Advertising Pod Details Collection data type

Advertising Pod Details Collection is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) data type. It defines a sequence or group of ads typically played in succession during content breaks. Use the Advertising Pod Details Collection data type to capture details such as the ad break ID, a friendly name for the ad break, the index of ads within the break, and the offset of the ad break within the content’s timeline in seconds.

A diagram of the Advertising Pod Details Information Collection data type.

| Display name | Property | Data type | Required | Description |
| Ad In Pod Position | index | integer | Yes | The index of the ad inside the parent ad break start. |
| Pod Friendly Name | friendlyName | string | No | The easily understandable name of the ad break. |
| Pod Offset | offset | integer | Yes | The offset of the ad break inside the content, in seconds. |
