Plan insights

In Plan insights, your plan insights are created, showing the Model, the Data range, and Total budget on which the plan is based.

When finished retrieving, you see an overview of your plan, consisting of:

  • Forecasted paid channel ROI visualization

  • Forecasted revenue visualization

  • Forecasted conversion visualization

  • Marginal channel return visualization

  • Data range breakdown table of the plan, showing columns for

    • Channel
    • ROI
    • CPA
    • Revenue
    • Conversion goal
    • Spend

To close the interface, select Close.

To change how to view the ROI of your plan, select X or ** %** at View ROI.

Forecasted paid channel spend and ROI

This visualization shows a scatterplot for the forcasted spend and return on investment on your paid channels, based on the model, date range and budget.

Forecasted paid channel spend and ROI visualization

Forecasted revenue

This bar chart visualization shows the forecasted revenue for your channels based on the model, date range and budget.

Forecasted revenue visualization

Forecasted conversions

This bar chart visualization shows the forecasted conversions for your channels based on the model, date range and budget.

Forecasted conversions visualization

Marginal channel return

This line chart visualization shows a marginal return curve for the selected channel with indicators for the Marginal break-even and Return point. This visualization helps you to understand how spend for a channel is from reaching a marginal break-even point and whether you have room to increase spend in a channel or should spend less on a channel to improve the channel spend efficiency.

Marginal channel return visualization

To select a specific channel for the visualization, select a channel from the View dropdown menu.

Date range breakdown

The Date range breakdown table shows detailed granular data per channel for ROI, Revenue, CPA, Conversions and Spend.

Date range breakdown table

  1. To download a CSV file containing the data of the Date range breakdown, select Download Download CSV. From the context menu:

    • Select Download Detailed CSV for detailed data in CSV format.
    • Select Download Summary CSV for summary data in CSV format.

    Detailed data is granular data keyed by week. Summary data is data keyed by the model-provided date range.

  2. To view the Date range breakdown by category of channels, select All channels, Paid channels, or Non-paid channels from the View selection.

Edit plan

  1. To edit your plan, select Edit Edit plan:

    1. In the Spend selection section, for each budget date range, use the Chevron to open the channel distribution view for that data range.

    2. To modify the budgets for each channel, modify the values for Min and Max or use the sliders.

    3. To toggle between currency or percentage input, select $ or % for View spend by.

      Spend selection

    4. To edit the details of your plan, select Edit details:

      1. In the Setup section, if applicable, modify the Plan name and the Description.

      2. In the Budget section:

        1. Modify the Date range for one or more of your plan’s date ranges, either by typing dates or selecting a date range using Calendar .

        2. Modify the Budget for one or more of your plan’s date ranges.

        To add additional date ranges, each with their budget, select CalendarAdd Add row.

        To delete a date range and associated budget, select Close .

        To define a maximum budget:

        1. Switch Maximize budget on.
        2. Specify the amount of maximum budget. The amount should be equal or higher than the total amount of budgets specified for the date ranges.
      3. Select Next to return to the Spend section. Select Cancel to return back to your plans overview.

        Plan Details

  2. When finished editing your plan, select Edit.

    In the All changes are final dialog, select OK to update the plan’s current spend allocation and ROI and revenue forecasts. Select Cancel to cancel the update of your plan.

  3. To cancel your plan updates, select Cancel.

    In the No work will be saved dialog, select Cancel to continue working on your plan or select OK to return back to the Plans interface.
