Glossary glossary

The content on this page is provided for information purposes only. Usage of this API requires a current license from Adobe. No unauthorized use is permitted.

AccessEnabler accessEnabler

The client component of Adobe Pass Authentication. Adobe Pass Authentication provides an AccessEnabler library for each supported platform.

AuthN authn

Used as shorthand for “authentication”, as in “AuthN Token”, or “AuthN Flow”.

AuthN Token authn-token

Authentication token, generated by Adobe Pass Authentication after a user is successfully authenticated with an MVPD. Depending upon the Programmer’s integration platform, the token is stored on the user’s device or on the Adobe Pass Authentication servers.

AuthZ authz

Used as shorthand for “authorization”, as in “AuthZ Token”, or “AuthZ Flow”.

AuthZ Token authz-token

Authorization token, generated by Adobe Pass Authentication after a user has been authorized to view protected content. The AuthZ token is stored on Adobe Pass Authentication servers, and is used to generate a Short-lived Media Token.

Channel ID (deprecated) channel_id

Former term for Resource ID.

Clientless API clientless-api

An Adobe Pass Authentication integration solution that employs web services instead of the AccessEnabler client component.

Device ID device-id

Uniquely identifies a device (such as a phone, tablet, etc.) within Adobe Pass Authentication. This ID is obtained / provided by the Programmer’s application.

Entitlement Flow entitlement_flow

The term used in Adobe Pass Authentication documentation to refer to the entire process of registering a device / user with Adobe Pass Authentication, authenticating a user with an MVPD, authorizing a resource for a user, and logging out a user.

GUID guid

See User ID.

IdP idp

Identify Provider; synonymous with MVPD in the context of an MVPD’s role in an Adobe Pass Authentication integration. (Customers must verify their identify via their Pay TV Provider’s login page.)

Media Token Verifier media-token-verifier

An Adobe-provided library used by Programmers to verify the short-lived media token generated by Adobe Pass Authentication after successful completion of an entitlement flow.

MVPD mvpd

Multi-channel Video Programming Distributor; synonymous with “Pay TV Provider”.

MVPD ID mvpd-id

See User ID.

Partner ID partner-id

An identifier that Adobe passes to MVPDs, who use it to identify on whose behalf Adobe Pass Authentication is requesting authentication. Sometimes is it used for configuring their UIs for particular Programmers, sometimes it is the same across all Programmers, it depends upon the needs of the MVPD.

Pay TV Provider pay-tv-provider

Synonymous with MVPD.

Programmer programmer

Synonymous with “content provider”, “account”, “channel”, “service provider”, “brand”, and so on.

Proxy MVPD proxy-mvpd

An MVPD that provides identity services for other MVPDs; directly integrated with Adobe Pass Authentication.

Proxied MVPD proxied-mvpd

An MVPD that does not have a direct integration with the Adobe SP, but is integrated through a Proxy MVPD.

Requestor ID requestor-id

Uniquely identifies a Programmer (an account, brand, channel, or property) within Adobe Pass Authentication. This ID is determined between the Programmer and Adobe during the initial setup of the account. On the web, the Requestor ID is associated with a set of whitelisted domains; any calls using an ID from an outside domain will be refused. Programmers also use the Requestor ID for analytics. There is usually only one Requestor ID per Programmer. One additional feature related to the Requestor ID is that the Programmer must provide Adobe with a public certificate, as the setRequestor API call expects encrypted data to be sent, used to authenticate the Programmer in the Adobe Pass Authentication system.

Resource ID resource-id

A string or mRSS resource that identifies a Programmer to MVPDs. It is agreed upon between the Programmer and MVPDs; Adobe Pass Authentication passes the Resource ID through untouched, so it must be the same for all MVPDs. A Programmer can use multiple resource IDs as long as the MVPDs are aware of what each ID represents.

SessionGUID sessionGUID

See User ID.

Short-lived Media Token short-lived-token

This token is generated by Adobe Pass Authentication upon the successful completion of the entitlement process for a particular user. The token is passed to the Programmer, who uses the Adobe Pass Authentication Token Verifier on the Short-lived Media Token to verify the security of the entitlement process.

Smart Device smart-device

A term used throughout the Adobe Pass Authentication documentation to refer to set-top boxes, game consoles, and smart TVs. These are devices that have networking capabilities but are not capable of rendering web pages.

SP sp

Service Provider; this usually refers to the role of SP, played by Adobe Pass Authentication, acting on behalf of a Programmer in an integration with an MVPD.

Temp Pass temp-pass

A feature that lets Programmers provide temporary free access to pay content. Access is per-Requestor, for a Programmer-specified period of time.

TTL ttl

Time To Live. This is the specified length of time that a token is valid.

TVE tve

Television Everywhere.

User ID user-id

Uniquely identifies the user of a Programmer’s app, but orginates from the MVPD. Available in different forms for different use cases. See Understanding User IDs in the Programmer Overview.

Allowed list whitelist

A list of domains that are designated as legitimate for the purposes of communicating with Adobe Pass Authentication.

XSTS Token xsts-token

A security token issued by Microsoft for Xbox console app development, used in Xbox/Adobe Pass Authentication integration.
