The Reconciliation activity allows you to define the link between the data in the database and the data in a work table, for example data loaded from an external system.
It allows you to link unidentified data to existing resources. Reconciliation operation implies that the data you are joining are already in the database. For example, if you want to reconcile purchases information showing which product was purchased, at what time, by which client, etc., the product as well as the client must already exist in the database.
Configure the Reconciliation activity
Follow these steps to configure the Reconciliation activity:
Add a Reconciliation activity into your composition.
Select the New schema. A schema, also known as targeting dimension, lets you define the targeted population: recipients, app subscribers, operators, subscribers, etc.
Select the field(s) to use for the reconciliation. You can use one or more reconciliation criteria.
To use attributes to reconcile data, select the Simple attributes option then click the Add rule button.
Select the Source and Destination fields for the reconciliation. The Source field. The Destination field corresponds to the fields of the selected schema.
Data are reconcilied when source and destination are equal. For example, select the Email fields to deduplicate profiles based on their email address.
To add another reconciliation criteria, click the Add rule button. If several join conditions are specified, they must ALL be verified so that the data can be linked together.
To use other attributes to reconcile data, select the Advanced reconciliation conditions option then click the Create conditions button. You can then create your own reconciliation condition using the query modeler. Learn how to work with the query modeler
You can filter data to reconcile using the Create filter button. This lets you create a custom condition using the query modeler.
By default, non reconcilied data are kept in the outbound transition and available in the worktable for future use. To remove unreconciled data, desactivate the Keep unreconciled data option.