Compare plans
To compare plans in the Mix Modeler Plans interface:
Select Compare Plans. In Compare plans, select a plan for each Select plan.
Alternatively, you can select two plans from the Plans table, and from the action bar select Compare.
The Compare plans interface shows information and visualizations on:
- Plan
- Date range
- Model
- Total budget
- Channel budgeting: AI automated or Custom + AI
- Planned spend
- Forecasted ROI (return on investment) or CPA (cost per action)
- ROI (return on investment) or CPA (cost per action) breakdown
- Forecasted return
- ROI is defined as (Incremental Revenue - Spend) / Spend.
- CPA is defined as Spend / Incremental Conversion.
You can hover over individual chart elements in each visualization to see a popover with more details.
Select Close to return to the Plans overview.