Streaming segmentation guide

Streaming segmentation is the ability to evaluate audiences in Adobe Experience Platform in near real-time while focusing on data richness.

With streaming segmentation, audience qualification now happens as streaming data lands into Platform, alleviating the need to schedule and run segmentation jobs. This allows you to evaluate data as its passed into Platform, letting audience membership be automatically kept up-to-date.

Eligible query types query-types

A query will be eligible for streaming segmentation if it meets any of the criteria outlined in the following table.

In order for streaming segmentation to work, you will need to enable scheduled segmentation for the organization. For details on enabling scheduled segmentation, please refer to the Audience Portal overview.
Query type
Single event within a time window of less than 24 hours
Any segment definition that refers to a single incoming event within a time window of less than 24 hours.
CHAIN(xEvent, timestamp, [C0: WHAT(eventType.equals("commerce.checkouts", false)) WHEN(today)])
An example of a single event within a relative time window is shown.
Profile only
Any segment definition that refers to only a profile attribute."US", false)
An example of a profile attribute shown.
Single event with a profile attribute within a relative time window of less than 24 hours
Any segment definition that refers to a single incoming event, with one or more profile attributes, and occurs within a relative time window of less than 24 hours."US", false) and CHAIN(xEvent, timestamp, [C0: WHAT(eventType.equals("commerce.checkouts", false)) WHEN(today)])
An example of a single event with a profile attribute within a relative time window is shown.
Segment of segments
Any segment definition that contains one or more batch or streaming segments. Note: If a segment of segments is used, profile disqualification will happen every 24 hours.
inSegment("a730ed3f-119c-415b-a4ac-27c396ae2dff") and inSegment("8fbbe169-2da6-4c9d-a332-b6a6ecf559b9")
An example of a segment of segments is shown.
Multiple events with a profile attribute
Any segment definition that refers to multiple events within the last 24 hours and (optionally) has one or more profile attributes."US", false) and CHAIN(xEvent, timestamp, [C0: WHAT(eventType.equals("directMarketing.emailClicked", false)) WHEN(today), C1: WHAT(eventType.equals("commerce.checkouts", false)) WHEN(today)])
An example of multiple events with a profile attribute is shown.

A segment definition will not be eligible for streaming segmentation in the following scenarios:

  • The segment definition includes Adobe Audience Manager (AAM) segments or traits.
  • The segment definition includes multiple entities (multi-entity queries).
  • The segment definition includes a combination of a single event and an inSegment event.
    • However, if the segment definition contained in the inSegment event is profile only, the segment definition will be enabled for streaming segmentation.
  • The segment definition uses “Ignore year” as part of its time constraints.

Please note the following guidelines that apply to streaming segmentation queries:

Query type
Single event query
There are no limits to the lookback window.
Query with event history
  • The lookback window is limited to one day.
  • A strict time-ordering condition must exist between the events.
  • Queries with at least one negated event are supported. However, the entire event cannot be a negation.

If a segment definition is modified so it no longer meets the criteria for streaming segmentation, the segment definition will automatically switch from “Streaming” to “Batch”.

Additionally, segment unqualification, similarly to segment qualification, happens in real-time. As a result, if an audience no longer qualifies for a segment, it will be immediately unqualified. For example, if the segment definition asks for “All users who bought red shoes in the last three hours”, after three hours, all the profiles that initially qualified for the segment definition will be unqualified.

Create audience create-audience

You can create an audience that is evaluated using streaming segmentation using either the Segmentation Service API or through Audience Portal in the UI.

A segment definition can be streaming-enabled if it matches one of the eligible query types.

Segmentation Service API

API format

code language-http
POST /segment/definitions


A sample request to create a segment definition that is enabled for streaming segmentation
code language-shell
curl -X POST
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
 -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
 -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}'
 -d '{
        "name": "People in the USA",
        "description: "An audience that looks for people who live in the USA",
        "expression": {
            "type": "PQL",
            "format": "pql/text",
            "value": " = \"US\""
        "evaluationInfo": {
            "batch": {
                "enabled": false
            "continuous": {
                "enabled": true
            "synchronous": {
                "enabled": false
        "schema": {
            "name": "_xdm.context.profile"


A successful response returns HTTP status 200 with details of your newly created segment definition.

A sample response when creating a segment definition.
code language-json
    "id": "4afe34ae-8c98-4513-8a1d-67ccaa54bc05",
    "schema": {
        "name": "_xdm.context.profile"
    "profileInstanceId": "ups",
    "imsOrgId": "{ORG_ID}",
    "sandbox": {
        "sandboxId": "28e74200-e3de-11e9-8f5d-7f27416c5f0d",
        "sandboxName": "prod",
        "type": "production",
        "default": true
    "name": "People in the USA",
    "description": "An audience that looks for people who live in the USA",
    "expression": {
        "type": "PQL",
        "format": "pql/text",
        "value": " = \"US\""
    "evaluationInfo": {
        "batch": {
            "enabled": false
        "continuous": {
            "enabled": true
        "synchronous": {
            "enabled": false
    "dataGovernancePolicy": {
        "excludeOptOut": true
    "creationTime": 0,
    "updateEpoch": 1579292094,
    "updateTime": 1579292094000

More information about using this endpoint can be found in the segment definition endpoint guide.

Audience Portal

In Audience Portal, select Create audience.

The Create audience button is highlighted in Audience Portal.

A popover appears. Select Build rules to enter Segment Builder.

The Build rules button is highlighted in the create audience popover.

Within Segment Builder, create a segment definition that matches one of the eligible query types. If the segment definition qualifies for streaming segmentation, you’ll be able to select Streaming as the Evaluation method.

The segment definition is displayed. The evaluation type is highlighted, showing the segment definition can be evaluated using streaming segmentation.

To learn more about creating segment definitions, please read the Segment Builder guide

Retrieve audiences retrieve-audiences

You can retrieve all audiences that are evaluated using streaming segmentation using either the Segmentation Service API or through Audience Portal in the UI.

Segmentation Service API

Retrieve a list of all segment definitions that are evaluated using streaming segmentation within your organization by making a GET request to the /segment/definitions endpoint.

API format

You must include the query parameter evaluationInfo.synchronous.enabled=true in the request path to retrieve segment definitions evaluated using streaming segmentation.

code language-http
GET /segment/definitions?evaluationInfo.continuous.enabled=true


A sample request to list all the streaming-enabled segment definitions
code language-shell
curl -X GET '' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}'


A successful response returns HTTP status 200 with an array of segment definitions in your organization that are enabled for streaming segmentation.

A sample response that contains a list of all the streaming-segmentation-enabled segment definitions in your organization
code language-json
    "segments": [
            "id": "15063cb-2da8-4851-a2e2-bf59ddd2f004",
            "schema": {
                "name": "_xdm.context.profile"
            "ttlInDays": 30,
            "imsOrgId": "{ORG_ID}",
            "sandbox": {
                "sandboxId": "",
                "sandboxName": "",
                "type": "production",
                "default": true
            "name": " People who are NOT on their homepage ",
            "expression": {
                "type": "PQL",
                "format": "pql/text",
                "value": "select var1 from xEvent where = false"
            "evaluationInfo": {
                "batch": {
                    "enabled": false
                "continuous": {
                    "enabled": true
                "synchronous": {
                    "enabled": false
            "creationTime": 1572029711000,
            "updateEpoch": 1572029712000,
            "updateTime": 1572029712000
            "id": "f15063cb-2da8-4851-a2e2-bf59ddd2f004",
            "schema": {
                "name": "_xdm.context.profile"
            "ttlInDays": 30,
            "imsOrgId": "{ORG_ID}",
            "sandbox": {
                "sandboxId": "",
                "sandboxName": "",
                "type": "production",
                "default": true
            "name": "Homepage_continuous",
            "description": "People who are on their homepage - continuous",
            "expression": {
                "type": "PQL",
                "format": "pql/text",
                "value": "select var1 from xEvent where = true"
            "evaluationInfo": {
                "batch": {
                    "enabled": true
                "continuous": {
                    "enabled": true
                "synchronous": {
                    "enabled": false
            "creationTime": 1572021085000,
            "updateEpoch": 1572021086000,
            "updateTime": 1572021086000
    "page": {
        "totalCount": 2,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "sortField": "creationTime",
        "sort": "desc",
        "pageSize": 2,
        "limit": 100
    "link": {}

More detailed information about the segment definition returned can be found in the segment definitions endpoint guide.

Audience Portal

You can retrieve all the audiences that are enabled for streaming segmentation within your organization by using filters in Audience Portal. Select the filter icon icon to display the list of filters.

The filter icon is highlighted in Audience Portal.

Within the available filters, go to Update frequency and select “Streaming”. Using this filter displays all audiences in your organization that are evaluated using streaming segmentation.

The Streaming update frequency is selected, displaying all audiences in the organization that are evaluated using streaming segmentation.

To learn more about viewing audiences in Platform, please read the Audience Portal guide.

Audience details audience-details

You can view details of a specific audience evaluated using streaming segmentation by selecting it within Audience Portal.

After selecting an audience on Audience Portal, the audience details page appears. This displays information about the audience, including a summary of the audience details, the amount of qualified profiles over time, as well as the destinations the audience has been activated to.

The audience details page is displayed for an audience evaluated using streaming segmentation.

For streaming-enabled audiences, the Profiles over time card is displayed, which shows the total qualified and the nwe audience updated metrics.

The Total qualified metric represents the total number of qualified audiences, based on batch and streaming evaluations for this audience.

The New audience updated metric is represented by a line graph that shows the change in audience size through streaming segmentation. You can adjust the dropdown to show the last 24 hours, last week, or last 30 days.

The Profiles over time card is highlighted.

For more details on audience details, please read the Audience Portal overview.

Next steps

This guide explains how streaming-enabled segment definitions work on Adobe Experience Platform and how to monitor streaming-enabled segment definitions.

To learn more about using the Adobe Experience Platform user interface, please read the Segmentation user guide.

For frequently asked questions about streaming segmentation, please read the streaming segmentation section of the FAQ.
