Product Terminology
What is Product Terminology in Adobe Learning Manager
Adobe Learning Manager uses a standard set of terminologies on the User Interface. As an Administrator, you can modify the terminologies to match your organization’s needs.
Using the Product Terminology feature, you can rename these terminologies, and be consistent with your organization’s learning standards.
Download the terminology csv file
To change the terminologies, follow the steps below:
As an Administrator, select Settings > General.
In the Product Terminology, select Edit.
Product Terminology -
Select Download Here and download the template of the terminologies.
Download the template
Change the terminologies
After downloading the CSV, change the required terminologies in the second column. For example, you can change Module to Training or Leaderboard to Ranking.
Edit the csv -
Save the changes.
Upload the updated CSV
In the Product Terminology section, select the link to upload the CSV.
Upload the csv -
Upload the updated CSV.
Select Save.
The changes in the terminologies now reflect an Author, Learner, Manager, Instructor, or Custom Administrator for that account.
Reset the terminologies
After uploading the CSV with the new terminologies, you can reset to the default terminologies.
Select Reset Product Terminology.
Reset the product terminology
On clicking the link, you can see a confirmation pop-up message.
Confirmation prompt
The terminologies are reverted to their original names.
What does not get changed
The terminology changes are not applicable to:
- Email templates (Admin > Email Templates)
- Reports (Admin > Reports)