Release Notes for Feature Pack 201809 release-notes-for-feature-pack

Adobe recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). AEM Screens provides maintenance support for the AEM 6.3 Screens platform.

The AEM Screens released AEM 6.4.2 Feature Pack 2 and AEM 6.3.3 Feature Pack 4 with the following details.

Release Date release-date

The Release Date for AEM Screens Feature Pack 201809 is October 01, 2018.

What’s New what-s-new

  • Adobe Analytics Proof of Play Reporting: See Adobe Analytics Integration with AEM Screens to learn more.

  • Adobe Analytics Enable Players to cache and send playback events to Adobe Analytics: See Configuring Adobe Analytics with AEM Screens to learn more.

  • Bulk Update Offline Content: Lets you update all the channels in bulk and avoids the hassle of navigating to a particular channel and update the content. See Bulk Offline Update to learn more.

  • Publish channels in bulk to all publish instances

  • Enhanced Player Logging Mechanism: You can specify the number of maximum log files for an AEM Screens Player. See Working with an AEM Screens Player for more details.

  • Author / Publish deployment (Hardening)

Released AEM Screens Players

The following AEM Screens Players are released for AEM 6.4.2 Feature Pack 2 and AEM 6.3.3 Feature Pack 4:

  • ChromeOS
  • Windows
  • Android™
  • iOS

AEM Screens Player Downloads

To download the latest AEM Screens Player and learn more about the bug fixes, see AEM Screens Player Downloads.
