In-App messaging with Places Service in-app-messages-loc-service

This information helps you understand how you can use Places Service information to send In-App Messages or Local Notifications.


Before you begin, complete the following tasks:

Sending an In-App message based on a geo-fence entry or exit

  1. In your Adobe Campaign Standard instance, click Create In-App message.

  2. For the message type, select Target all users of a Mobile application.

  3. Click Next and type the general details.

  4. In the left pane, verify that you can use a variety triggers that are related to Places Services.

    • You can choose to have the in-app message display if the user has entered a POI geo-fence.
    • You can also use metadata that is defined in the Places Services UI to filter audience.

    In the example below, you can trigger an in-app message that is displayed only to users who enter one of the vacation resorts that are participating in a free drink program, and you want to send those users a coupon when they arrive.

    "In-App Message Places metadata"

  5. Click the Next to finish creating the In-app message for delivery.

    "create an event"

    To test the in-app message delivery, launch the application in Xcode or Android studio and use the location simulator to select a POI hat fits the messaging criteria.

    "drink coupon"

Using Places Services with Adobe Campaign Standard gives you a powerful tool to segment and target your messaging to users based on geo-fence entries and exits. This integration allows you to build more personalized and contextual use cases.

Adobe Experience Platform Location Service with Campaign Messaging
