Known issues

The list of known issues of Assets Essentials offering is revised and updated on an ongoing basis.

If you come across any issues or even enhancement requests, provide feedback to the team.

Past releases

January 2024 release

Smart tags blocklist

Assets Essentials now enables you to define blocklist that comprises words that should not be added as Smart Tags to assets when they are uploaded to the repository. This capability helps you to maintain brand compliance and reduces effort to moderate Smart Tags.

storage usage insights

Create GenAI images with Adobe Firefly

Create new images based on search queries with an integration of Adobe Firefly text-to-image feature (requires Adobe Firefly license).

Assets Firefly integration

Find Similar Images

You can now can easily find content by selecting an image and viewing similar images in the Experience Manager Assets repository.

Embedded Adobe Express editor in AEM Assets

Users with access to Express now have integrated image editing and creation tools from Adobe Express and Adobe Firefly available directly within AEM Assets to improve content reuse and accelerate content velocity.

assign metadata form to a folder

Storage usage reports in Insights:

Administrators now have the ability to view the storage usage reports available as part of Insights.

storage usage insights

Search first homepage configuration

Assets Essentials now enables you to configure the homepage experience for your organization. If you select search first as the homepage, you can configure the search bar alignment, background image, and logo for your organization. Choosing General Settings overrides the default landing page. For example, default landing is My Workspace for administrators and Search First for non-administrators, choosing any of the options under General Settings applies that to all users

search first configuration

October 2023 release

Bulk import assets from OneDrive data source

Administrators now have the ability to import a large number of assets from OneDrive to AEM Assets. The updated list for the supported data sources for bulk import includes Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, Dropbox, and OneDrive.

assign metadata form to a folder

Cross-Org Entitlement Support for Libraries

Experience Manager Assets now enables you to configure access to Creative Cloud libraries in a different IMS Organization. It allows easier access to the latest cross-product workflows between Creative Cloud and Experience Manager and reduces time and effort for creatives.

September 2023 release

Assign metadata form to a folder

You can now assign metadata form to a specific folder within your Assets Essentials deployment. All assets in the folder, including assets in the sub-folders, then display properties defined in the assigned metadata form.

assign metadata form to a folder

Bulk import assets from data sources

Administrators now have the ability to import large number of assets from a data source to AEM Assets. The administrators do not need to upload individual assets or folders to AEM Assets anymore. The supported data sources for bulk import include Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, and Dropbox.

Bulk import assets from a data source

Image editing tools powered by Adobe Express

Easy and intuitive image editing tools powered by Adobe Express available directly within AEM Assets to increase content re-use and accelerate content velocity.

Image editing with Adobe Express

Flexibility while pinning items for My Workspace Quick Access

Ability to select and pin items for you, for your entire organization, or for a list of groups so that they display in the Quick Access section of My Workspace based on your selection.

Pin items for groups

July 2023 release

Improved artificial intelligence framework for image Smart Tags

Experience Manager Assets now uses an improved artificial intelligence framework for image Smart Tags. This content intelligence results in better relevancy and precision of Smart Tags available to all image assets on ingestion.

Configure display of columns for Assets List view

Assets Essentials now provides the ability to select the columns that display in the Assets List view, such as Status, Format, Dimensions, Size, and so on.

Configure columns

Sort search results based on relevance

Assets Essentials now sorts the search results based on Relevance, by default. You can sort the searched assets in increasing or decreasing order of Name, Relevance, Size, Modified, and Created.

June 2023 release

Hierarchical tagging of assets for faster search experience

Flat lists of controlled vocabularies become unmanageable over time. Assets Essentials now supports hierarchical tagging structure, which facilitates applying relevant metadata, categorizing assets, supporting search, reusing tags, improving discoverability, and so on.

Tagging Management

Pin files, folders, and collections for quick access

You can now pin files, folders, and collections for faster access to these items when you need them later. The pinned items display in the Quick access section of My Workspace. You can access them using My Workspace instead of navigating to the location where they are saved within the repository.

Tasks in Workspace

Filter assets in the Trash folder

Assets Essentials now enables you to filter assets available in the Trash folder. You can apply standard or custom filters to search appropriate assets within the Trash folder to either restore or permanently delete them.

Thumbnail previews for 3D assets

Assets Essentials now generates thumbnail previews for common 3D file formats including gLB, USDz, FBX, 3DS, OBJ, and SBSAR. When these files are uploaded to Assets Essentials, thumbnails are automatically generated by the system, by default.

Tasks in Workspace

View top searched terms

Assets Essentials now supports viewing top searched terms within your Assets Essentials deployment using the Insights section of My Workspace. You can also navigate to detailed Insights to view top searches during the last 30 days or 12 months.

Tasks in Workspace

Metadata form enhancements

Assets Essentials now enables you to add multi-value text and drop-down list property components to the metadata forms.

Multiple releases in 2023

The list of recently added features include:

Top downloaded assets

My Workspace now displays the top ten most downloaded assets for your Assets Essentials environment in the Content section. You can also view the format type and the number of downloads for each listed asset.

Bulk updates to asset metadata

Bulk metadata updates allow you to perform common metadata updates across multiple assets simultaneously. You do not need to update records individually and can quickly apply properties to assets or folders accessed through search. Additionally, bulk metadata updates overwrites any existing values, which means existing keywords are overwritten by the Bulk Metadata update.

My Workspace with configurable widgets

Assets now provides a customized workspace for you, which serves as a one-stop solution to provide convenient access to key areas of the Assets user interface and information that is most relevant to you. Faster access to these options increases the content velocity and efficiency of your projects.

My Workspace includes widgets for Insights, Tasks, and Content. You can configure how these widgets are displayed in your Workspace based on your preferences.

Dedicated task management UI

Assets Essentials now enables you to manage the list of tasks currently assigned to you, created by you, and already completed by you at a centralized location, using the new Tasks option available in the left navigation pane. You can also take appropriate actions by selecting a task to approve or reject it or opening the task details to approve, reject, edit, or delete it.

Tasks in Workspace

Auto-generated links to share assets

Assets Essentials now generates a link automatically as soon as you choose to share an asset using the Assets Essentials user interface. The generated link remains valid even if you change the expiration date.

Tasks in Workspace

Improvements based on customer feedback

Enhancements and bug fixes based on customer feedback.


The November release of Assets Essentials is released on November 17, 2022.

This release provides:

Preview documents using Document Cloud Viewer

Assets Essentials now allows you to upload documents in other supported format types and preview them using the included Document Cloud viewer. The supported format types include TXT, RTF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, and XLSX.

New Save metadata option

A new Save metadata option is now available on the Assets Essentials user interface for better metadata governance.

Improvements based on customer feedback

Enhancements and bug fixes based on customer feedback.

Adobe Asset Link version 3.3

Adobe Asset Link version 3.3 is released on December 13, 2022, with the following features:

  • Support for Creative Cloud for teams in addition to supporting Creative Cloud for enterprise before.

  • Support for the latest Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator 2023 applications.

  • Support for using the Adobe Asset Link CEP Plugin in environments with proxy servers.


The August release of Assets Essentials is released on August 22, 2022.

This release provides:

Notifications for collections

Assets Essentials notifications now enable you to monitor the operations performed on the collections available in the repository. You need to select and subscribe to the collections for which the notifications are sent to you. You can also configure the operations for which the notifications are sent such as delete, share link, move, rename, and update operations performed on collections.

Edit Smart Collections

Assets Essentials now also provides the ability to edit the search criteria used while creating a smart collection. Save the new search criteria to update the collection contents dynamically.

View live statistics for storage account

Assets Essentials now also enables you to view real-time storage account data for your Assets Essentials environment with the Live Statistics dashboard. You can view real-time event metrics for the last 30 days or for the last 12 months.

View upload reports

Asset reporting now provides administrators with visibility into assets uploaded to the Adobe Experience Manager Assets Essentials deployment. Administrators already have the ability to generate reports for the assets downloaded from the Assets Essentials deployment. This data provides useful information about how users interact with content and the product.

Improvements based on customer feedback

Enhancements and bug fixes based on customer feedback.


The June release of Assets Essentials is released on July 14, 2022.

This release provides:

Smart Collections

Save your search results as a Smart Collection to dynamically update the collection contents. If there are assets added to the Assets Essentials repository that fit the search criteria defined while creating the Smart Collection, the contents of the Smart Collection get updated automatically.


Assets Essentials notifications enable you to monitor the operations performed on the assets or folders available in the repository. You need to select and subscribe to the content for which the notifications are sent to you. You can also configure the categories for which the notifications are sent to you.


Asset reporting lets administrators assess the user activity within Adobe Experience Manager Assets Essentials. The reports and live statistics dashboard provide useful information about how users interact with assets available in your deployment. Use the information in the reports to derive key success metrics to measure the adoption of Assets within your enterprise and by customers.

View asset download reports and live statistics dashboard module to see which assets are being downloaded and the frequency of downloads.


The May release of Assets Essentials is released on June 16, 2022.

This release provides:

Asset Status enhancements

  • Assets Essentials now enables you to set an expiration date for an asset. In addition, you can filter assets based on the Expired asset status and an expiration date range.

  • You can now view the asset status indicator for all assets available in Trash. As a result, you can take a decision to restore an asset based on its status.

Search filters enhancements

  • Assets Essentials now enables you to filter assets using the No Status asset status.

Collections enhancements

  • Assets Essentials now supports downloading a collection.

  • You can now edit the Description metadata field for a collection.

Documentation enhancements

Improvements based on customer feedback

  • Enhancements and bug fixes based on customer feedback.


The current release of Assets Essentials is released on May 12, 2022. This release provides:

  • Assets Essentials now supports creating collections. A collection is a set of assets within Experience Manager Assets Essentials. Use collections to share assets between users. Unlike folders, a collection can include assets from different locations.

  • Assets Essentials now also enables you to add custom filters to the user interface. You can then apply those custom filters in addition to the standard filters to refine your search results.

  • Assets Essentials now allows you to set status on assets available in the repository. Set an asset status to better govern and manage downstream consumption of digital assets.

  • Enhancements and bug fixes based on customer feedback.

Incognito mode in Chrome

With this release, we are optimizing performance of the UI delivery and specific features in Assets Essentials - commenting on assets and image editing - depends on browser local storage and third-party cookies being enabled. The incognito mode in the Chrome web browser blocks third-party cookies by default - users have a number of options to continue to access to all capabilities:

  • Use Chrome Profiles instead of Incognito mode, when user needs to separate browser sessions

  • Turn off the Block third-party cookies on the Incognito mode screen in Chrome


Assets Essentials is released on March 09, 2022, with the following updates:

  • Assets Essentials now enables you to generate a link and share assets with external stakeholders, who do not have access to the Assets Essentials application. You can define an expiration date for the link and then share it with others using your preferred communication method like email or messaging services. Recipients of the link can preview assets and download them.

  • The Assets Essentials now comprises an administrator product profile on Admin Console in addition to the existing regular and consumer user product profiles. An administrator can now assign other users to the administrator product profile.

  • Assets Essentials now allows the administrators to manage the access levels for folders available in the repository. As an administrator, you can create user groups and assign permissions to those groups to manage access levels. You can also delegate the permission management privileges to user groups at the folder-level.

  • Enhancements and bug fixes based on customer feedback.

In addition, Adobe Asset Link extension for Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign) released a new version 3.2, with performance improvements in the panel startup time and in download speed.

2022.1.0 release

Assets Essentials is released on February 03, 2022, with the following updates:

  • Performance improvements for the Create Folder operation.

2021.11.0 release

Assets Essentials is released on December 16, 2021, with the following updates:

  • Adobe deploys Assets Essentials automatically after completing the provisioning process. The administrators do not need to perform additional steps to deploy Assets Essentials using Cloud Manager user interface. This automatic deployment will be available for environments provisioned after 6 January 2022.
  • New versions of Creative Cloud plugins working with Assets Essentials are available on Adobe Exchange - Adobe Asset Link for Adobe XD v 2.1.0 and Adobe Asset Link for Photoshop / InDesign / Illustrator v 3.1.65.
  • Various bugfixes and product enhancements, including previous known issues (folders now display correctly in the left navigation tree after upload , drag and drop upload allows user to select either current folder or any subfolder when dropping for upload ).

2021.8.0 release

Assets Essentials 2021.8.0 is released on August 30, 2021, with the following updates:

  • Integrations with Adobe Workfront that lets Workfront users manage their digital assets in the context of managing their work.

2021.7.0 release

Assets Essentials 2021.7.0 is released on July 29, 2021, with the following updates:

  • You can create and manage customized metadata forms to be used for displaying metadata properties to users in the asset detail screen in Metadata Forms option under Settings. See metadata forms.
  • Various bug fixes and product improvements, including better performance when uploading a nested folder with many subfolders.

2021.6.0 release

The first release of Assets Essentials, made available on June 21, 2021, offers lightweight asset management capabilities. It supports the following major features and CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations:

  • Upload and add assets, including nested folders. Preview the assets and versions.
  • Full-text search, nuanced search filters, and saved searches for rapid asset discovery.
  • Basic asset management operations like update, delete, download, and manage metadata.
  • Assets Essentials is available to Adobe Journey Optimizer users to manage the assets when creating messages.
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