Bulk Offline Update bulk-offline-update

This section covers the following topics on Bulk Offline Update:

  • Overview
  • Using Bulk Offline Update

Overview overview

Bulk Offline Update, lets you update all the channels in bulk. It avoids the hassle of navigating to a particular channel and update the content. Rather, you can update all the content in channels for one specific project in one instant.

You can also schedule this activity for a time of lower network traffic.

The Bulk Offline Update feature is optimized to update only those channels that have been modified.

Using Bulk Offline Update using-bulk-offline-update

You can manually use Bulk Offline Update from the User Interface (UI) or schedule the bulk update from OSGi services.

Using AEM Screens User Interface using-aem-screens-user-interface

Follow the steps below to use bulk offline update for an AEM Screens project:

  1. Navigate to your AEM Screens project.

  2. Click the project, then click Update Offline Content from the action bar so you can manually update the channel content.


Adobe Experience Manager Web Console Configuration adobe-experience-manager-web-console-configuration

Follow the steps below to use bulk offline update for an AEM Screens project:

  1. Adobe Experience Manager Web Console Configuration.

  2. Search for Bulk Offline Update services.


  3. Add the following properties:

    Project Path Specify the path of your AEM Screens project. The path is usually /content/screens/<Name of your project>.

    For example, /content/screens/we-retail. You can find this path in the URL by selecting any project under AEM Screens (do not click the icon).

    note note
    Specify the project path relative to your channel.

    Schedule Frequency Specify a time, for example, 5:00 P.M. or 17:00 at which this service should update offline content.

  4. Click Save to save your settings. Your content is updated at the specified time.
