Comparison functions

Comparison functions are used to compare between different expressions and values, returning true or false accordingly. More information about other PQL functions can be found in the Profile Query Language overview.


The = (equals) function checks whether one value or expression is equal to another value or expression.




The following PQL query checks if the home address country is in Canada.

homeAddress.countryISO = "CA"

Not equal

The != (not equal) function checks whether one value or expression is not equal to another value or expression.




The following PQL query checks if the home address country is not in Canada.

homeAddress.countryISO != "CA"

Greater than

The > (greater than) function is used to check if the first value is greater than the second value.




The following PQL query defines people whose birthdays do not fall in January or February.

person.birthMonth > 2

Greater than or equal to

The >= (greater than or equal to) function is used to check if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value.




The following PQL query defines people whose birthdays do not fall in January or February.

person.birthMonth >= 3

Less than

The < (less than) comparison function is used to check if the first value is less than the second value.




The following PQL query defines people whose birthday is in January.

person.birthMonth < 2

Less than or equal to

The <= (less than or equal to) comparison function is used to check if the first value is less than or equal to the second value.




The following PQL query defines people whose birthday is in January or February.

person.birthMonth <= 2

Next steps

Now that you have learned about comparison functions, you can use them within your PQL queries. For more information about other PQL functions, please read the Profile Query Language overview.
