Delete object types on a custom form

With the 24.7 release, the form designer will be generally available and will become the default experience for creating and editing custom forms in Adobe Workfront. The legacy form builder will no longer be available. We recommend that you switch to the form designer now and take advantage of its features.
For information, see Design a form with the form designer.
The legacy form builder was removed from the Preview environment on June 19, 2024, and will be removed from the Production environment with the 24.7 release in July.

On an existing custom form, you can delete object types that are associated with the form. After you do this, users can no longer attach the form to objects of that type.

Access requirements

You must have the following to perform the steps in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan
Adobe Workfront license

New: Standard


Current: Plan

Access level configurations
Administrative access to custom forms

For more detail about the information in this table, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.

Delete object types on a custom form

You can delete object types from an existing custom form.

A custom form must have at least one object type.

If people have already attached the custom form to objects of the type you want to delete and added data to it, that data is permanently deleted when you delete that object type on the form. It might include historical information that users will need later.
In general, we recommend minimizing the number of times you edit a custom form that is already in use. There is no notification system to alert people who use the custom form about your changes.
  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Setup Setup icon .

  2. Click Custom Forms in the left panel.

  3. Select the custom form you want to edit, then click Edit icon .

  4. Click the X on any of the Object Types that you want to delete from the form, then click Delete on the warning message that displays.

  5. (Optional) Repeat the previous step for any other object type you want to remove from the form.

  6. Click Done, then click Save and Close.
