
Once you go through the workflow to create a model and submit the model’s configuration, policy enforcement checks to see if there are any violations. If a policy violation occurs, a popover appears indicating that one or more policies have been violated. This check is to ensure that your data operations and marketing actions within Experience Platform are compliant with data usage policies.

By default, Mix Modeler checks for violations of Adobe defined policies associated with the following labels and marketing actions:

Policy name
Associated label
Associated marketing action
Restrict usage analytics and user based measurement
Restrict data science
Data Science
Restrict data export
Data Export

Violations are also checked for the policies that you have defined yourself, and that do contain any marketing actions listed in the table above.

When violating a policy while building a dataset rule, you see a popover that displays information about the policy violation.

For example:

  • you have enabled the Restrict data science policy with associated label C9 and associated marketing action Data Science,
  • you have applied the C9 - No data science label to the totalCost field in your Conversion Data schema,
  • you want to set up a dataset rule that, amongst others, maps the totalCost field of the Conversion Data schema to the harmonized field with name spend (and display name Spend).

When you want to save the dataset rule, you see a Data governance policy violation detected popup, displaying a list of polices violated. When you select the policy name, in the Violation summary, you see a list of the Active data governance labels, containing Entity, Type, Field and Government labels applied.

When applying a data usage label to a schema field that is already used in harmonized data, you see a popover that displays information about the policy violation.

For example:

  • you have set up dataset rule that, amongst others, maps the totalCost field of your Conversion Data schema to the harmonized field with name spend (and display name Spend).
  • you have synced the harmonized data successfully at least once (see Dataset rules - Sync data).
  • you enable the Restrict data science policy with associated label C9 and associated marketing action Data Science,
  • you want to apply the C9 - No data science label to the totalCost field in your Conversion Data schema.

When you want to save your schema update, you see a Data governance policy violation detected popup, displaying a list of polices violated. Select the policy name in the Violation summary to find more details in the Data Lineage list.

Violation detected popovers

The data governance policy violation detected popovers provide specific information about the violation. You can resolve these violations through policy settings and other measures that aren’t directly related to the configuration workflow. For example, you could change the labels so that certain fields are allowed to use for data science purposes. Alternatively, you could also modify the model configuration itself, so that the model doesn’t use an object with a data usage label.

The Privacy Policies selection in the left rail provides access to the Policies interface of Experience Platform, allowing to manage your policies, labels and marketing actions.
