Set up Sling Dynamic Include
A video walk-through of installing and using Apache Sling Dynamic Include with AEM Dispatcher running on Apache HTTP Web Server.
Download and install the Sling Dynamic Include bundle.
Configure Sling Dynamic Include via the OSGi Configuration Factory at http://<host>:<port>/system/console/configMgr/
Or, to add to an AEM code-base, create the appropriate sling:OsgiConfig node at:
code language-xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jcr:root xmlns:sling="" xmlns:cq="" xmlns:jcr="" xmlns:nt="" jcr:primaryType="sling:OsgiConfig" include-filter.config.enabled="{Boolean}true" include-filter.config.path="/content" include-filter.config.resource-types="[my-app/components/content/highly-dynamic]" include-filter.config.include-type="SSI" include-filter.config.add_comment="{Boolean}false" include-filter.config.selector="nocache" include-filter.config.ttl="" include-filter.config.required_header="Server-Agent=Communique-Dispatcher" include-filter.config.ignoreUrlParams="[]" include-filter.config.rewrite="{Boolean}true" /> <!-- * include-filter.config.include-type="SSI | ESI | JSI" * include-filter.config.ttl is # of seconds (requires AEM Dispatcher 4.1.11+) -->
(Optional) Repeat the last step to allow for components on locked (initial) content of editable templates to be served via SDI as well. The reason for the additional configuration is that locked content of editable templates is served from
instead of/content
.code language-xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jcr:root xmlns:sling="" xmlns:cq="" xmlns:jcr="" xmlns:nt="" jcr:primaryType="sling:OsgiConfig" include-filter.config.enabled="{Boolean}true" include-filter.config.path="/conf" include-filter.config.resource-types="[my-app/components/content/highly-dynamic]" include-filter.config.include-type="SSI" include-filter.config.add_comment="{Boolean}false" include-filter.config.selector="nocache" include-filter.config.ttl="" include-filter.config.required_header="Server-Agent=Communique-Dispatcher" include-filter.config.ignoreUrlParams="[]" include-filter.config.rewrite="{Boolean}true" /> <!-- * include-filter.config.include-type="SSI | ESI | JSI" * include-filter.config.ttl is # of seconds (requires AEM Dispatcher 4.1.11+) -->
Update Apache HTTPD Web server’s
file to enable the Include module.code language-shell $ sudo vi .../httpd.conf
code language-shell LoadModule include_module libexec/apache2/
Update the vhost file to respect include directives.
code language-shell $ sudo vi .../vhosts/aem-publish.local.conf
code language-shell <VirtualHost *:80> ... <Directory /Library/WebServer/docroot/publish> ... # Add Includes to enable SSI Includes used by Sling Dynamic Include Options FollowSymLinks Includes # Required to have dispatcher-handler process includes ModMimeUsePathInfo On # Set includes to process .html files AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .html ... </Directory> ... </VirtualHost>
Update the dispatcher.any configuration file to support (1)
selectors and (2) enable TTL support.code language-shell $ sudo vi .../conf/dispatcher.any
code language-shell /rules { ... /0009 { /glob "*.nocache.html*" /type "deny" } }
note tip TIP Leaving the trailing *
off in the glob*.nocache.html*
rule above, can result in issues in requests for sub-resources.code language-shell /cache { ... /enableTTL "1" }
Always restart Apache HTTP Web Server after making changes to its configuration files or the
.code language-shell $ sudo apachectl restart
- “Cache-Control”
- “Content-Disposition”
- “Content-Type”
- “Expires”
- “Last-Modified”
- “ETag”
- “X-Content-Type-Options”
- “Last-Modified”