
Conversion events are business objectives that identify the impact of marketing activities. Examples: e-commerce orders, in-store purchases, website visits, and so forth.

You define marketing conversions for attribution analysis.

Manage conversions

To see a table of the available conversions, in the Mix Modeler interface:

  1. Select DataSearch Harmonized data from the left rail.

  2. Select Conversions from the top bar. You see a table of the conversions.

The table columns specify details about the conversion:

Column name
The name of the conversion.
The harmonized data metric to use to calculate revenue from a conversion.
Conversion metric
The harmonized data metric to use as the conversion metric for analysis.
The conversion category of the conversion.
Date and time of the creation of the conversion.
Last modified
Date and time of the last modification of the conversion.

Add a conversion

To add a conversion, in the DataSearch Harmonized data > Conversion interface in Mix Modeler:

  1. Select Add Add a conversion.

  2. In the Create conversion dialog:

    1. Enter a name for Conversion, for example Store Conversions.

    2. Define the Conversion category.

      1. Select a value from Select harmonize…, for example Conversion types.

      2. Select a value for the operator Chevron , for example is.

      3. Select a value from Select value or enter a value, for example Store.

    3. Select a harmonized field from Conversion metric for analysis, for example Orders.

    4. Select a harmonized field from Revenue field, for example Gross Demand.

    5. To create the conversion, select Create. To cancel the creation of a conversion, select Cancel.

      Alt text

  3. When created, the conversion is added to the conversions table.

View details

To view details of a conversion:

  1. Select More when hovering over a conversion name in the table.

  2. Select View View details. A dialog shows details of the conversion. See Add a conversion for more information. Select Cancel to close the dialog.

View report

To view a report of a conversion:

  1. Select More when hovering over a conversion name in the table.

  2. Select GraphTrend View report. A dialog shows a report of the conversion.

    Conversion view report

    • To change the granularity to report on, select a value from the Weekly dropdown menu.
    • To change the period to report on, enter a start and end date or use Calendar to define a period in the calendar popup.
  3. Select Close to close the dialog.

Delete a conversion

To delete a conversion:

  1. Select Delete Delete when hovering over a conversion name in the table.
  2. In the Delete conversion dialog confirmation dialog select Delete to permanently delete the conversion.