How to troubleshoot performance related issues in AEM
This video walks through the steps to troubleshoot performance related issues in AEM.
Hello, everyone. In this video, we will discuss the steps to troubleshoot performance related issues in Adobe Experience Manager. We may encounter performance related issues while using AEM, like the instance being slow or not responding appropriately. In these cases, we will need to diagnose the problem. There are some collaterals that need to be captured for this purpose, which include request logs, error logs, thread dumps, profiler output, and top command output. The request and error logs can be found in the logs folder of crx-quickstart directory, where your AEM instance is installed. To capture thread dumps, visit AEM web console page and click on web console tab. Select Apache Felix thread dump option from the drop-down menu. We can download this thread dump in text or zip file as required. Please note that we’ll need to capture a series of 10 to 15 thread dumps at an interval of about 10 seconds for investigation. To capture the profiler output, we can use the built-in profiler tool in AEM. Click on main from the navigation bar and select profiler from the dropdown menu. On this window, click on start collecting and then click on stop after about 30 seconds. This will give us the profiler output with stack traces of running threads and their CPU utilization within the AEM Java process. Next, we need to capture the top command output to get the usage statistics, including CPU, memory, and input/output usage. Go to terminal and type top, and then press enter. This will give us the required output. These logs and artifacts can also be shared with the AEM support team for further assistance. Thank you for watching this video. -