Resize video
Final video content in the DAM often needs to be resized for distribution to specific channels. Assets Essentials lets you easily resize video to fit the dimensions required by common social channels and you can also resize to custom resolutions. To resize the video using Assets Essentials, execute the steps below:
- Select a video and click Edit.
- Click Resize Video from the quick actions available in the left pane.
- Select the appropriate dimensions from the social media platform under Resize for the drop-down list. Alternatively, drag the handles on the corners of the video to create your desired crop.
- Scale the video, if required, using the Video Scale field.
- You can choose to mute or unmute the video.
- Click Apply to apply your changes.
Your resized video is available for download. You can either save the edited asset as a new version of the same asset or save it as a new asset.
Trim video
If you need to use a clip of a larger video, you can use the “Trim Video” function to select and trim a section of the video. Perform the steps below:
- Select a video and click Edit.
- Click Trim Video from the quick actions available in the left pane.
- Specify the start and end time of the video to trim a particular part of it. Alternatively, drag the handles on the corners of the video to create your desired trim.
- Select the appropriate dimensions from the Size drop-down list.
- You can choose to mute or unmute the video.
- Click Apply to apply your changes.
Your trimmed video is available for download. You can either save the edited asset as a new version of the same asset or save it as a new asset.