Content Assignment Report content-assignment-report

The Content Assignment Report feature allows an AEM Screens administrator or an author to export a Content Assignment Report in a spreadsheet format.

Using Content Assignment Report using-content-assignment-report

The Content Assignment Report allows an AEM Screens author or an administrator to download the report that contains all the assets such as images, videos in all Channels created in an AEM Screens project. Also, it includes the information of the entire channels assigned to all designated displays and henceforth all the devices assigned to their designated Displays.

The Content Assignment Report not only allows a preview of all the Channels, Assets, Displays, and Devices in the selected AEM Screens project but also provides a high-level structure of your project.

Pre-requisites pre-reqs

Before downloading the Content Assignment Report, make sure you have set up an AEM Screens project with Channels, Locations, and Devices.
See the following resources for more details:

Downloading the Content Assignment Report downloading-content-assignment-report-fp

When you have setup your AEM Screens project and have assigned displays to each of the locations as shown in the preceding steps, download the Content Assignment Report.

The Content Assignment Report feature can only be accessed at the project level.

Follow the instructions below to download the Content Assignment Report:

  1. Navigate to your AEM Screens project and click the project DemoScreens.

  2. Click Content Assignment Report from the action bar.


  3. The downloaded spreadsheet consists of two tabs such as Locations and Content. The Location tab displays four columns such as Locations, Displays, Channels, and Devices that can be used for investigating these four entities pertaining to your AEM Screens project.


    note note
    The data displayed in the spreadsheet is alphabetically sorted in an easy-to-read format.
  4. Selecting any of the channels from the Channels column opens the Content tab. In turn, it directly navigates you to that channel and gives you information on assets (images and videos) associated with that specific channel.

