Quick start

Here are the main steps to create and publish a journey.

  1. In the top menu, click the Home tab.

    The list of journeys is displayed. Refer to this page for more information on the interface.

  2. Click Create to create a new journey.

  3. Edit the journey’s properties in the configuration pane displayed on the right side. See this page.

  4. Start by drag and dropping an event activity from the palette into the canvas. You can also double-click on an activity to add it to the canvas.

  5. Drag and drop your other activities and configure them. Refer to the pages Event activities, About orchestration activities and About action activities.

  6. Your journey is automatically saved. Test your journey and publish it. See testing the journey and Publishing the journey.

Ending a journey

A journey can end for an individual because of two reasons:

  • The person arrives at the last activity of a path. This last activity can be an end activity or another activity. There is no obligation to end a path with an end activity. See this page.
  • The person arrives at a condition activity (or a wait activity with a condition) and does not match any of the conditions.

The person can then re-enter the journey if re-entrance is allowed. See this page.

A journey can close because of the following reasons:

  • The journey is closed manually via the Close to new entrances button.
  • The journey’s end date is reached.

When a journey is closed (for any of the reasons above), it will have the status Closed. The journey will stop letting new individuals enter the journey. Persons already in the journey will finish the journey normally. After the default global timeout of 30 days, the journey will switch to the Finished status. See this section.

In case you need to stop the progress of all individuals in the journey, you can stop it. Stopping the journey will timeout all individuals in the journey.

To learn how to close or stop a journey manually, refer to this section.

Previous pageUsing segments in conditions
Next pageUsing the journey designer

Journey Orchestration