Configure a tag property

Learn how to configure a tag property in the Data Collection interface.

Tags in Adobe Experience Platform are the next generation of tag management capabilities from Adobe. Tags give customers a simple way to deploy and manage analytics, marketing, and advertising tags necessary to power relevant customer experiences. Learn more about Tags in the product documentation.


To complete the lesson, you must have permission to create a tag property. It’s also helpful to have a baseline understanding of tags.

Platform Launch (Client Side) is now Tags

Learning objectives

In this lesson, you will:

  • Install and configure the mobile tag extensions.
  • Generate the SDK install instructions.

Initial setup

  1. Create a new mobile tag property in the Data Collection Interface:

    1. Select Tags in the left navigation.

    2. Select New Property
      create a tag property .

    3. For the Name, enter Luma Mobile App Tutorial.

    4. For the Platform, select Mobile.

    5. Select Save.

      configure the tag property

      note note
      Default consent settings for the edge-based mobile sdk implementations such as the one you are doing in this lesson come from the Consent extension and not the Privacy setting in the tag property configuration. You add and configure the Consent extension later in this lesson. For more info, see the documentation.
  2. Open the new property.

  3. Create a library:

    1. Go to Publishing Flow in the left navigation.

    2. Select Add Library.

      Select Add Library

    3. For the Name, enter Initial Build.

    4. For the Environment, select Development (development).

    5. Select Add button Add All Changed Resources.

    6. Select Save and Build to Development.

      Build the Library

    7. Finally, select Initial Build as your working library from the Select a working library menu.
      Select as the working library

  4. Check extensions:

    1. Ensure that Initial Build is selected as default library.

    2. Select Extensions in the left rail.

    3. Select the Installed tab.

      The Mobile Core and Profile extensions should be pre-installed.

      Tags installed

Extension configuration

  1. Ensure you are in Extensions within your mobile app property.

  2. Select Catalog.

    initial setup

  3. Use the Search Search field the find the Identity extension.

    1. Search for Identity.

    2. Select the Identity extension.

    3. Select Install.

      Identity Install

    This extension does not require any further configuration.

  4. Use the Search Search field to find and install the AEP Assurance extension.

    This extension does not require any further configuration.

  5. Use the Search Search field to find and install the Consent extension. In the configuration screen:

    1. Select Pending. In this tutorial, you manage consent further in the application. Learn more about the Consent extension in the documentation.

    2. Select Save to Library.

      consent settings

  6. Use the Search Search field to find and install the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network extension.

    1. In Datastreams select the Datastream that you created in the previous step for each of the environments, for example Luma Mobile App.

    2. If not already populated, specify the Edge Network domain within Domain Configuration. The Edge Network domain is the name of your organization, followed by, for example

    3. From the Save to Library menu, select Save to Library and Build.

      edge network settings

Your library is built for the new extensions and configurations. A successful build is indicated by a ● in the Initial Build button.

Generate SDK install instructions

  1. Select Environments from the left rail.

  2. Select the Development install icon Box .

    environments home screen

  3. In the Mobile Install Instructions dialog, select the iOS tab.

  4. You can copy Copy the instructions to set up your project using CocoaPods. CocoaPods are used to manage SDK versions and downloads. To learn more, please review the CocoaPods documentation. If you are using Android™ as your development platform, Gradle is the tool to manage SDK version, downloads, and dependencies. To learn more, please review the Gradle documentation

    The install instructions provide you a good starting point for implementation. You can find additional information here.

    note info
    For the remainder of this tutorial, you will not use the CocoaPods instructions but instead use a native Swift Package Manager (SPM) based setup.
  5. Select the Swift tab below Add Initialization Code. This block of code shows how to import the required SDKs and register the extensions at launch. This is covered in more detail in Install SDKs.

  6. Copy Copy the Environment File ID and store it in a place as you need it later. This unique ID points to your development environment. Each environment (Production, Staging, Development) does have its own unique ID value.

    install instructions

The install instructions should be considered a starting point and not definitive documentation. The latest SDK versions and code samples can be found in the official documentation.

Mobile tags architecture

If you are familiar with the web version of Tags, formerly Launch, it’s important to understand the differences on mobile.

  • On the web, a tag property is rendered into JavaScript which is then (usually) hosted in the cloud. That JavaScript file is referenced directly in the website.

  • In a mobile tag property, rules and configurations are rendered into JSON files which are hosted in the cloud. The JSON files are downloaded and read by the Mobile Core extension in the mobile app. Extensions are separate SDKs that work together. If you add an extension to your tag property, you must also update the app. If you change an extension setting or create a rule, those changes are reflected in the app once you publish the updated tag library. That flexibility allows you to modify settings (like Adobe Analytics report suite id) or even change your app’s behavior (using data elements and rules, as you will see in later lessons) without having to change code in your app and resubmit the app store.

You have now a mobile tag property to use in the remainder of this tutorial.
Thank you for investing your time in learning about Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK. If you have questions, want to share general feedback, or have suggestions on future content, share them on this Experience League Community discussion post

Next: Install SDKs
