REST API V2 Glossary rest-api-v2-glossary
This document provides definitions for terms used when integrating the Adobe Pass Authentication REST API V2 documentation and acts as an override to our legacy Glossary.
Glossary Terms glossary-terms
A a
Access Token access-token
The access token is a token that is generated by Adobe Pass Authentication as a result of the Dynamic Client Registration (DCR) process meant to ensure access to protected APIs.
Authentication authentication
The authentication is a process that allows a user to prove their identity to a Programmer, in order to gain access to protected content (resource), after validating the user subscription with the MVPD.
Authentication Code code
The authentication code is an Adobe Pass Authentication concept that stores a unique value generated when a user initiates the authentication process, and uniquely identifies a user’s authentication session until the authentication process is complete.
The authentication code can be used by both a Primary (Programmer) Application or a Secondary (Programmer) Application to complete the authentication process, retrieve information about the authentication session, or to access the user profile.
Synonymous with former term used registration code.
Authentication Session session
The authentication session is an Adobe Pass Authentication concept that stores information about the user’s authentication process started (or continued) from a Programmer application, and is uniquely identified by an authentication code.
The authentication session can also indicate the Programmer application to proceed with the authorization process as the next phase of the entitlement flow in case the user is already authenticated.
Authorization authorization
The authorization is a process that allows a user to access protected content (resource) from a Programmer catalog based on the owned MVPD subscription, after validating the user rights with the MVPD.
C c
Client Credentials client-credentials
The client credentials are a set of unique values that are generated during the Dynamic Client Registration (DCR) process and are meant to be used to obtain an access token.
Configuration configuration
The configuration is an Adobe Pass Authentication concept that stores information about the Programmer and MVPD integration settings and can be used during the authentication process when asking the user to select their TV Provider from a list of active integrations.
Custom Scheme custom-scheme
The custom scheme is a unique value referencing a Programmer application that can be generated and downloaded from Adobe Pass TVE Dashboard and is meant to be used as a final redirect in applications running on iOS devices.
D d
DCR dcr
The Dynamic Client Registration (DCR) is an authorization mechanism defined by RFC 7591, and it is based on the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework that is described by RFC 6749.
The DCR is delivered to a Programmer as an Adobe Pass Authentication service that can further enable access to protected APIs.
For more information, refer to the Dynamic Client Registration Overview documentation.
Decision decision
The decision is an Adobe Pass Authentication concept that stores information about the MVPD authorization or preauthorization process enquiry to allow or deny user access to a Programmer protected content.
Degradation degradation
The degradation is an Adobe Pass Authentication feature that allows a user to access protected content even when its MVPD experiences a service disruption.
For more information, refer to the Degradation API Overview documentation.
E e
Entitlement entitlement
The entitlement is an Adobe Pass Authentication concept that incorporates the available flows and features that help a user go through different phases, in order to access protected content, ranging from authentication, preauthorization, authorization, and finally logout.
Enhanced Error Code enhanced-error-code
The enhanced error code is an Adobe Pass Authentication concept that provides additional information about the error that occurred while processing a request.
For more information, refer to the Enhanced Error Codes documentation.
H h
HBA hba
The Home Based Authentication (HBA) is the process whereby a consumer is automatically granted access to TV Everywhere (TVE) content on select devices that are connected to their home network, which is part of the location within the subscription contract.
I i
Identity Provider identity-provider
The identity provider is a company that provides identity services to consumers across cable, satellite, or internet-based services in the context of TV Everywhere (TVE).
Synonymous with MVPD and TV Provider.
L l
Logout logout
The logout is a process that allows a user to terminate their authenticated profile within Adobe Pass Authentication and update the Programmer application to reflect the user’s status.
M m
Media Token media-token
The media token is a token that is generated by Adobe Pass Authentication as a result of an authorization decision meant to provide access to protected content.
The media token is passed to the Programmer, which then validates it to ensure the security of access for that resource.
Synonymous with former term used short authorization token.
Media Token Verifier media-token-verifier
The Media Token Verifier is a library distributed by Adobe Pass Authentication that is responsible for verifying the authenticity of a media token.
For more information, refer to the Integrating the Media Token Verifier documentation.
MVPD mvpd
The multichannel video programming distributor (MVPD) is a company that provides television services to consumers across cable, satellite, or internet-based services.
The MVPD is identified by a unique value that is defined during the onboarding process between the MVPD and Adobe.
Synonymous with TV Provider and Identity Provider.
P p
Partner partner
The partner is a company that provides a service or framework to a Programmer in order to enable a single sign-on user experience.
The partner is identified by a unique value (e.g., “apple”) that is defined during the onboarding process between the partner and Adobe.
Preauthorization preauthorization
The preauthorization is a process that allows a user to preview a subset of resources from a Programmer catalog they would be entitled to access, after validating the user rights with the MVPD.
Synonymous with Preflight.
Preflight preflight
The preflight is a process that allows a user to preview a subset of resources from a Programmer catalog they would be entitled to access, after validating the user rights with the MVPD.
Synonymous with Preauthorization.
Primary (Programmer) Application primary-application
The primary application refers to a Programmer application that initiates authentication, but which may not be capable of completing the process by using a user agent to navigate to the MVPD login page.
Profile profile
The profile is an Adobe Pass Authentication concept that stores information about the user’s authentication start date and end date, the user’s metadata along with other fields that indicate the method of obtaining the authentication (e.g., “regular”, “degraded”, “temporary”, “single sign-on”, etc.).
Synonymous with former term used authentication token.
Programmer programmer
The Programmer is a company that provides content to consumers through owned channels (brands) across various platforms.
The Programmer groups multiple owned channels (brands) as service providers in its integration with Adobe Pass Authentication.
Proxy MVPD proxy-mvpd
The proxy MVPD is a company that provides identity services for other MVPDs and directly integrates with Adobe Pass Authentication.
Proxied MVPD proxied-mvpd
The proxied MVPD is a company that does not have a direct integration with Adobe Pass Authentication, but gets integrated through a proxy MVPD.
Platform Identity platform-identity
The platform identity is a unique platform identifier payload that is generated by a service or framework (library) bound to the user’s device and is provided to the Programmer in order to enable a single sign-on user experience.
For more information, refer to the Single sign-on using platform identity flows documentation.
R r
Registered Application registered-application
The registered application is an Adobe Pass Authentication concept that stores information about the Programmer application that requires to proceed with the Dynamic Client Registration (DCR) process.
Resource resource
The resource is a protected content that a user is trying to access from a Programmer catalog.
The resource is identified by a unique value that is agreed upon between the Programmer and MVPDs.
For more information, refer to the Identifying Protected Resources documentation.
S s
SAML saml
The Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties, in particular, between an identity provider and a service provider.
Secondary (Programmer) Application secondary-application
The secondary application refers to a Programmer application that is capable of completing the authentication process by using a user agent to navigate to the MVPD login page.
The secondary application may run on the same device as the primary application or on a different (secondary) device, in which case the sign-in experience is referred to as a ‘second screen authentication’ user experience.
Service Token service-token
The service token is a unique user identifier that is generated by a service or framework (library) bound to the user and is provided to the Programmer in order to enable a single sign-on user experience.
For more information, refer to the Single sign-on using service token flows documentation.
Service Provider service-provider
The service provider is a channel (brand) that is owned by a Programmer.
The service provider is identified by a unique value that is defined during the onboarding process between the Programmer and Adobe.
Synonymous with former term used requestor id.
Software Statement software-statement
The software statement is a JSON Web Token (JWT) that can be downloaded from Adobe Pass TVE Dashboard and is meant to be used as part of the Dynamic Client Registration (DCR) process.
SLO slo
The single logout (SLO) is a process that allows a user to log out from all the applications that were part of the single sign-on (SSO).
SP sp
The service provider (SP) refers to the role played by Adobe Pass Authentication on behalf of a Programmer in an integration with an MVPD.
SSO sso
The single sign-on (SSO) is a process that allows a user to authenticate once and gain access to multiple Programmer applications without the need to authenticate for each of them.
T t
TempPass Basic temp-pass-basic
The basic TempPass is an Adobe Pass Authentication feature that allows a user to access protected content for a limited time without the need to authenticate with an MVPD.
For more information, refer to the Temp Pass documentation.
TempPass Promotional temp-pass-promotional
The promotional TempPass is an Adobe Pass Authentication feature that allows a user to access protected content for a maximum number of resources and a limited time without the need to authenticate with an MVPD.
For more information, refer to the Promotional Temp Pass documentation.
TTL ttl
The time to live (TTL) is a value that indicates the amount of time that an underlying entity is valid for.
The TTL can be mentioned for an access token, a profile, an authorization decision, or a media token.
TVE tve
The TV Everywhere (TVE) is an industry niche that allows consumers to access their favorite TV shows, movies, and other content on multiple devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and many more.
TVE Dashboard tve-dashboard
The TV Everywhere (TVE) Dashboard is an Adobe Pass Authentication tool that is provided to Programmers to manage their configuration and data.
For more information, refer to the TVE Dashboard User Guide documentation.
TV Provider tv-provider
The TV provider is a company that provides television services to consumers across cable, satellite, or internet-based services.
The TV provider is identified by a unique value that is defined during the onboarding process between the TV provider and Adobe.
Synonymous with MVPD and Identity Provider.
U u
User Agent user-agent
The user agent refers to a browser or similar component (platform specific) capable to navigate the web and render the MVPD login page.
User Metadata user-metadata
The user metadata refers to user specific attributes (e.g., zip codes, parental ratings, user IDs, etc.) that are maintained by the MVPD and provided by Adobe Pass Authentication as part of a profile.
For more information, refer to the User Metadata documentation.
V v
VSA vsa
The Video Subscriber Account (VSA) is an Apple developed framework provided to the Programmer in order to enable a single sign-on user experience.
For more information, refer to the Video Subscriber Account Framework and Single sign-on using partner flows documentation.