Publish UnPublish Content publish-unpublish-content
- The Universal Editor for visually editing headless content.
- The Content Fragment Editor for form-based editing of headless content.
Once you are familiar with content management actions on articles, banners, and collections you can publish your content. Also you can unpublish your content.
Publishing/Unpublishing the Content publishing-unpublishing-the-content
This differs from an “AEM Publish”. You are not pushing content to an AEM Publish server instance to make it publicly viewable. Here, you are informing Mobile On-Demand that the selected content should be made public within the live Mobile On-Demand app.
The general workflow to publish/unpublish an article:
- From Mobile, choose your Mobile On-Demand app from the catalog.
- Select an article.
- Add additional articles if needed from the list view.
- Select Publish from the action bar. After a few moments, your articles will now be public.
- Use the same steps above to Unpublish publish articles.
The Next Steps the-next-steps
Once you have learned about creating and publishing content, see the following:
Or, if you still want to learn more about the authoring topics, see Authoring AEM Content for AEM Mobile On-Demand Services Apps.