Publish UnPublish Content publish-unpublish-content

New installations of AEM 6.5 do not support AEM Mobile Apps functionality. The preferred editors for managing headless content in AEM are now:

Once you are familiar with content management actions on articles, banners, and collections you can publish your content. Also you can unpublish your content.

To learn more on design considerations for AEM Mobile apps, see Design considerations for AEM Mobile apps in Online Help.

Publishing/Unpublishing the Content publishing-unpublishing-the-content

This differs from an “AEM Publish”. You are not pushing content to an AEM Publish server instance to make it publicly viewable. Here, you are informing Mobile On-Demand that the selected content should be made public within the live Mobile On-Demand app.

Content must be uploaded to Mobile On-Demand before it can be published.

The general workflow to publish/unpublish an article:

  1. From Mobile, choose your Mobile On-Demand app from the catalog.
  2. Select an article.
  3. Add additional articles if needed from the list view.
  4. Select Publish from the action bar. After a few moments, your articles will now be public.
  5. Use the same steps above to Unpublish publish articles.


The Next Steps the-next-steps

Once you have learned about creating and publishing content, see the following:

Or, if you still want to learn more about the authoring topics, see Authoring AEM Content for AEM Mobile On-Demand Services Apps.
