Channel Level Activation channel-level-activation-single-event-playback

This page describes channel level activation for the assets used in Channels.

The following topics are covered in this section:

  • Overview

  • Activation Window

  • Using Channel Level Activation as a Single Event Playback

  • Handling Recurrence for Assets in a Channel

    • DayParting
    • WeekParting
    • MonthParting
    • Combination of Partings
  • Using Channel Level Activation as a Single Event Playback

Overview overview

Channel Level Activation allows the channels to switch after a particular set schedule. The single event channel replaces the main channel after a set schedule and plays for a particular time, until the main channel plays its content again.

The following example provides a solution by focusing on the following key terms:

  • a main sequence channel for the global sequence
  • a single event channel that runs only once at a set time
  • a set schedule and priority for the single playback event that occurs inside the main sequence channel

Activation Window using-channel-level-activation

The following section explains the creation of a single event playback inside a channel for an AEM Screens project.

Prerequisites prerequisites

Before you start implementing this functionality, make sure you have the following prerequisites ready to start implementing channel level activation:

  • Create an AEM Screens project, in this example, Channel Level Activation.

  • Create a channel as MainAdChannel under the Channels folder.

  • Create another channel as TargetedSinglePlay under the Channels folder.

  • Add relevant assets to both the channels.

The following image shows the Channel Level Activation project with MainAdChannel and TargetedSinglePlay channels in the Channels folder.


For additional information on how to create a project and how to create a sequence channel, see the following resources:

Implementation implementation

Implementing Channel Level Activation in an AEM Screens project involves three major tasks:

  1. Setting up Project taxonomy including Channels, Locations, and Displays
  2. Assigning Channels to Display
  3. Setting up a Schedule and Priority

Follow the steps below to implement the functionality:

  1. Create a Location

    Navigate to your Locations folder in your AEM Screens project and create a location as Region.


    note note
    To learn how to create a location, see Creating and Managing Locations.
  2. Create Display under Location

    1. Navigate to Channel Level Activation > Locations > Region.
    2. Click Region and click + Create from the action bar.
    3. Click Display from the wizard and create a display titled as RegionDisplay.


  3. Assign Channels to Display

    For MainAdChannel:

    1. Navigate to Channel Level Activation > Locations > Region > RegionDisplay and click Assign Channel from the action bar.
    2. In the Channel Assignment dialog box, Click Reference Channel by path.
    3. Click the Channel Path, then click Channel Level Activation > Channels > MainAdChannel.
    4. The Channel Role is populated as mainadchannel.
    5. Click the Priority and set to 1.
    6. Click the Supported Events such as Initial Load and Idle Screen.
    7. Click Save.


    note note
    You can also assign the channel from the display dashboard. Navigate to Channel Level Activation > Locations > Region > RegionDisplay. On the action bar, select Dashboard. From the ASSIGNED CHANNELS & SCHEDULES panel, click + Assign Channel.

    Similarly, assign channel TargetedSinglePlay for display**:

    1. Navigate to Channel Level Activation > Locations > Region > RegionDisplay and click Assign Channel from the action bar.
    2. In the Channel Assignment dialog box, click Reference Channel by path.
    3. Click the Channel Path, then click Channel Level Activation > Channels > TargetedSinglePlay.
    4. The Channel Role is populated as targetedsingleplay.
    5. Set the Priority to 2.
    6. Click the Supported Events, and set Initial Load, Idle Screen, and Timer, as shown in the figure below.
    7. In active from, set as November 27, 2018, 11:59 P.M., and in active until, set as November 28, 2018, 12:05 A.M.
    8. Click Save.
    note caution
    Set the priority for the TargetedSinglePlay channel higher than the MainAdSegment channel.


    note note
    To choose the same day, click the next day, then manually edit the date to the same day but for a later time. Doing so restricts the user from selecting a past date. See the following example:


Viewing the Results viewing-the-results

When you have the setup for channels and display complete, launch the AEM Screens Player to view the content.

The player displays the content of MainAdChannel and exactly at 11:59 P.M. (as set in the schedule), the TargetedSinglePlay channel displays its content until 12:05 A.M. and then the MainAdChannel resumes playing its content again.

To learn about AEM Screen Player, see the following resources:
AEM Screens Player downloads
Working with AEM Screens Player

Handling Recurrence for Assets in a Channel handling-recurrence-in-assets

You can schedule assets in a channel to recur at certain intervals on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis as per your requirement.

Suppose you want to display the contents of a channel only on Fridays from 1:00 P.M. until 10:00 P.M… You can use the Activation tab to set the desired recurring interval for your asset.

Day Parting day-parting

  1. Click the channel, then click Dashboard from the action bar.

  2. After entering the start date/time and end/date time from the Channel Assignment dialog box, you can use an expression or a natural text version to specify your recurrence schedule.

    note note
    You can skip or include the Active from and Active Until fields and add the expression to the Schedules field, as per your requirement.
  3. Enter the expression into the Schedule and your asset displays for the particular interval of day and time.

Example Expressions for Day Parting example-one

The following table summarizes a few example expressions that you can add to the schedule while assigning a channel to a display.

before 8:00 A.M.
the asset in the channel plays before 8:00 A.M. everyday
after 2:00 P.M.
the asset in the channel plays after 2:00 P.M. everyday
after 12:15 and before 12:45
the asset in the channel plays after 12:15 P.M. everyday for 30 minutes
before 12:15 also after 12:45
the asset in the channel plays before 12:15 P.M. everyday and then also after 12:45 P.M.
Mon,Tue,Wed, or Mon-Wed
the asset plays in the asset in the channel from Monday until Wednesday
on the first day of January after 2:00 P.M., also on the second day of January and also on the third day of January before 3:00 A.M.
the asset in the channel starts playing after 2:00 P.M. on January 1, continues playing for the whole day on January 2 all the way until 3:00 A.M. on January 3
on the 1-2 days of January after 2:00 P.M. also on the 2-3 days of January before 3:00 A.M.
the asset in the channel starts player after 2:00 P.M. on January 1, continues playing until 3:00 A.M. on January 2, then it starts again on January 2 at 2:00 P.M. and continues playing until 3:00 A.M. on January 3
You can also use military time notation (14:00) instead of A.M./P.M. (2:00 P.M.).

WeekParting week-parting

  1. Click the channel, then click Dashboard from the action bar.

  2. After entering the start date/time and end/date time from the Channel Assignment dialog box, you can use an expression or a natural text version to specify your recurrence schedule.

    note note
    You can skip or include the Active from and Active Until fields and add the expression to the Schedules field, as per your requirement.
  3. Enter the expression into the Schedule and your asset displays for the particular interval of day and time.

Example Expressions for WeekParting example-two

The following table summarizes a few example expressions that you can add to the schedule while assigning a channel to a display.

Mon,Tue,Wed, or Mon-Wed
the asset plays in the asset in the channel from Monday until Wednesday
before 8:00 A.M.
the asset in the channel plays before 8:00 A.M. everyday
after 2:00 P.M.
the asset in the channel plays after 2:00 P.M. everyday
after 12:15 and before 12:45
the asset in the channel plays after 12:15 P.M. everyday for 30 minutes
before 12:15 also after 12:45
the channel plays before 12:15 P.M. everyday and then also after 12:45 P.M.
You can also use military time notation (14:00) instead of A.M./P.M. (2:00 P.M.).

MonthParting month-parting

  1. Click the channel, then click Dashboard from the action bar.

  2. After entering the start date/time and end/date time from the Channel Assignment dialog box, you can use an expression or a natural text version to specify your recurrence schedule.

    note note
    You can skip or include the Active from and Active Until fields and add the expression to the Schedules field, as per your requirement.
  3. Enter the expression into the Schedule and your asset displays for the particular interval of day and time.

Example Expressions for MonthParting example-three

The following table summarizes a few example expressions that you can add to the schedule while assigning a channel to a display.

of February,May,August,November
the asset plays in the channel in February, May, August, November
When defining days of the week and months, you can use both the short-hand and full-name notations, such as, Mon/Monday and Jan/January.
You can also use military time notation (14:00) instead of A.M./P.M. (2:00 P.M.).

Combination of Partings combined-parting

  1. Click the channel, then click Dashboard from the action bar.

  2. After entering the start date/time and end/date time from the Channel Assignment dialog box, you can use an expression or a natural text version to specify your recurrence schedule.

    note note
    You can skip or include the Active from and Active Until fields and add the expression to the Schedules field, as per your requirement.
  3. Enter the expression into the Schedule and your asset displays for the particular interval of day and time.

Example Expressions for Combination of Partings example-four

The following table summarizes a few example expressions that you can add to the schedule while assigning a channel to a display.

after 6:00 and before 18:00 on Mon, Wed of Jan-Mar
the asset plays in the channel between 6am and 6pm on Mondays and Wednesdays from January to the end of March
on the first day of January after 2:00 P.M., also on the second day of January and also on the third day of January before 3:00 A.M.
the asset in the channel starts playing after 2:00 P.M. on January 1, continues playing for the whole day on January 2 all the way until 3:00 A.M. on January 3
on the 1-2 days of January after 2:00 P.M. also on the 2-3 days of January before 3:00 A.M.
the asset in the channel starts player after 2:00 P.M. on January 1, continues playing until 3:00 A.M. on January 2, then it starts again on January 2 at 2:00 P.M. and continues playing until 3:00 A.M. on January 3
When defining days of the week and months, you can both use the short-hand and full-name notations, such as, Mon/Monday and Jan/January. Also, you can also use military time notation (14:00) instead of A.M./P.M. (2:00 P.M.).