Model Authoring SDK

Data Science Workspace is no longer available for purchase.
This documentation is intended for existing customers with prior entitlements to Data Science Workspace.

The Model Authoring SDK enables you to develop custom machine learning Recipes and Feature Pipelines which can be used in Adobe Experience Platform Data Science Workspace, providing implementable templates in PySpark and Spark (Scala).

This document provides information regarding the various classes found within the Model Authoring SDK.

DataLoader dataloader

The DataLoader class encapsulates anything related to the retrieving, filtering, and returning of raw input data. Examples of input data include those for training, scoring, or feature engineering. Data loaders extend the abstract class DataLoader and must override the abstract method load.


The following table describes the abstract methods of a PySpark Data Loader class:

Method and description

load(self, configProperties, spark)

Load and return Platform data as a Pandas DataFrame

  • self: Self reference
  • configProperties: Configuration properties map
  • spark: Spark session


The following table describes the abstract methods of a Spark Data Loader class:

Method and description

load(configProperties, sparkSession)

Load and return Platform data as a DataFrame

  • configProperties: Configuration properties map
  • sparkSession: Spark session

Load data from a Platform dataset load-data-from-a-platform-dataset

The following example retrieves Platform data by ID and returns a DataFrame, where the dataset ID (datasetId) is a defined property in the configuration file.


# PySpark

from sdk.data_loader import DataLoader

class MyDataLoader(DataLoader):
    Implementation of DataLoader which loads a DataFrame and prepares data

    def load_dataset(config_properties, spark, task_id):

        PLATFORM_SDK_PQS_PACKAGE = "com.adobe.platform.query"
        PLATFORM_SDK_PQS_INTERACTIVE = "interactive"

        # prepare variables
        service_token = str(spark.sparkContext.getConf().get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_ML_TOKEN"))
        user_token = str(spark.sparkContext.getConf().get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_TOKEN"))
        org_id = str(spark.sparkContext.getConf().get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_ORG_ID"))
        api_key = str(spark.sparkContext.getConf().get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_CLIENT_ID"))

        dataset_id = str(config_properties.get(task_id))

        # validate variables
        for arg in ['service_token', 'user_token', 'org_id', 'dataset_id', 'api_key']:
            if eval(arg) == 'None':
                raise ValueError("%s is empty" % arg)

        # load dataset through Spark session

        query_options = get_query_options(spark.sparkContext)

        pd = \
            .option(query_options.userToken(), user_token) \
            .option(query_options.serviceToken(), service_token) \
            .option(query_options.imsOrg(), org_id) \
            .option(query_options.apiKey(), api_key) \
            .option(query_options.mode(), PLATFORM_SDK_PQS_INTERACTIVE) \
            .option(query_options.datasetId(), dataset_id) \

        # return as DataFrame
        return pd

Spark (Scala)

// Spark


import java.time.LocalDateTime

import com.adobe.platform.query.QSOption
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructType, TimestampType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column

 * Implementation of DataLoader which loads a DataFrame and prepares data
class MyDataLoader extends DataLoader {

    final val PLATFORM_SDK_PQS_PACKAGE: String = "com.adobe.platform.query"
    final val PLATFORM_SDK_PQS_INTERACTIVE: String = "interactive"
    final val PLATFORM_SDK_PQS_BATCH: String = "batch"

    * @param configProperties - Configuration Properties map
    * @param sparkSession     - SparkSession
    * @return                 - DataFrame which is loaded for training

  def load_dataset(configProperties: ConfigProperties, sparkSession: SparkSession, taskId: String): DataFrame = {

    require(configProperties != null)
    require(sparkSession != null)

    // Read the configs
    val serviceToken: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.getConf.get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_ML_TOKEN", "").toString
    val userToken: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.getConf.get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_TOKEN", "").toString
    val orgId: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.getConf.get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_ORG_ID", "").toString
    val apiKey: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.getConf.get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_CLIENT_ID", "").toString

    val dataSetId: String = configProperties.get(taskId).getOrElse("")

    // Load the dataset
    var df =
      .option(QSOption.userToken, userToken)
      .option(QSOption.serviceToken, serviceToken)
      .option(QSOption.imsOrg, orgId)
      .option(QSOption.apiKey, apiKey)
      .option(QSOption.mode, PLATFORM_SDK_PQS_INTERACTIVE)
      .option(QSOption.datasetId, dataSetId)

DataSaver datasaver

The DataSaver class encapsulates anything related to storing output data including those from scoring or feature engineering. Data savers extend the abstract class DataSaver and must override the abstract method save.


The following table describes the abstract methods of a PySpark Data Saver class:

Method and description

save(self, configProperties, dataframe)

Receive output data as a DataFrame and stores it in a Platform dataset

  • self: Self reference
  • configProperties: Configuration properties map
  • dataframe: Data to be stored in the form of a DataFrame

Spark (Scala)

The following table describes the abstract methods of a Spark Data Saver class:

Method and description

save(configProperties, dataFrame)

Receive output data as a DataFrame and stores it in a Platform dataset

  • configProperties: Configuration properties map
  • dataFrame: Data to be stored in the form of a DataFrame

Save data to a Platform dataset save-data-to-a-platform-dataset

In order to store data onto a Platform dataset, the properties must be either provided or defined in the configuration file:

  • A valid Platform dataset ID to which data will be stored
  • The tenant ID belonging to your organization

The following examples store data (prediction) onto a Platform dataset, where the dataset ID (datasetId) and tenant ID (tenantId) are defined properties within the configuration file.


# PySpark

from sdk.data_saver import DataSaver
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType, TimestampType
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, lit, struct
from .helper import *

class MyDataSaver(DataSaver):
    Implementation of DataSaver which stores a DataFrame to a Platform dataset

    def save(self, config_properties, prediction):

        # Spark context
        sparkContext = prediction._sc

        # preliminary checks
        if config_properties is None:
            raise ValueError("config_properties parameter is null")
        if prediction is None:
            raise ValueError("prediction parameter is null")
        if sparkContext is None:
            raise ValueError("sparkContext parameter is null")

        PLATFORM_SDK_PQS_PACKAGE = "com.adobe.platform.query"

        # prepare variables
        scored_dataset_id = str(config_properties.get("scoringResultsDataSetId"))
        tenant_id = str(config_properties.get("tenant_id"))
        timestamp = "2019-01-01 00:00:00"

        service_token = str(sparkContext.getConf().get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_ML_TOKEN"))
        user_token = str(sparkContext.getConf().get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_TOKEN"))
        org_id = str(sparkContext.getConf().get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_ORG_ID"))
        api_key = str(sparkContext.getConf().get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_CLIENT_ID"))

        # validate variables
       for arg in ['service_token', 'user_token', 'org_id', 'scored_dataset_id', 'api_key', 'tenant_id']:
            if eval(arg) == 'None':
                raise ValueError("%s is empty" % arg)

        scored_df = prediction.withColumn("date", col("date").cast(StringType()))
        scored_df = scored_df.withColumn(tenant_id, struct(col("date"), col("store"), col("prediction")))
        scored_df = scored_df.withColumn("timestamp", lit(timestamp).cast(TimestampType()))
        scored_df = scored_df.withColumn("_id", lit("empty"))
        scored_df = scored_df.withColumn("eventType", lit("empty")

        # store data into dataset

        query_options = get_query_options(sparkContext), "_id", "eventType", "timestamp").write.format(PLATFORM_SDK_PQS_PACKAGE) \
            .option(query_options.userToken(), user_token) \
            .option(query_options.serviceToken(), service_token) \
            .option(query_options.imsOrg(), org_id) \
            .option(query_options.apiKey(), api_key) \
            .option(query_options.datasetId(), scored_dataset_id) \

Spark (Scala)

// Spark


import com.adobe.platform.query.QSOption
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.TimestampType

 * Implementation of DataSaver which stores a DataFrame to a Platform dataset

class ScoringDataSaver extends DataSaver {

  final val PLATFORM_SDK_PQS_PACKAGE: String = "com.adobe.platform.query"
  final val PLATFORM_SDK_PQS_BATCH: String = "batch"

    * Method that saves the scoring data into a dataframe
    * @param configProperties  - Configuration Properties map
    * @param dataFrame         - Dataframe with the scoring results

  override def save(configProperties: ConfigProperties, dataFrame: DataFrame): Unit =  {

    require(configProperties != null)
    require(dataFrame != null)

    val predictionColumn = configProperties.get(Constants.PREDICTION_COL).getOrElse(Constants.DEFAULT_PREDICTION)
    val sparkSession = dataFrame.sparkSession

    val serviceToken: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.getConf.get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_ML_TOKEN", "").toString
    val userToken: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.getConf.get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_TOKEN", "").toString
    val orgId: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.getConf.get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_ORG_ID", "").toString
    val apiKey: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.getConf.get("ML_FRAMEWORK_IMS_CLIENT_ID", "").toString
    val tenantId:String = configProperties.get("tenantId").getOrElse("")
    val timestamp:String = "2019-01-01 00:00:00"

    val scoringResultsDataSetId: String = configProperties.get("scoringResultsDataSetId").getOrElse("")
    import sparkSession.implicits._

    var df = dataFrame.withColumn("date", $"date".cast("String"))

    var scored_df  = df.withColumn(tenantId, struct(df("date"), df("store"), df(predictionColumn)))
    scored_df = scored_df.withColumn("timestamp", lit(timestamp).cast(TimestampType))
    scored_df = scored_df.withColumn("_id", lit("empty"))
    scored_df = scored_df.withColumn("eventType", lit("empty")), "_id", "eventType", "timestamp").write.format(PLATFORM_SDK_PQS_PACKAGE)
      .option(QSOption.userToken, userToken)
      .option(QSOption.serviceToken, serviceToken)
      .option(QSOption.imsOrg, orgId)
      .option(QSOption.apiKey, apiKey)
      .option(QSOption.datasetId, scoringResultsDataSetId)

DatasetTransformer datasettransformer

The DatasetTransformer class modifies and transforms the structure of a dataset. The Sensei Machine Learning Runtime does not require this component to be defined, and is implemented based on your requirements.

In regards to a feature pipeline, dataset transformers can be used cooporatively with a feature pipeline factory to prepare data for feature engineering.


The following table describes the class methods of a PySpark dataset transformer class:

Method and description

transform(self, configProperties, dataset)

Takes a dataset as input and output a new derived dataset

  • self: Self reference
  • configProperties: Configuration properties map
  • dataset: The input dataset for transformation

Spark (Scala)

The following table describes the abstract methods of a Spark dataset transformer class:

Method and description

transform(configProperties, dataset)

Takes a dataset as input and output a new derived dataset

  • configProperties: Configuration properties map
  • dataset: The input dataset for transformation

FeaturePipelineFactory featurepipelinefactory

The FeaturePipelineFactory class contains feature extraction algorithms and defines the stages of a Feature Pipeline from start to finish.


The following table describes the class methods of a PySpark FeaturePipelineFactory:

Method and description

create_pipeline(self, configProperties)

Create and return a Spark Pipeline that contains a series of Spark Transformers

  • self: Self reference
  • configProperties: Configuration properties map

get_param_map(self, configProperties, sparkSession)

Retrieve and return param map from configuration properties

  • self: Self reference
  • configProperties: Configuration properties
  • sparkSession: Spark session

Spark (Scala)

The following table describes the class methods of a Spark FeaturePipelineFactory:

Method and description


Create and return a Pipeline that contains a series of Transformers

  • configProperties: Configuration properties map

getParamMap(configProperties, sparkSession)

Retrieve and return param map from configuration properties

  • configProperties: Configuration properties
  • sparkSession: Spark session

PipelineFactory pipelinefactory

The PipelineFactory class encapsulates methods and definitions for model training and scoring, where training logic and algorithms are defined in the form of a Spark Pipeline.


The following table describes the class methods of a PySpark PipelineFactory:

Method and description

apply(self, configProperties)

Create and Return a Spark Pipeline which contains the logic and algorithm for model training and scoring

  • self: Self reference
  • configProperties: Configuration properties

train(self, configProperties, dataframe)

Return a custom Pipeline which contains the logic and algorithm to train a model. This method is not required if a Spark Pipeline is used

  • self: Self reference
  • configProperties: Configuration properties
  • dataframe: Feature dataset for training input

score(self, configProperties, dataframe, model)

Score using the trained model and return the results

  • self: Self reference
  • configProperties: Configuration properties
  • dataframe: Input dataset for scoring
  • model: A trained model used for scoring

get_param_map(self, configProperties, sparkSession)

Retrieve and return param map from configuration properties

  • self: Self reference
  • configProperties: Configuration properties
  • sparkSession: Spark session

Spark (Scala)

The following table describes the class methods of a Spark PipelineFactory:

Method and description


Create and Return a Pipeline which contains the logic and algorithm for model training and scoring

  • configProperties: Configuration properties

getParamMap(configProperties, sparkSession)

Retrieve and return param map from configuration properties

  • configProperties: Configuration properties
  • sparkSession: Spark session

MLEvaluator mlevaluator

The MLEvaluator class provides methods for defining evaluation metrics and determining training and testing datasets.


The following table describes the class methods of a PySpark MLEvaluator:

Method and description

split(self, configProperties, dataframe)

Splits the input dataset into training and testing subsets

  • self: Self reference
  • configProperties: Configuration properties
  • dataframe: Input dataset to be split

evaluate(self, dataframe, model, configProperties)

Evaluates a trained model and return the evaluation results

  • self: Self reference
  • dataframe: A DataFrame consisting of training and testing data
  • model: A trained model
  • configProperties: Configuration properties

Spark (Scala)

The following table describes the class methods of a Spark MLEvaluator:

Method and description

split(configProperties, data)

Splits the input dataset into training and testing subsets

  • configProperties: Configuration properties
  • data: Input dataset to be split

evaluate(configProperties, model, data)

Evaluates a trained model and return the evaluation results

  • configProperties: Configuration properties
  • model: A trained model
  • data: A DataFrame consisting of training and testing data