Content Search and Indexing indexing

Changes in AEM as a Cloud Service changes-in-aem-as-a-cloud-service

With AEM as a Cloud Service, Adobe is moving away from an AEM instance-centric model to a service-based view with n-x AEM Containers, driven by CI/CD pipelines in the Cloud Manager. Instead of configuring and maintaining Indexes on single AEM instances, the Index configuration has to be specified before a deployment. Configuration changes in production are clearly breaking CI/CD policies. The same holds true for index changes since it can impact system stability and performance if not specified, tested and reindexed before bringing them into production.

Below is a list of the main changes compared to AEM 6.5 and earlier versions:

  1. Users do not have access to the Index Manager of a single AEM Instance to debug, configure, or maintain indexing anymore. It is only used for local development and on-prem deployments.
  2. Users do not change Indexes on a single AEM Instance nor do they have to worry about consistency checks or reindexing anymore.
  3. In general, index changes are initiated before going to production to not circumvent quality gateways in the Cloud Manager CI/CD pipelines and not impact Business KPIs in production.
  4. All related metrics, including search performance in production, are available for customers at runtime to provide the holistic view on the topics of Search and Indexing.
  5. Customers are able to set up alerts according to their needs.
  6. SREs are monitoring system health 24/7 and action is taken as early as possible.
  7. Index configuration is changed via deployments. Index definition changes are configured like other content changes.
  8. At a high level on AEM as a Cloud Service, with the introduction of the rolling deployment model, two sets of indexes exist: one for the old version, and one for the new version.
  9. Customers can see whether the indexing job is complete on the Cloud Manager build page and receives a notification when the new version is ready to take traffic.


  • Currently, index management on AEM as a Cloud Service is only supported for indexes of type lucene.
  • Only standard analyzers are supported (that is, those analyzers that are shipped with the product). Custom analyzers are not supported.
  • Internally, other indexes might be configured and used for queries. For example, queries that are written against the damAssetLucene index might, on Skyline, in fact be executed against an Elasticsearch version of this index. This difference is typically not visible to the application and user, however, certain tools such as the explain feature report a different index. For differences between Lucene indexes and Elastic indexes, see the Elastic documentation in Apache Jackrabbit Oak. Customers do not need to, and cannot, configure Elasticsearch indexes directly.
  • Search by similar feature vectors (useInSimilarity = true) is not supported.
For more details on the Oak Indexing and Queries, including a detailed description of advanced search and indexing features, see the Apache Oak Documentation.

How to Use how-to-use

Index definitions can be categorized into three primary use cases, as follows:

  1. Add a new custom index definition.
  2. Update an existing index definition by adding a new version.
  3. Remove an index definition that is no longer necessary.

For both points 1 and 2 above, you need to create an index definition as part of your custom code base in the respective Cloud Manager release schedule. For more information, see the Deploying to AEM as a Cloud Service documentation.

Index Names index-names

An index definition can fall into one of the following categories:

  1. Out-of-the-box (OOTB) index. For instance: /oak:index/cqPageLucene-2 or /oak:index/damAssetLucene-8.

  2. Customization of an OOTB index. These are indicated by appending -custom- followed by a numerical identifier to the original index name. For example: /oak:index/damAssetLucene-8-custom-1.

  3. Fully custom index: It is possible to create an entirely new index from scratch. Their name must have a prefix to avoid naming conflicts. For instance: /oak:index/acme.product-1-custom-2, where the prefix is acme.

Introducing new indexes on the dam:Asset nodetype (particularly fulltext indexes) is strongly discouraged as these can conflict with OOTB product features leading to functional and performance issues. In general, adding additional properties to the current damAssetLucene-* index version is the most appropriate way to index queries on the dam:Asset nodetype (these changes will automatically be merged into a new product version of the index if it is subseqently released). If in doubt, contact Adobe Support for advice.

Preparing the New Index Definition preparing-the-new-index-definition

If customizing an out-of-the-box index, for example, damAssetLucene-8, copy the latest out-of-the-box index definition from a Cloud Service environment using the CRX DE Package Manager (/crx/packmgr/) . Rename it to damAssetLucene-8-custom-1 (or higher), and add your customizations inside the XML file. This ensures that the required configurations are not being removed inadvertently. For example, the tika node under /oak:index/damAssetLucene-8/tika is required in the customized index deployed to an AEM Cloud Service environment but doesn’t exist on the local AEM SDK.

For customizations of an OOTB index, prepare a new package that contains the actual index definition that follows this naming pattern:


For a fully customized index, prepare a new index definition package that contains the index definition that follows this naming pattern:


Any content package containing index definitions should have the following properties set in the properties.xml file of the content package. properties.xml is created by default in a new package, and located at <package_name>/META-INF/vault/properties.xml:
  • noIntermediateSaves=true

  • allowIndexDefinitions=true

Deploying Custom Index Definitions deploying-custom-index-definitions

To illustrate the deployment of a customized version of the out-of-the-box index damAssetLucene-8, we will provide a step-by-step guide. In this example, we will rename it to damAssetLucene-8-custom-1. Then the process is as follows:

  1. Create a new folder with the updated index name in the ui.apps directory:

    • Example: ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/_oak_index/damAssetLucene-8-custom-1/
  2. Add a configuration file .content.xml with the custom configurations inside the created folder. Below is an example of a customization:
    Filename: ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/_oak_index/damAssetLucene-8-custom-1/.content.xml

    code language-xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jcr:root xmlns:jcr="" xmlns:dam="" xmlns:nt="" xmlns:oak="" xmlns:rep="internal"
        <indexRules jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
            <dam:Asset jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
                <properties jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
        <tika jcr:primaryType="nt:folder">
            <config.xml jcr:primaryType="nt:file"/>
  3. Add an entry to the FileVault filter in ui.apps/src/main/content/META-INF/vault/filter.xml:

    code language-xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <workspaceFilter version="1.0">
        <filter root="/oak:index/damAssetLucene-8-custom-1"/>
  4. Add a configuration file for Apache Tika in: ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/_oak_index/damAssetLucene-8-custom-1/tika/config.xml:

    code language-xml
            <detector class="org.apache.tika.detect.TypeDetector"/>
            <parser class="org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser">
        <service-loader initializableProblemHandler="ignore" dynamic="true"/>
  5. Ensure that your configuration conforms to the guidelines provided in the Project Configuration section. Make any necessary adaptations accordingly.

Project Configuration

We strongly recommend using version >= 1.3.2 of the Jackrabbit filevault-package-maven-plugin. The steps to incorporate it into your project are as follows:

  1. Update the version in the top-level pom.xml:

    code language-xml
  2. Add the following to the top-level pom.xml:

    code language-xml

    Here is a sample of the project’s top-level pom.xml file with the aforementioned configurations included:

    Filename: pom.xml

    code language-xml
  3. In ui.apps/pom.xml and ui.apps.structure/pom.xml, it is necessary to enable the allowIndexDefinitions and noIntermediateSaves options in the filevault-package-maven-plugin. Enabling allowIndexDefinitions allows for custom index definitions, while noIntermediateSaves ensures that the configurations are added atomically.

    Filenames: ui.apps/pom.xml and ui.apps.structure/pom.xml

    code language-xml
  4. Add a filter for /oak:index in ui.apps.structure/pom.xml:

    code language-xml

After adding the new index definition, deploy the new application using Cloud Manager. This deployment initiates two jobs, responsible for adding (and merging if necessary) the index definitions to MongoDB and Azure Segment Store for author and publish, respectively. Prior to the switch, the underlying repositories undergo reindexing with the updated index definitions.

For more details on the required package structure for AEM as a Cloud Service, see AEM Project Structure.

Index Management using Rolling Deployments index-management-using-rolling-deployments

What is Index Management what-is-index-management

Index management is about adding, removing, and changing indexes. Changing the definition of an index is fast, but applying the change (often called “building an index”, or, for existing indexes, “reindexing”) requires time. It is not instantaneous: the repository must be scanned for data to be indexed.

What are Rolling Deployments what-are-rolling-deployments

A rolling deployment can reduce downtime. It also allows for zero downtime upgrades and provides fast rollbacks. The old version of the application runs at the same time as the new version of the application.

Read-Only and Read-Write Areas read-only-and-read-write-areas

Certain areas of the repository (read-only parts of the repository) can be different in the old and in the new version of the application. The read-only areas of the repository are typically /app and /libs. In the following example, italic is used to mark read-only areas, while bold is used for read-write areas.

  • /
  • /apps (read-only)
  • /content
  • /libs (read-only)
  • /oak:index
  • /oak:index/acme.
  • /jcr:system
  • /system
  • /var

The read-write areas of the repository are shared between all versions of the application, while for each version of the application, there is a specific set of /apps and /libs.

Index Management Without Rolling Deployments index-management-without-rolling-deployments

During development, or when using on-premise installations, indexes can be added, removed, or changed at runtime. Indexes are used when they are available. If an index is not yet used in the old version of the application, then the index is typically built during a scheduled downtime. The same occurs when removing an index, or changing an existing index. When removing an index, it becomes unavailable when it is removed.

Index Management With Rolling Deployments index-management-with-rolling-deployments

With rolling deployments, there is no downtime. For some time during an update, both the old version (for example, version 1) of the application, and the new version (version 2), run concurrently against the same repository. If version 1 requires a certain index to be available, then this index must not be removed in version 2. The index should be removed later, for example, in version 3, at which point it is guaranteed that version 1 of the application is no longer running. Also, applications should be written such that version 1 works well, even if version 2 is running, and if indexes of version 2 are available.

After upgrading to the new version is complete, old indexes can be garbage collected by the system. The old indexes might still stay for some time, to speed up rollbacks (if a rollback should be needed).

The following table shows five index definitions: index cqPageLucene is used in both versions while index damAssetLucene-custom-1 is used only in version 2.

The <indexName>-custom-<customerVersionNumber> is needed for AEM as a Cloud Service to mark it as a replacement for an existing index.
Out-of-the-box Index
Use in Version 1
Use in Version 2
Yes (customized)

The version number is incremented each time the index is changed. To avoid custom index names colliding with index names of the product itself, custom indexes, and changes to out-of-the-box indexes must end with -custom-<number>.

Changes to Out-of-the-Box Indexes changes-to-out-of-the-box-indexes

After Adobe changes an out-of-the-box index like “damAssetLucene” or “cqPageLucene”, a new index named damAssetLucene-2 or cqPageLucene-2 is created. Or, if the index was already customized, the customized index definition is merged with the changes in the out-of-the-box index, as shown below. Merging of changes happens automatically. That means you do not need to do anything if an out-of-the-box index changes. However, it is possible to customize the index again later.

Out-of-the-box Index
Use in Version 2
Use in Version 3
Yes (customized)
Yes (automatically merged from damAssetLucene-custom-1 and damAssetLucene-2)

It is important to note that environments might be on different AEM versions. For example: dev environment is on release X+1 while stage and prod are still on release X and are waiting to be upgraded to release X+1 after required tests on dev have been performed. If release X+1 comes with a newer version of a product index that has been customized and a new customization of that index is required, then the following table will explain what versions need to be set on environments based on the AEM release:

Environment (AEM Release Version)
Product index version
Existing custom index version
New custom index version
Dev (X+1)
Stage (X)
Prod (X)

Current Limitations current-limitations

Index management is only supported for indexes of type lucene, with compatVersion set to 2. Internally, other indexes might be configured and used for queries, for example, Elasticsearch indexes. Queries that are written against the damAssetLucene index might, on AEM as a Cloud Service, in fact be run against an Elasticsearch version of this index. This difference is invisible to the application user, however certain tools such as the explain feature reports a different index. For differences between Lucene and Elasticsearch indexes, see the Elasticsearch documentation in Apache Jackrabbit Oak. Customers cannot and do not need to configure Elasticsearch indexes directly.

Only built-in analyzers are supported (that is, those analyzers that are shipped with the product). Custom analyzers are not supported.

Currently, indexing the contents of /oak:index is not supported.

For best operational performance, indexes should not be excessively large. The total size of all indexes can be used as a guide. If this size increases by more than 100% after custom indexes have been added, and standard indices have been adjusted on a development environment, custom index definitions should be adjusted. AEM as a Cloud Service can prevent the deployment of indexes that would negatively impact system stability and performance.

Adding an Index adding-an-index

To add a fully custom index named /oak:index/acme.product-custom-1, to be used in a new version of the application and later, the index must be configured as follows:


This configuration works by prepending a custom identifier to the index name, followed by a dot (.). The identifier should be from 2 through 5 characters in length.

As above, this configuration ensures that the index is only used by the new version of the application.

Changing an Index changing-an-index

When an existing index is changed, a new index must be added with the changed index definition. For example, consider the existing index /oak:index/acme.product-custom-1 is changed. The old index is stored under /oak:index/acme.product-custom-1, and the new index is stored under /oak:index/acme.product-custom-2.

The old version of the application uses the following configuration:


The new version of the application uses the following (changed) configuration:


Index definitions on AEM as a Cloud Service may not fully match the index definitions on a local development instance. The development instance does not have a Tika configuration, while instances of AEM as a Cloud Service do have one. If you customize an index with a Tika configuration, retain the Tika configuration.

Undoing a Change undoing-a-change

At times, it becomes necessary to undo a modification in an index definition. This could occur due to an inadvertent error or that the modification is no longer required. Take, for instance, the index definition damAssetLucene-8-custom-3, which was mistakenly created and has already been deployed. Consequently, you want to revert back to the previous index definition, damAssetLucene-8-custom-2. To accomplish this, you need to introduce a new index named damAssetLucene-8-custom-4 that incorporates the definition from the prior index, damAssetLucene-8-custom-2.

Removing an Index removing-an-index

The following only applies to custom indexes. Product indexes may not be removed as they are used by AEM.

A customized index may be removed in a later version of the customer application, by removing it from the customer repository. An index which is removed from the repository is not used for queries in AEM although it might still be present in the instances for a while. There is a clean-up mechanism in place that runs periodically which cleans up older versions of indexes from the instances.

Index and Query Optimizations index-query-optimizations

Apache Jackrabbit Oak enables flexible index configurations to efficiently handle search queries. Indexes are especially important for larger repositories. Ensure that all queries are backed by an appropriate index. Queries without a suitable index may read thousands of nodes, which are then logged as a warning.

See this document for information on how queries and indexes can be optimized.
