Getting Started with AEM Sites - Project Archetype project-archetype

[For publishing from AEM Sites using Edge Delivery Services, click here.]{class="badge positive" title="Publish from AEM to Edge Delivery Services"}

Welcome to a multi-part tutorial designed for developers new to Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). This tutorial walks through the implementation of an AEM site for a fictitious lifestyle brand the WKND.

This tutorial starts by using the AEM Project Archetype to generate a new project.

The tutorial is designed to work with AEM as a Cloud Service and is backwards compatible with AEM 6.5.14+. The site is implemented using:

Estimate 1-2 hours to get through each part of the tutorial.

Local Development Environment local-dev-environment

A local development environment is necessary to complete this tutorial. Screenshots and video are captured using the AEM as a Cloud Service SDK running on a macOS environment with Visual Studio Code as the IDE. Commands and code should be independent of the local operating system, unless otherwise noted.

Required software

The following should be installed locally:

GitHub github

The code from this tutorial can be found on GitHub in the AEM Guide repo:

GitHub: WKND Sites Project

In addition, each part of the tutorial has its own branch in GitHub. A user can begin the tutorial at any point by simply checking out the branch that corresponds to the previous part.

Next Steps next-steps

What are you waiting for? Start the tutorial by navigating to the Project Setup chapter and learn how to generate a new Adobe Experience Manager project using the AEM Project Archetype.
