jira record you want the module to read.

  • Attachment
  • Issue
  • Project
  • Sprint
  • User
Select the outputs that you want to receive. Output options are available based on the type of record selected in the "Record Type" field.
Enter or map the unique Jira Software ID of the record that you want the module to read.

Update a record

This action module updates an existing record, such as an issue or project,.

You specify the ID of the record.

The module returns the ID of the record and any associated fields, along with any custom fields and values that the connection accesses. You can map this information in subsequent modules in the scenario.

When you are configuring this module, the following fields display.

For instructions about connecting your Jira Software account to Workfront Fusion, see Connect Jira Software to Workfront Fusion in this article.
Record Type

Select the type of record you want the module to update. When you select a record type, other fields specific to that record type appear in the module.

  • Comment
  • Issue
  • Project
  • Sprint
  • Transition issue
ID or Key
Enter or map the ID or Key of the record you want to update, then fill in the other fields specific to that record type appear in the module..


List records

This search module retrieves all items of a specific type that match your search query

You can map this information in subsequent modules in the scenario.

When you are configuring this module, the following fields display.

For instructions about connecting your Jira Software account to Workfront Fusion, see Connect Jira Software to Workfront Fusion in this article.
Record Type

Select the type of record you want the module to list. When you select a record type, other fields specific to that record type appear in the module.

  • Comment
  • Issue
  • Project
  • Sprint issue
  • Worklog
Max Results
Enter or map the maximum number of records you want the module to retrieve during each scenario execution cycle.

Search for records

This search module looks for records in an object in Jira Software that match the search query you specify.

You can map this information in subsequent modules in the scenario.

When you are configuring this module, the following fields display.

For instructions about connecting your Jira Software account to Workfront Fusion, see Connect Jira Software to Workfront Fusion in this article.
Record Type

Select the type of record you want the module to search for. When you select a record type, other fields specific to that record type appear in the module.

  • Issues

  • Issues by JQL (Jira Query Lanuguage)

    For more information on JQL, see JQL at the Atlassian help site.

  • Project

  • Project by issue

  • User
