Publishing overview
Adobe Experience Platform allows you to encapsulate changes to your tag-management code within individual libraries. As multiple libraries can now be developed in parallel by different teams, these libraries must follow a deliberate, permissioned process for merging changes together before being pushed to your production environment.
At a basic level, each library undergoes the following publishing process:
- Create a new library (or edit an existing library) in a development environment.
- Test the functionality of the library in a staging environment where required.
- Deploy the library to your production environment.
Consider a situation where you create a new “checkout” event, create a revenue data element related to that event, and make a change to the Adobe Analytics extension configuration to support the new event and data element. You can include all of these changes in a new library, and use the publishing process to test, approve, and publish them as a single unit.
For a high-level overview of the library publishing workflow, including details on how libraries inherit resources from upstream builds depending on their publishing state, see the publishing flow guide.
In addition to the publishing flow, there are several components and relationships that are important to understand in order to effectively develop and publish your libraries. The following table outlines each of these key concepts, and provides links to documentation to help you learn more about each:
See the overview on libraries for more information on how to create, manage, and activate libraries in the UI.
See the overview on builds for more information on the contents and format of builds.
See the overview on environments for more information on the different types of environments, how to install and configure existing environments, and how to create new environments.
See the overview on hosts for more information about each hosting option.
See the section on embed codes in the environments overview to learn more.
Next steps
This document provided an overview of the various components involved with publishing tag libraries in Adobe Experience Platform. Refer to the documentation linked to throughout this guide to learn more about the publishing process in detail.