Create a bulk activation map collection id214GG0E90EV

To create a bulk activation map collection, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Guides from the list of tools.

  2. Select the Adobe Experience Manager link at the top and choose Tools.

  3. Select the Bulk Publish Dashboard tile.

    For the first time, a blank collections page is displayed. If you had created bulk activation collections earlier, then they are shown on this page.

  4. Click Create.

  5. Enter a title for your bulk activation map collection and click Create.

    A success message is displayed on creation of the bulk activation map collection.

  6. Click Open on the success message.

  7. Select Edit and then select Add Maps.

  8. Locate and add the DITA maps that you want to add to the bulk activation map collection.

    By default, all the presets and locales associated with the map are added automatically.

  9. Select the desired output by turning the sliding button on or off.

    You can choose multiple output presets across available locales.

  10. Click Done.

The DITA map files are added to your bulk activation map collection.

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Maps and Presets tab

The Maps and Presets tab presents information in the following columns:

  • Map: Shows the title of the DITA map file.

  • Map Path: Shows the complete path of the DITA map file.

  • UUID: Shows the unique identifier associated with the file.

  • Language: Shows the language code of the DITA map.

  • Preset: Shows the title of the output preset configured on the map file. It also displays the icon based on the type of output preset.

    note note
    The small icon indicates a folder profile level preset.
  • Modified: Indicates if the DITA map is updated after last publication. Based on this information, you can decide if you want to activate the output for this DITA map or not.

  • Generated: Shows the date and time of the last generated output.

  • Published: Shows the date and time of the last published (or activated) output. If you select the link, the Activation Results page is displayed, which contains the logs with information about the root path where the content is activated.

Audit History tab

The Audit History tab presents information about the activated map outputs in the following columns:

  • Map: Shows the title of the DITA map file.

  • Map Path: Shows the complete path of the DITA map file.

  • UUID : Shows the unique identifier associated with the file.

  • Language: Shows the language code of the DITA map.

  • Preset: Shows the title of the output preset configured on the map file. It also displays the icon based on the type of output preset.

  • Status: Shows the status of activation as successful or unsuccessful.

  • Destination: If you generate the output on Experience Manager Guides as a Cloud Service, you can view the output’s destination as Publish or Preview.

    note note
    The small icon indicates a folder profile level preset.
  • Modified: Indicates if the DITA map was updated after the last publication. Based on this information, you can decide whether to activate the output for this DITA map.

  • Published: Shows the date and time of the last published (or activated) output. If you select the link, the Activation Results page is displayed, which contains the logs with information about the root path where the content is activated.
    created bulk activation collection audit history tab {width="800"}

    View the information about the activated map outputs in the Audit History tab.

    note note
    The outputs in the Audit History tab are sorted based on the Published column.

Left panel

The following filtering options are available on the left panel:

  • Modified: You can select Yes or No. If you select yes, only the modified DITA maps are shown. A modified map is a map that has been generated since it was last published.
  • Preset: Select a preset for which you want to filter out the map files. This column shows the title of the output preset configured on the map file. For example, if you choose AEM Site preset, then only those maps are shown that have the AEM Site output preset configured on them.
  • Language: You can select any of the available language codes and display only the selected language in the Maps and Presets tab.

The filters are updated when you switch from the Maps and Presets tab to the Audit History tab and vice versa.

**Parent topic: **Bulk Activation of published content
