Register a webhook for flow run notifications

In order to receive flow run notifications, you must use Adobe Developer Console to register a webhook to your Experience Platform integration.

Follow the tutorial on subscribing to I/O Event notifications for detailed steps on how to accomplish this.

During the subscription process, ensure that you select Platform notifications as the event provider, and select the following event subscriptions:
  • Experience Platform Source’s Flow Run Succeeded
  • Experience Platform Source’s Flow Run Failed

Receive flow run notifications

With your webhook connected and your event subscription complete, you can start receiving flow run notifications through the webhook dashboard.

A notification returns information such as the number of ingestion jobs run, file size, and errors. A notification also returns a payload associated with your flow run in JSON format. The response payload can either be classified as sources_flow_run_success or sources_flow_run_failure.

If partial ingestion is enabled during the flow creation process, a flow that contains both successful and failed ingestions will be marked as sources_flow_run_success only if the number of errors is below the error threshold percentage set during the flow creation process. If a successful flow run contains errors, these errors will still be included as part of the return payload.


A successful response returns a set of metrics that define characteristics of a specific flow run and activities that outline how data is transformed.

  "event_id": "aec55616-1715-487f-8044-ba648cc8ffee",
  "event": {
    "createdAt": 1597213529158,
    "updatedAt": 1597213530760,
    "createdBy": "{CREATED_BY}",
    "updatedBy": "{UPDATED_BY}",
    "createdClient": "{CREATED_CLIENT}",
    "updatedClient": "{UPDATED_CLIENT}",
    "sandboxId": "7127a4f0-def8-11e9-83ce-e79494b1c2a5",
    "sandboxName": "prod",
    "imsOrgId": "{ORG_ID}",
    "id": "933cf9f4-cf01-4d75-bcf9-f4cf010d750a",
    "flowId": "1c6f1047-dcaf-48fe-af10-47dcaf08feaf",
    "providerRefId": "test1234",
    "etag": "\"5100ec97-0000-0200-0000-5f338b5b0000\"",
    "metrics": {
      "durationSummary": {
        "startedAtUTC": 1590512053,
        "completedAtUTC": 1590512053
      "sizeSummary": {
        "inputBytes": 2048,
        "outputBytes": 1024
      "recordSummary": {
        "inputRecordCount": 100,
        "outputRecordCount": 70
      "fileSummary": {
        "inputFileCount": 10,
        "outputFileCount": 10
      "statusSummary": {
        "status": "success"
    "activities": [
        "id": "copyActivity",
        "updatedAtUTC": 87473822,
        "durationSummary": {
          "startedAtUTC": 1590512053,
          "completedAtUTC": 1590512053
        "sizeSummary": {
          "inputBytes": 2048,
          "outputBytes": 1098
        "recordSummary": {
          "inputRecordCount": 100,
          "outputRecordCount": 100
        "fileSummary": {
          "inputFileCount": 10,
          "outputFileCount": 10
        "statusSummary": {
          "status": "success",
          "extensions": {
            "adf/pipeline/id": "abcd",
            "adf/run/id": "1234"
        "sourceInfo": [
            "id": "sourceConnectionId1",
            "type": "SourceConnection",
            "reference": {
              "type": "AdfRunId"
        "id": "promotionActivity",
        "updatedAtUTC": 87473822,
        "durationSummary": {
          "completedAtUTC": 1590512053
        "sizeSummary": {
          "inputBytes": 1098,
          "outputBytes": 1024
        "recordSummary": {},
        "fileSummary": {
          "inputFileCount": 10,
          "outputFileCount": 10,
          "extensions": {
            "manifest": {
              "fileInfo": ""
        "statusSummary": {
          "status": "success",
          "extensions": {
            "batchId": "b1",
            "acp_request_id": "1234"
        "targetInfo": [
            "id": "targetConnectionId1",
            "type": "TargetConnection",
            "reference": {
              "type": "batch"
    "slaCreatedAt": 1597213531124,
    "processStartTime": 1597213531213,
    "header": {
      "_adobeio": {
        "imsOrgId": "{ORG_ID}",
        "providerMetadata": "platform_notifications",
        "eventCode": "sources_flow_run_success"
    "transformedTime": 1597213531214
metricsDefines characteristics of the data in the flow run.
activitiesDefines the different steps and activities that are performed to transform the data.
durationSummaryDefines the start and end time of the flow run.
sizeSummaryDefines the volume of the data in bytes.
recordSummaryDefines the record count of the data.
fileSummaryDefines the file count of the data.
fileInfoA URL that leads to an overview of the successfully ingested files.
statusSummaryDefines whether the flow run is a success or a failure.


The following response is an example of a failed flow run, with an error occurring as the copied data is processed. Errors can also occur while data is being copied from the source. A failed flow run includes information about the errors that contributed to the run’s failure, including its error and description.

    "messages": [
        "msgType": "eventNotification",
        "version": "1.0",
        "timestamp": 1597434157622,
        "imsOrgId": "{ORG_ID}",
        "schema": {
          "name": "run-notification",
          "version": "1.0"
        "provider": "FlowService",
        "_eventNotificationMeta": {
          "category": "Platform Notifications",
          "type": "sources_flow_run_failed"
        "value": {
          "createdAt": 1597434147259,
          "updatedAt": 1597434157567,
          "createdBy": "{CREATED_BY}",
          "updatedBy": "{UPDATED_BY}",
          "createdClient": "{CREATED_CLIENT}",
          "updatedClient": "{UPDATED_CLIENT}",
          "sandboxId": "e49ebb00-d0fa-11e9-b164-ed6a398c8b35",
          "sandboxName": "prod",
          "imsOrgId": "{ORG_ID}",
          "id": "d9024c32-2174-4271-824c-322174627101",
          "flowId": "cf4fce79-8822-456d-8fce-798822556dc6",
          "etag": "\"0c003dbf-0000-0200-0000-5f36e92d0000\"",
          "metrics": {
            "durationSummary": {
              "startedAtUTC": 1597434147190
            "sizeSummary": {
              "inputBytes": -1
            "fileSummary": {
              "inputFileCount": -1
            "statusSummary": {
              "status": "failed",
              "errors": [
                  "code": "CONNECTOR-2001-500",
                  "message": "Error in processing (parsing, validation or transformation) the copied data."
          "activities": [
              "id": "promotionActivity",
              "updatedAtUTC": 1597434157529,
              "durationSummary": {
                "startedAtUTC": 1597434147190,
                "completedAtUTC": 1597434157212
              "sizeSummary": {
                "inputBytes": -1
              "recordSummary": {},
              "fileSummary": {
                "inputFileCount": -1,
                "extensions": {
                  "manifest": {
                    "fileInfo": ""
              "statusSummary": {
                "status": "failed",
                "errors": [
                    "code": "CONNECTOR-2001-500",
                    "message": "Error in processing (parsing, validation or transformation) the copied data."
                "extensions": {
                  "errors": [
                      "code": "133",
                      "message": "We are unable to locate any files uploaded for this batch. Please upload files to ingest."
              "targetInfo": [
                  "id": "e88737aa-27b8-4795-8737-aa27b8f7959e",
                  "type": "TargetConnection",
                  "reference": {
                    "type": "Batch",
                    "ids": [
fileInfoA URL that leads to an overview of the files that were both successfully and unsuccessfully ingested.
See the appendix for more information on error messages.

Next steps

You can now subscribe to events that allow you to receive real-time notifications on your flow run statuses. For more information on flow runs and sources, see the sources overview.


The following sections provides additional information for working with flow run notifications.

Understanding error messages

Ingestion errors can happen when data is being copied from the source or when the copied data is being processed to Platform. See the table below for more information on specific errors.

CONNECTOR-1001-500An error occurred while data is being copied from a source.
CONNECTOR-2001-500An error occurred while copied data is being processed to Platform. This error could be regarding parsing, validating, or transforming.
Previous pageError messages in Flow Service
Next pageIP address allow list

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