
Credly is a digital credentialing platform that allows learners and organizations to earn, share, and verify professional achievements, such as badges or certifications. Learners can manage and share badges through their Credly profile on social media and other places.


Set up a Credly account for your organization. Add learners to Credly using their email IDs in Adobe Learning Manager. This will allow the learners to see the badges on Credly and Adobe Learning Manager.

Add the Credly Connector to Adobe Learning Manager

Follow these steps to add the Credly Connector to Adobe Learning Manager:

  1. Log in as Integration Admin.

  2. Select Credly > Connect to add the Credly connector to Adobe Learning Manager.

    Add Credly connector

  3. Type the Connection Name.

  4. Type the Organization ID and Authorization token.

    note note
    Each badge in Credly comes with an Organization ID and Authorization Token. Copy these values from Credly.
  5. Type the Hostname and select Connect.

Migrate badges from Credly

The badge.csv in Adobe Learning Manager allows you to migrate badges from the existing LMS or external systems. The badge.csv has been updated with two new columns:

  • External badge ID
  • External badge provider.

External badge ID refers to the badge template ID in the Credly platform, and the external badge provider is Credly. Add these values in badge.csv and follow the steps mentioned in the Migration manual to migrate the csv.

Create a skill - Admin

Once the badge has been imported into Adobe Learning Manager, admin can create this badges as a skill. To know how to create a skill, see Create and modify Skills.

Assign the skill/badge to the learning object- Author

The author/Admin can assign these Credly imported ALM badges to a course, learning path or certification (not just skills), and on the consumption of these learning objects, the badge will be achieved and can be viewed on Credly and ALM App.

Learners can log in to Credly and see the badges in the Credly platform. From Credly, they can share the badges on external platforms like LinkedIn and other social media.
