In-App messaging with Places Service in-app-messages-loc-service
This information helps you understand how you can use Places Service information to send In-App Messages or Local Notifications.
Before you begin, complete the following tasks:
Have a mobile application configured with the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK, including the Adobe Campaign Standard extension.
Integrate the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK into your app.
Add the Adobe Campaign Standard Extension to your mobile app configuration.
Create a POI in the Places Service POI management interface.
Install and configure the Places extension and a region monitoring solution (CoreLocation documentation for iOS, or Android location documentation) in your mobile application.
Sending an In-App message based on a geo-fence entry or exit
In your Adobe Campaign Standard instance, click Create In-App message.
For the message type, select Target all users of a Mobile application.
Click Next and type the general details.
In the left pane, verify that you can use a variety triggers that are related to Places Services.
- You can choose to have the in-app message display if the user has entered a POI geo-fence.
- You can also use metadata that is defined in the Places Services UI to filter audience.
In the example below, you can trigger an in-app message that is displayed only to users who enter one of the vacation resorts that are participating in a free drink program, and you want to send those users a coupon when they arrive.
Click the Next to finish creating the In-app message for delivery.
To test the in-app message delivery, launch the application in Xcode or Android studio and use the location simulator to select a POI hat fits the messaging criteria.
Using Places Services with Adobe Campaign Standard gives you a powerful tool to segment and target your messaging to users based on geo-fence entries and exits. This integration allows you to build more personalized and contextual use cases.
Adobe Experience Platform Location Service with Campaign Messaging